



Microsoft offers an “Xbox Insider Program” that works a lot like the Windows Insider Program. Join it to get access to new versions of the Xbox system software and apps before everyone else does.

微软提供了一个“ Xbox Insider程序”,其功能与Windows Insider程序非常相似。 加入它可以在其他所有人之前访问Xbox系统软件和应用程序的新版本。

Xbox Insider程序如何工作 (How the Xbox Insider Program Works)

The Xbox Insider Program is actually a little more complicated than the Windows Insider Program. While anyone can join the Xbox Insider Program, there are different “rings”—or tiers—of membership. New Xbox One features and app updates appear in the Alpha ring first before making their way down to the Beta, Delta, and then Omega rings. The Omega ring is open to everyone, but the Delta, Beta, and Alpha rings are progressively harder to get into.

实际上,Xbox Insider程序要比Windows Insider程序复杂一些。 虽然任何人都可以加入Xbox Insider计划,但会员资格却各不相同。 新的Xbox One功能和应用程序更新先出现在Alpha铃声中,然后才降到Beta,Delta和Omega铃声。 Omega戒指对所有人开放,但Delta,Beta和Alpha戒指越来越难进入。

Here are the different rings:


  • Omega: Anyone who signs up for the Xbox Insider Program can be part of the Omega ring. The Omega ring receives Xbox One system updates shortly before everyone else does.

    欧米茄(Omega) :任何注册了Xbox Insider计划的人都可以成为欧米茄环的一部分。 Omega戒指在其他所有人之前不久就收到Xbox One系统更新。

  • Delta: You must be an Xbox Insider for at least one month and reach Xbox Insider Level 2 or higher to join the Delta ring. This ring often receives updates before the Omega ring.

    Delta :您必须是Xbox Insider至少一个月并达到Xbox Insider 2级或更高级别才能加入Delta会员圈。 该环通常在Omega环之前收到更新。

  • Beta: You must be an Xbox Insider for at least three months and reach Xbox Insider Level 4 or higher to join the Beta ring. This ring receives preview updates shortly after the Alpha ring.

    Beta :您必须至少三个月成为Xbox Insider,并且达到Xbox Insider Level 4或更高级别才能加入Beta环。 该铃声在Alpha铃声之后不久会收到预览更新。

  • Alpha: This ring is invite-only, and receives preview updates first. There’s no public criteria for joining it—you just have to be invited by Microsoft. Presumably, being an active member of the Beta ring is a good start.

    Alpha :此铃声仅供邀请,并且会首先接收预览更新。 加入没有公开标准-您只需要受Microsoft邀请即可。 大概,成为Beta环的活跃成员是一个好的开始。

So, in addition to the membership time requirement, you must reach a certain “Xbox Insider Level” to gain access to the Delta and Beta rings. You gain XP points towards your Xbox Insider Level by performing tasks in the Xbox Insider app. These tasks include answering surveys and polls, providing feedback, and completing quests that involve testing new features—all things that make you useful to Microsoft as a tester.

因此,除了成员资格时间要求之外,您还必须达到某个“ Xbox Insider级别”才能访问Delta和Beta环。 通过在Xbox Insider应用程序中执行任务,可以获得与Xbox Insider级别相对应的XP积分。 这些任务包括回答调查和民意调查,提供反馈以及完成涉及测试新功能的任务-所有这些使您对作为测试人员的Microsoft有用。

In other words, the Xbox users who provide the most feedback to Microsoft get progressively better access to the new stuff before everyone else. You can find information about available updates on the official Xbox Wire news site.

换句话说,向Microsoft提供最多反馈的Xbox用户逐渐可以比其他所有人更好地访问新内容。 您可以在官方Xbox Xbox新闻站点上找到有关可用更新的信息。

You can leave the Xbox Insider Program at any time, but doing so might require a factory reset of your console to restore the older system software. This won’t delete your apps and games, but you’ll have to go through the first time setup process again.

您可以随时退出Xbox Insider程序,但是这样做可能需要将控制台恢复为出厂设置才能还原旧的系统软件。 这不会删除您的应用和游戏,但是您必须再次进行首次设置过程。

如何加入Xbox Insider计划 (How to Join the Xbox Insider Program)

Whether you just want to play with the Omega ring or you’re beginning your quest to ascend through the ranks, you can do so via the Xbox Insider Hub app.

无论您是只想玩欧米茄指环,还是开始寻求升职,您都可以通过Xbox Insider Hub应用程序进行。

To install it on your Xbox, head to the Store on your console, hit the “Search” button, and then search for “Xbox Insider Hub.” Select the “Get” or” Install” button on the app’s page to download it to your console.

