如何尽快获得长达六个月的Office 365新功能

如何尽快获得长达六个月的Office 365新功能

If you’re an early adopter who wants to get everything new as quickly as possible, you can change your Office 365 release schedule to get “targeted release” versions of the Office 365 apps (if you think it’s a good idea).

如果您是早期采用者,并且希望尽快获取所有新内容,则可以更改Office 365发行计划,以获取Office 365应用程序的“目标发行版”版本(如果您认为这是个好主意)。

Office 365更新的工作方式 (How Office 365 Updates Work)

We’ve covered the Windows update schedule and why it seems like Windows 10 updates so frequently, but Office 365 is a little different. It has desktop apps like Outlook, Word, and Excel, but also web versions of those classic apps and a whole bunch of web-only applications like Flow, Forms, and Sway.

我们已经介绍了Windows更新计划以及为什么Windows 10更新如此频繁的原因 ,但是Office 365却有所不同。 它具有桌面应用程序(例如Outlook,Word和Excel),还具有那些经典应用程序的网络版本,以及诸如FlowFormsSway之类的仅基于网络的应用程序。

The web apps get updated pretty regularly, with bug fixes and minor tweaks happening as soon as they are available. Major changes to the web and client apps are normally telegraphed quite far in advance, with a significant update released roughly every six months. However, there is a regular release every month of updates and enhancements.

网络应用程序会定期进行定期更新,并且会尽快修复错误并进行细微调整。 对网络和客户端应用程序的重大更改通常会提前很长时间发布,并且大约每六个月发布一次重要更新。 但是, 每个月都会定期发布更新和增强功能。

By default, your Office 365 subscription is on what’s known as the “worldwide standard release.” This means you (along with most other subscribers) get the release only once it’s been through several “rings” of testing. These rings are:

默认情况下,您的Office 365订阅位于所谓的“全球标准版本”上。 这意味着您(以及大多数其他订户)只有在经过几次“测试”之后才能获得该版本。 这些环是:

  • Ring 0: The feature team in Microsoft that’s made the change.


  • Ring 1: The wider O365 team in Microsoft.

    第1圈: Microsoft中更广泛的O365团队。

  • Ring 2: The whole of Microsoft.


  • Ring 3: Subscribers who’ve asked to receive targeted releases.


  • Ring 4: Worldwide standard release (the ring your subscription is on by default).


A change has to be successfully tested in a ring before it can be rolled out to the next, wider ring of users. Ring 4—the worldwide standard release your subscription is on by default—is the final ring, and a change is only released to this ring when it’s been successfully tested in the previous four rings.

变更必须先经过一次成功的测试,然后才能推广到下一个更广泛的用户群。 第4环(您的订阅默认启用的全球标准版本)是最终的环,只有在前四个环中成功测试了该环后,才会发布对此环的更改。

You can change from being on the worldwide standard release (ring 4) to being on the targeted release (ring 3), but only if you have access to the Office 365 Admin Center.

您可以从使用全球标准版本(第4环)更改为使用目标版本(第3环),但前提是您有权访问Office 365管理中心。

As we’ve discussed before, the Admin Center is available if you have a domain (e.g., AcmeRockets.com) and Microsoft provides the email for that domain (e.g., [email protected]). For personal users, the most common way this happens is if you buy a domain from a registrar/host and they offer Office 365-hosted email as part of the package. This is called a business plan, and the Office 365 Admin Center lets you administer your organization’s O365 users, subscription, licenses, and global settings.

正如我们之前所讨论的 ,管理中心可如果你有一个域(例如,AcmeRockets.com)和微软提供的电子邮件为域(例如,[email protected])。 对于个人用户,最常见的发生方式是从注册商/主机购买域,并且他们将Office 365托管的电子邮件作为软件包的一部分提供。 这称为业务计划 ,并且Office 365管理中心使您可以管理组织的O365用户,订阅,许可证和全局设置。

Before we show you how to move to the targeted release plan, it’s important to understand the benefits and risks. You’ll get access to the latest Microsoft Office 365 updates up to six months quicker than users on the standard release, which is potentially a great thing—if the updates work as expected. This is the risk: While the first three rings of testing should have caught significant bugs, there is no guarantee that they will have caught every bug. You are essentially acting as a tester for Microsoft, albeit on software that has already had fairly extensive testing. If you need the Office apps to be as stable and reliable as possible, especially if you use them to meet deadlines, you should stay on the standard release.

在向您展示如何转向目标发布计划之前,重要的是要了解收益和风险。 与标准版本上的用户相比,您可以访问最新Microsoft Office 365更新的时间最多快六个月,如果更新按预期运行,这可能是一件好事。 这是有风险的:尽管前三轮测试应该已经捕获了重要的错误,但不能保证它们会捕获所有错误。 尽管已对软件进行了相当广泛的测试,但您实际上是在充当Microsoft的测试人员。 如果您需要Office应用程序尽可能稳定可靠,尤其是在截止日期之前使用它们,则应继续使用标准版本。

如何更改为目标版本 (How to Change to the Targeted Release)

With that in mind, here’s how to change to the targeted release (and back to the standard release if you want).


Open the Office 365 web portal and navigate to the Admin Center.

打开Office 365 Web门户并导航到管理中心。

如何尽快获得长达六个月的Office 365新功能

Click on Settings > Organization Profile.


如何尽快获得长达六个月的Office 365新功能

You’re looking for the “Release preferences” option, which will tell you what “release track” you’re on. Click the Edit button to change this release track.

您正在寻找“发行首选项”选项,该选项将告诉您所处的“发行曲目”。 单击编辑按钮以更改此发行版。

如何尽快获得长达六个月的Office 365新功能

If you’re the only one who uses your Office 365 subscription (or you want everyone else using your subscription to get the targeted releases) change the release track to “Targeted release for everyone.” Otherwise choose “Targeted release for selected users,” which will give you the choice of which users get which release track. Once you’ve made your choice, click “Next.”

如果您是唯一使用Office 365订阅的人(或者您希望其他所有使用订阅的人获得目标版本),请将发行轨道更改为“所有人的目标版本”。 否则,请选择“选定用户的目标发行版”,这将使您选择哪些用户获得哪个发行版。 做出选择后,请单击“下一步”。

如何尽快获得长达六个月的Office 365新功能

Assuming you chose “Targeted release for everyone,” read the warning message and if you want to go ahead, click “Next.” This will update your choice.

假设您选择了“针对所有人的目标版本”,请阅读警告消息,如果要继续,请单击“下一步”。 这将更新您的选择。

如何尽快获得长达六个月的Office 365新功能

And that’s it; you’re done. Click “Close” on the Release Preferences window.

就是这样; 你完成了。 在“发布首选项”窗口中单击“关闭”。

如何尽快获得长达六个月的Office 365新功能

The change will take up to 24 hours to filter through, but your client and web apps will move to the targeted release versions pretty quickly. If you want to go back to standard release, follow the instructions again but choose “Standard Release” instead of “Targeted Release.”

所做的更改最多可能需要24小时才能通过过滤,但是您的客户端和网络应用将很快迁移到目标发行版。 如果要返回标准版本,请再次按照说明进行操作,但选择“标准版本”而不是“目标版本”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406959/how-to-get-new-o365-features-up-to-6-months-quicker/