hue zookeeper_如何更新您的Philips Hue固件

hue zookeeper_如何更新您的Philips Hue固件

hue zookeeper

hue zookeeper_如何更新您的Philips Hue固件
Craig Lloyd
克雷格·劳埃德(Craig Lloyd)

Your Philips Hue bulbs, bridges, and switches all run firmware you can update. That’s especially critical now, as a vulnerability could allow malware to be installed on a Philips Hue bridge. Here’s how to check for and install Hue updates.

飞利浦Hue灯泡,桥接器和交换机均运行您可以更新的固件。 现在这尤其重要,因为漏洞可能允许在Philips Hue桥上安装恶意软件。 这是检查和安装Hue更新的方法。

Updates are installed through the Hue app for iPhone, iPad, or Android. They can be installed automatically so you never have to think about it, and we recommend enabling automatic updates if you haven’t already. The update that patches the security hole was released in mid-January of 2020, so there’s a good chance it’s already installed on your hardware.

通过适用于iPhone,iPad或Android的Hue应用程序安装更新。 它们可以自动安装,因此您无需考虑,我们建议启用自动更新(如果尚未安装)。 修补此安全漏洞的更新于2020年1月中旬发布,因此很有可能已将其安装在您的硬件上。

如何检查和安装Hue更新 (How to Check for and Install Hue Updates)

To check for updates, open the Hue app on Android, iPhone, or iPad.


Tap the “Settings icon at the bottom of the screen. Scroll down and tap “Software update” near the bottom of the list.

点击屏幕底部的“设置”图标。 向下滚动并点击列表底部附近的“软件更新”。

hue zookeeper_如何更新您的Philips Hue固件

You’ll see a “Checking for update” message as the app checks for updates to your devices. This may take a few moments.

当应用检查设备更新时,您会看到“正在检查更新”消息。 这可能需要一些时间。

When it’s done, you’ll see a list of connected devices—including bridges, bulbs, and switches. If the app says “No updates available,” you already have all the latest updates.

完成后,您将看到已连接设备的列表,包括桥接器,灯泡和开关。 如果应用程序显示“无可用更新”,则您已经拥有所有最新更新。

hue zookeeper_如何更新您的Philips Hue固件

If the app says updates are available, locate the device that needs an update in the list. It won’t have a green checkmark next to it. Tap the name of the device and then tap the “Update” button. The Hue app will download the update and install it on your device. Your light may blink during the process.

如果应用程序说有更新可用,请在列表中找到需要更新的设备。 它旁边没有绿色的选中标记。 点击设备的名称,然后点击“更新”按钮。 Hue应用程序将下载更新并将其安装在您的设备上。 在此过程中,您的指示灯可能会闪烁。

hue zookeeper_如何更新您的Philips Hue固件

如何启用自动色相更新 (How to Enable Automatic Hue Updates)

We recommend ensuring automatic updates are enabled so you never have to worry about this again. That’s especially true now that we’re seeing security updates for the Hue software—not just bug fixes and feature updates.

我们建议确保启用自动更新,这样您就不必再为此担心。 既然我们正在看到Hue软件的安全更新,而不仅仅是错误修复和功能更新,那就尤其如此。

Tap the “Automatic update” option on the Software Update screen to find these options.,


hue zookeeper_如何更新您的Philips Hue固件

Ensure the Automatic update option is enabled here.


You can also select the time of day you want Hue to install updates. Your lights might blink during this process, so choose a time when this won’t be annoying for you. You probably don’t want your bedroom lights to update (and blink) while you’re sleeping.

您还可以选择希望Hue安装更新的时间。 在此过程中,您的灯光可能会闪烁,因此请选择一个不会让您感到烦恼的时间。 您可能不希望在睡觉时更新卧室的灯光(并闪烁)。

hue zookeeper_如何更新您的Philips Hue固件


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