ios12自动填充密码_既然密码自动填充是iOS 12的一部分,就没有理由不使用密码管理器了...

ios12自动填充密码_既然密码自动填充是iOS 12的一部分,就没有理由不使用密码管理器了...


ios12自动填充密码_既然密码自动填充是iOS 12的一部分,就没有理由不使用密码管理器了...

“You should use a password manager!” is advice you’ve likely ignored for years, but with proper integration on every platform, there’s no legitimate reason not to use a password manager now.

“您应该使用密码管理器!” 是多年以来您可能一直忽略的建议,但是由于在每个平台上都进行了适当的集成,因此没有正当理由不使用密码管理器。

为什么要使用密码管理器 (Why You Should Use a Password Manager)

The biggest reason to use a password manager is security. Many people reuse the same handful of passwords across the web because they’re easy to remember—but this is also the worst way to handle account security. What if someone finds out even one of your “most used” passwords? How many accounts will be compromised?

使用密码管理器的最大原因是安全性。 许多人在网络上重复使用相同的少数几个密码,因为它们很容易记住-但这也是处理帐户安全性的最差方法。 如果有人发现您的“最常用”密码之一怎么办? 多少个帐户将被盗用?

With a password manager, you let the software handle the task of remembering complex passwords while you only remember one—the master password to the vault. Instead of remembering several simple passwords, you remember one more difficult password, and then let your manager handle the duties of creating and storing much more complex and secure passwords.

使用密码管理器,您可以让软件处理记住复杂密码的任务,而您只记住一个密码(库的主密码)。 您无需记住几个简单的密码,而可以记住一个更困难的密码,然后让您的经理来处理创建和存储更复杂和安全的密码的职责。

If you’re doing it properly, you won’t have the slightest clue what most of your passwords are. I don’t know my bank password, my mortgage company’s password, or pretty much any of my other important logins. These are all held in my password manager, and I don’t even want to know them.

如果操作正确,您几乎不会知道大多数密码是什么。 我不知道我的银行密码,抵押公司的密码或其他重要的登录信息。 这些都保存在我的密码管理器中,我什至不想知道它们。

为什么现在是开始使用密码管理器的最佳时间 (Why Now’s the Best Time to Start Using a Password Manager)

Here’s the thing with password managers: they’ve been a massive inconvenience for a long time. You could use LastPass on the computer, but then when you need a password on your phone, it was a huge pain. Until now, anyway.

密码管理器就是这样:很长一段时间以来,它们带来了极大的不便。 您可以在计算机上使用LastPass,但是当您需要手机上的密码时,这是一个巨大的痛苦。 到现在为止。

With proper password manager support on both Android and iOS, there’s no good excuse not to use a password manager now.


I say “proper” password manager support because LastPass had a useful-but-janky feature on Android for a couple of years that used a chatheads-like feature to fill password info when necessary automatically. But starting with Android Oreo (8.x), Google built an autofill API that allows third-party password managers to automatically fill password information across the entire system.

我说的是“适当的”密码管理器支持,因为LastPass在Android上有多年有用但又有些古怪的功能,该功能使用类似于chatheads的功能在必要时自动填充密码信息。 但是从Android Oreo(8.x)开始,Google构建了自动填充API,该API允许第三方密码管理器自动在整个系统中填充密码信息

ios12自动填充密码_既然密码自动填充是iOS 12的一部分,就没有理由不使用密码管理器了...

With iOS 12, Apple also added a very similar feature. You can not only fill passwords from your iCloud Keychain, but also from services like LastPass, 1Password, and more. It’s incredibly intuitive and convenient.

在iOS 12上,Apple还添加了非常相似的功能。 您不仅可以从iCloud钥匙串中填充密码,还可以从LastPass,1Password等服务中填充密码。 非常直观和方便。

While both systems make easy work of implementing your password manager on mobile, Apple’s system is a little more seamless—it’s baked into the keyboard for ease of use, and it also allows you to set multiple sources from which to pull passwords. Android’s implementation requires you to set a default autofill system, which is fine even if a little less versatile.

虽然这两个系统都使在移动设备上实现密码管理器的工作变得容易,但Apple的系统却更加无缝-它被嵌入键盘中以易于使用,并且还允许您设置从中提取密码的多个来源。 Android的实现要求您设置默认的自动填充系统,即使通用性稍差,也可以。

移动设备上的自动填充功能简单,直观且适合所有人 (Autofill on Mobile is Simple, Intuitive, and Built for Everyone)

Now that both Android and iOS have native autofill function baked-in, it’s time for everyone to get on board. It’s incredibly intuitive and simple, but most importantly it’s convenient.

现在,Android和iOS都内置了本机自动填充功能,现在每个人都应该加入。 它非常直观和简单,但是最重要的是它很方便

ios12自动填充密码_既然密码自动填充是iOS 12的一部分,就没有理由不使用密码管理器了...

Password managers aren’t just for the tech savvy anymore—they’re for everyone. The initial setup can admittedly be a bit of a pain, as it generally means changing your password for all websites, but that’s not something that you have to do all at once. I recommend changing each password as you log in—just make sure to let your new password manager generate and store the password. After a few days, all of your passwords will have been updated, and all accounts secure.

密码管理器不再只适合精通技术的人,也适合所有人。 最初的设置可能会有些麻烦,因为它通常意味着更改所有网站的密码,但这不是您必须立即进行的所有操作。 我建议您在登录时更改每个密码-只需确保让新的密码管理器生成并存储密码即可。 几天后,您所有的密码都将被更新,所有帐户都将得到保护。

From that point forward, you can enjoy the increased security, peace of mind, and—best of all—simplicity of having your password manager on tap in your browser, phone, and pretty much anywhere else you’ll need it.


Easy peasy.


