unity 2019_Unity Awards 2019:投票开放

unity 2019_Unity Awards 2019:投票开放

unity 2019

Each year, we celebrate the fantastic games, tools, and experiences you have created using Unity. This year is no different! The Unity Awards are back, and we couldn’t be more excited to share the finalists with you. This is your opportunity to weigh in on your favorite projects across games, virtual reality (VR), film, industry applications, and more.

每年,我们都会庆祝您使用Unity创建的出色游戏,工具和体验。 今年没有什么不同! Unity奖又回来了,我们很高兴与您分享决赛入围者。 您可以借此机会在游戏,虚拟现实(VR),电影,行业应用程序等中权衡自己喜欢的项目。

In gaming and beyond, our community continues to entertain, teach and inspire us. We are continually astounded by the rich worlds of content you immerse us in. The 2019 Unity Awards span 15 categories, from “Best mobile game” to “Best development tool,” to celebrate accomplishments by students and industry professionals alike.

在游戏及其他领域,我们的社区继续在娱乐,教导和启发我们。 我们一直对您沉浸在其中的丰富内容感到惊讶。2019年Unity大奖涵盖15个类别,从“最佳手机游戏”到“最佳开发工具”,以表彰学生和行业专家的成就。

We’ve expanded our film category this year to include other forms of popular entertainment, like music and brand experiences (Best project in Media & Entertainment).


And we have new categories to recognize how creators are innovating with Unity technology to break ground in industries beyond gaming. In the architecture, engineering & construction (AEC) industry, creators are shaping the world using Unity to design and build. Meanwhile, the automotive, transportation & manufacturing industries are driving us into the future with real-time 3D for truly collaborative design, training simulation for self-driving cars, and innovative in-car interfaces. Check out the noteworthy examples shortlisted this year.

我们拥有新的类别来认识创作者如何利用Unity技术进行创新,从而在游戏以外的行业中取得突破。 在建筑,工程与建筑(AEC)行业中,创作者正在使用Unity进行设计和建造,从而塑造世界。 同时,汽车,交通运输和制造行业通过实时3D进行真正的协作设计,无人驾驶汽车的培训模拟以及创新的车载界面,将我们带入了未来。 查看今年入围的值得注意的例子。

Since 2008, the Unity Awards have highlighted the hard work, creativity, and dedication that you put into your projects. We can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next year.

自2008年以来,Unity Awards彰显了您投入到项目中的辛勤工作,创造力和奉献精神。 我们迫不及待地想知道明年您为我们准备的东西。


Join us in celebrating by voting for 2019’s best. The awards are open now until 11:59 pm PST December 19, 2019. The winners for each category will be announced shortly after.

与我们一起投票庆祝2019年最佳。 该奖项现已开放至太平洋标准时间(PST)2019年12月19日晚上11:59。每个类别的获奖者将在不久后宣布。

Tell us about your favorites in the comments below.




翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/12/06/unity-awards-2019-voting-is-open/

unity 2019