Flickr风格的FLASH Slideshow. AS3 XML Image Slideshow (Flickr Slideshow Style)

AS3 XML Image Slideshow

An Advanced AS3 XML Image Slideshow which is similar as Flickr Slideshhow.
Easy,clean and flexible usages for different kinds of needs.

Flickr风格的FLASH Slideshow. AS3 XML Image Slideshow (Flickr Slideshow Style)

1.XML Driven with unlimited num of images.
2.Slide Autoplay.
3.Dynamic Refresh.(Feature added: 25/9/2010)
5.Drag,Zoom function.
6.Image title,information,link.
7.Builded with AS3 ,both support flash cs3+ or flex builder 3+(pure actionscript project).
8.Well formated code and documents,easily to be modified for new requirements.

XML Node Explanation:



<!--The LOGO on the up left corner-->

<logo res="imgs/logo.png" link="" />


<!--The delay time(in seconds) for the autoplay-->


<!--Flag value for the autoplay on/off -->





<!--photo unit-->


<!--the small image-->


<!--the middle image-->


<!--the large image-->


<!--image title-->

<title><![CDATA[The Image Title]]> </title>

<!--image information-->

<information><![CDATA[The Image Information]]> </information>

<!--image link-->

<link />




Easy Use:
Sample 1:

stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

var imageGallary:ImageGallary = new ImageGallary();



Sample 2(refresh mode):


//….sometimes later

imageGallary.dispose(); //dispose before refresh


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