要将其安装在Xbox上,请转到控制台上的Store,单击“搜索”按钮,然后搜索“ Xbox Insider Hub”。 选择应用页面上的“获取”或“安装”按钮,将其下载到控制台。


Launch the newly installed Xbox Insider Hub app, and then select “Join” to get started. You’ll be prompted to agree to the terms of service.

启动新安装的Xbox Insider Hub应用程序,然后选择“加入”以开始使用。 系统将提示您同意服务条款。

Select “Insider content” on the left side of the screen to view available previews.



Select a preview you want to join. For example, select “Xbox One Update Preview” under System to receive system software updates.

选择要加入的预览。 例如,选择“系统”下的“ Xbox One更新预览”以接收系统软件更新。


After selecting the preview you want, click “Join” to make it happen. According to Microsoft, it might take up to 72 hours before your registration is complete. When it is complete, your console automatically downloads the preview software.

选择所需的预览后,单击“加入”以使其成为现实。 根据Microsoft的说法,最多可能需要72个小时才能完成注册。 完成后,您的控制台会自动下载预览软件。


The hub app also shows you information about the preview you’re a part of. For example, you can view news on the “Announcements” page and known problems on the “Known issues” page. The “Quests” and “Surveys” tabs contain tasks that allow you to gain Xbox Insider XP.

该中心应用程序还会向您显示有关您所参与的预览的信息。 例如,您可以在“公告”页面上查看新闻,并在“已知问题”页面上查看已知问题。 “任务”和“调查”选项卡包含允许您获得Xbox Insider XP的任务。

Note: You can also earn XP with Quick Polls, which are available on the Xbox Insider Hub’s main page. That main page shows your current XP and Xbox Insider Level.

注意:您还可以通过Quick Polls赚取XP,可在Xbox Insider Hub的主页上找到这些XP。 该主页显示了您当前的XP和Xbox Insider级别。

After joining, you can select “Manage” from the “Info” page to view which update group you’re in and choose your preferred group. For example, if you’re only eligible to be part of the Omega ring, you may only see an Omega option here. If you’re a member of a higher ring, you should be able to choose any ring below your highest level.

加入后,您可以从“信息”页面中选择“管理”以查看您所在的更新组,然后选择您喜欢的组。 例如,如果您仅符合参加Omega戒指的资格,则可能仅在此处看到Omega选项。 如果您是高级戒指的成员,则应该可以选择*别以下的任何戒指。


You can also join the Xbox Insider Program by downloading the Xbox Insider Hub app from the Microsoft Store on your Windows 10 PC. This gives you access to new Xbox gaming features on your Windows 10 PC, as many of those built-in Windows 10 gaming features are Xbox-branded.

您还可以通过从Windows 10 PC上的Microsoft Store下载Xbox Insider Hub应用程序来加入Xbox Insider计划。 这使您可以访问Windows 10 PC上的新Xbox游戏功能,因为许多内置的Windows 10游戏功能都是Xbox品牌的

如何停止参与预览 (How to Stop Participating in a Preview)

If you no longer want to participate in a preview and would rather use the standard, stable Xbox software, launch the Xbox Insider Hub, select the “Insider content” option, and then select the preview you’re currently participating in.

如果您不再想参加预览,而是想使用标准的,稳定的Xbox软件,请启动Xbox Insider Hub,选择“内幕内容”选项,然后选择您当前正在参加的预览。

On the resulting page, select Manage > Unenroll > Done to leave the selected preview and downgrade to the stable software.


If you’ve installed a preview version of the system software, your Xbox One console may be factory reset to remove it. You’ll have to go through the initial setup process again, but any apps and games you’ve installed remain on your console.

如果您已经安装了系统软件的预览版,则Xbox One控制台可能已恢复出厂设置以将其删除。 您将不得不再次执行初始设置过程,但是已安装的所有应用程序和游戏都保留在控制台上。


If you’re no longer actively participating in any previews, that means you’re using the standard software. You don’t have to leave the Xbox Insider Program to get back to the stable Xbox system software. And you can always install one of the previews again, if you want.

如果您不再积极参与任何预览,则意味着您正在使用标准软件。 您不必离开Xbox Insider程序即可回到稳定的Xbox系统软件。 如果需要,您随时可以再次安装其中一个预览。

However, if you’d also like to leave the Xbox Insider Program altogether, you can. Open the Xbox Insider Hub, head to Settings > Manage devices, and then remove your console from the program if you see it in the list. You can uninstall the Xbox Insider Hub app afterwards.

但是,如果您也想完全退出Xbox Insider计划,则可以。 打开Xbox Insider Hub,转到“设置”>“管理设备”,然后在列表中看到控制台,然后从程序中删除控制台。 之后,您可以卸载Xbox Insider Hub应用程序。

