linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

linux 基准测试

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

Linux’s command-line utilities can do anything, including perform benchmarks – but using a dedicated benchmarking program is a simpler and more foolproof process. These utilities allow you to perform reproducible tests across different systems and configurations.

Linux的命令行实用程序可以执行任何操作,包括执行基准测试-但是使用专用的基准测试程序是一个更简单,更简单的过程。 这些实用程序使您可以在不同的系统和配置之间执行可重复的测试。

These Linux benchmarking tools aren’t as popular, well-known, or polished as their Windows equivalents, but they allow you to easily compare different systems and evaluate their performance.


Hardinfo – CPU基准测试 (Hardinfo – CPU Benchmark)

Hardinfo isn’t installed by default on Ubuntu, but it’s available in the Ubuntu Software Center – just do a search for “hardinfo” and install the System Profiler and Benchmark application. If you’re using another Linux distribution, search your package manager for the “hardinfo” package.

Hardinfo默认未在Ubuntu上安装,但可以在Ubuntu Software Center中获得–只需搜索“ hardinfo”并安装System Profiler和Benchmark应用程序。 如果您使用的是其他Linux发行版,请在程序包管理器中搜索“ hardinfo”程序包。

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Once it’s installed, launch the System Profiler and Benchmark application from the Dash.

安装完成后,从Dash启动System Profiler和Benchmark应用程序。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

Hardinfo displays a information about your system, its hardware, and its configuration. Using the Generate Report feature, you can save a report and select the information – including benchmarks – you want to include.

Hardinfo显示有关您的系统,其硬件及其配置的信息。 使用“生成报告”功能,可以保存报告并选择要包括的信息(包括基准)。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

Scroll to the bottom of the list and select one of the six CPU benchmarks to benchmark your CPU. Hardinfo will compare the performance of your CPU to other CPUs. The CPU benchmark can be useful if you’re trying to compare CPU speed between computers or determine the effects of an overclock.

滚动到列表的底部,然后选择六个CPU基准之一来基准化您的CPU。 Hardinfo将比较您的CPU与其他CPU的性能。 如果要比较计算机之间的CPU速度或确定超频的影响,则CPU基准测试可能会很有用。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

GtkPerf – GTK +基准 (GtkPerf – GTK+ Benchmark)

GtkPerf is another benchmark tool you’ll find in Ubuntu’s Software Center and other Linux distribution’s package managers.


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GtkPerf tests the performance of the GTK+ graphical toolkit, used by GNOME and Ubuntu’s default desktop applications. Using GtkPerf, you can measure the performance difference between different GTK+ themes, different GTK+ versions, and different versions of your X server and graphics drivers.

GtkPerf测试了GNOME和Ubuntu默认桌面应用程序使用的GTK +图形工具箱的性能。 使用GtkPerf,您可以测量不同的GTK +主题,不同的GTK +版本以及X服务器和图形驱动程序的不同版本之间的性能差异。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

Start the benchmark and GtkPerf will perform GTK+ widget operations and time how long they take to complete.

启动基准测试,GtkPerf将执行GTK +小部件操作以及完成操作所需的时间。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

The test is reproducible, so you can use GtkPerf to test the performance of GTK+ across multiple computers and platforms.

该测试具有可重复性,因此您可以使用GtkPerf在多台计算机和平台上测试GTK +的性能。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

Phoronix测试套件–综合基准 (Phoronix Test Suite – Comprehensive Benchmarks)

The Phoronix Test Suite – also known as pts – was created by the Phoronix website to run the reproducible tests used for the benchmarks you’ll find in Phoronix’s articles. It bills itself as “the most comprehensive benchmarking platform available for Linux.” You’ll find it in Ubuntu’s Software Center and other Linux distribution’s package managers, too.

Phoronix测试套件(也称为pts)是由Phoronix网站创建的,用于运行用于可在Phoronix文章中找到的基准的可再现测试。 它自称为“可用于Linux的最全面的基准测试平台”。 您也可以在Ubuntu的软件中心和其他Linux发行版的程序包管理器中找到它。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

The Phoronix Test Suite’s terms of use say your test results will be shared publically if you choose to submit them, and that enabling the anonymous reporting features will cause PTS to upload anonymous data – type Y to agree to them. After you do, you can select whether or not to enable anonymous reporting features.

Phoronix测试套件的使用条款规定,如果您选择提交测试结果,则将公开共享您的测试结果;启用匿名报告功能将导致PTS上传匿名数据–输入Y表示同意。 完成后,您可以选择是否启用匿名报告功能。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

The Phoronix Test Suit provides a menu of benchmarking and information options to select from.


linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

To perform a single test, type 1. You’ll be presented with a list of 126 tests to choose from. If a test requires additional software, the test suite will automatically download it.

要执行一个测试,请键入1。将显示126个测试的列表供您选择。 如果测试需要其他软件,则测试套件将自动下载它。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

To perform a suite of tests, type 2. There are 54 different test suites, ranging from audio and video encoding to ray tracing and networking.


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To perform a complex system test, type 3. The complex system test includes five tests: the Apache Benchmark for web page serving performance, C-Ray for ray tracing performance, RAMspeed (two different configurations) for memory performance, and PostMark for disk transaction performance.

要执行复杂的系统测试,请键入3。复杂的系统测试包括五个测试:用于Web页性能的Apache Benchmark,用于射线跟踪性能的C-Ray,用于内存性能的RAMspeed(两种不同的配置)和用于磁盘事务的PostMark。性能。

linux 基准测试_如何对Linux系统进行基准测试:3个开源基准测试工具

The results can be uploaded to and compared on


How do you benchmark your Linux system’s performance? Leave a comment if you have any tricks to share.

您如何衡量Linux系统的性能? 如果您有任何技巧要分享,请发表评论。


linux 基准测试