redis rogue_如何发现Rogue或Subpar WordPress主题

redis rogue

Choosing a theme for your WordPress website can be a challenge for even the most experienced developers and designers because aside from the code being increasingly complex, with paid designs, purchases often are as-is. With responsive capabilities being a crucial element of most designs today, it is important to ensure that the themes you purchase don’t fall victim to responsive web design pitfalls.

即使是最有经验的开发人员和设计师,为您的WordPress网站选择主题也可能是一个挑战,因为除了代码变得越来越复杂,付费设计之外,购买通常是按原样进行的。 由于响应能力已成为当今大多数设计的关键要素,因此重要的是要确保您购买的主题不会成为响应式Web设计陷阱的受害者。

Fortunately by following a few common sense precautions, you can reduce the chances of downloading a theme which can pose a threat to your website.


验证主题代码的简单方法 (Simple Ways to Validate Your Themes Code)

Since going through a themes code by hand is a tedious task most professionals don’t have time to do, validation tools such as the W3C Markup Validator allow you to check the markup validity of a site with only a few clicks. To validate the themes you plan to purchase, simply point the validator to the live demo page and then check the results.

由于手动处理主题代码是一项繁琐的任务,大多数专业人员没有时间去做,因此诸如W3C标记验证器之类的验证工具使您只需单击几下即可检查站点的标记有效性。 要验证计划购买的主题,只需将验证器指向实时演示页面,然后检查结果即可。

redis rogue_如何发现Rogue或Subpar WordPress主题

In general you shouldn’t worry too much about warnings the theme triggers. Rather you should be focused on markup errors since those typically have a significant impact on your site operations. Once you check the markup of your theme, you should also run the W3C CSS Validator to ensure that the CSS in your desired theme follows coding best practices.

通常,您不必担心警告主题触发器。 相反,您应该将重点放在标记错误上,因为这些错误通常会对您的网站运营产生重大影响。 检查主题的标记后,还应该运行W3C CSS验证程序,以确保所需主题中CSS遵循编码最佳实践。

redis rogue_如何发现Rogue或Subpar WordPress主题

If you’re looking for a more thorough way to ensure the themes you have are compliant with web design best practices, you can use to see a thorough validation score simply by uploading the package to your website. Although this method requires you to have the theme files on hand, the ThemeCheck website lists a wealth of theme ratings on their homepage. This can allow you to pull up a themes score if you have the name.

如果您正在寻找一种更彻底的方法来确保您的主题符合Web设计最佳实践,则只需将软件包上载到网站,即可使用ThemeCheck.org来查看全面的验证评分。 尽管此方法要求您手头有主题文件,但ThemeCheck网站在其主页上列出了大量主题评级。 如果您有名字,这可以让您提高主题得分。 is open sourced with the code available on Github and it technically is a fork of the Theme-Check plugin which is mentioned below.


redis rogue_如何发现Rogue或Subpar WordPress主题

If you want to take your verification a step further, there are tools which allow you to check your WordPress themes after they are installed on your server. While this step isn’t ideal for themes you need to verify in advance, it is a helpful safety layer for free themes. Theme-Check is a plugin which allows you to test your WordPress theme and ensure it is compliant with the latest WordPress theme review standards.

如果您想进一步进行验证,则可以使用一些工具在将WordPress主题安装在服务器上之后检查它们。 虽然此步骤对于您需要事先验证的主题而言并不理想,但对于免费主题而言,这是一个有用的安全层。 Theme-Check是一个插件,可让您测试WordPress主题并确保其符合最新的WordPress 主题审阅标准。

To use Theme-Check, you simply run the tests through your WordPress admin panel. The results are shown at once, and the results also are saved to a log which can be helpful if you are a theme developer.

要使用主题检查,您只需通过WordPress管理面板运行测试。 结果将立即显示,并且结果也将保存到日志中,如果您是主题开发人员,这将对您有所帮助。

Another useful tool to ensure your WordPress themes are compliant with theming best practices is the Theme Authenticity Checker (TAC) which is a tool focused on finding malware hidden within themes.

确保您的WordPress主题符合主题最佳做法的另一个有用工具是主题真实性检查器(TAC) ,该工具专注于查找隐藏在主题中的恶意软件。

redis rogue_如何发现Rogue或Subpar WordPress主题

Although we’ll discuss how to find quality paid themes shortly, it’s important to note that some free themes contain malware or spam links as a way for the developer to generate revenue. While not all free designs are dangerous, it never hurts to be safe when it comes to ensuring your website is free of malware.

尽管我们将在短期内讨论如何找到优质的付费主题,但需要注意的是,一些免费主题包含恶意软件或垃圾邮件链接,是开发人员产生收入的一种方式。 尽管并非所有免费设计都是危险的,但确保您的网站没有恶意软件对确保安全绝对没有伤害。

Although a different topic, while you are verifying your themes for malware, you should know how to protect yourself from rogue plugins.


坚持受信任的WordPress主题卖家 (Sticking with Trusted WordPress Theme Sellers)

Although there’s no shortage of theme developers on the web, you can help to protect the integrity of your websites by only purchasing themes from reputable sellers. If you’re looking for a wide selection of themes, ThemeForest and MojoThemes are two of the largest template vendors on the web. While they are a marketplace with many sellers, they offer a feedback system so you can see whether a seller has a proven track record.

尽管网络上不乏主题开发人员,但您可以通过仅从信誉良好的卖家那里购买主题来帮助保护网站的完整性。 如果您正在寻找各种各样的主题, ThemeForestMojoThemes是网络上最大的两个模板供应商。 尽管他们是一个有许多卖家的市场,但他们提供了一个反馈系统,因此您可以查看卖家是否有可靠的往绩记录。

Other WordPress theme vendors worth considering include:


There are many other reputable sites on the web, so the previously mentioned names are far from a comprehensive list.


If for some reason you need to choose a free WordPress theme, it’s usually best to stick with themes you find mentioned on major blogs and reputable sites. When possible, avoid downloading themes from random websites, and of course avoid nulled themes at all costs. For those unfamiliar with the term, a ‘nulled theme’ is a premium theme which has the copy protection removed. Nulled code is illegal to use, and almost always will have modifications to give attackers access to your website.

如果出于某种原因您需要选择免费的WordPress主题,通常最好坚持在主要博客和知名网站上找到的主题。 在可能的情况下,请避免从随机网站下载主题,当然也应避免不惜一切代价使主题无效。 对于那些不熟悉该术语的人,“空主题”是一个高级主题,其中删除了复制保护。 空代码是非法使用的,并且几乎总是会进行修改以使攻击者能够访问您的网站。

如有疑问,请使用Google (When in Doubt, Use Google)

When you’re in a situation where you aren’t sure if a theme creator is legitimate, it never hurts to Google the creators company name to see if they have a negative online presence. This can be a valuable tool for marketplaces and standalone theme retailers as it allows you to gather insights which might not originally be apparent. Although this method is far from foolproof, it still is an effective way to bring another perspective to your theme purchasing.

当您不确定主题创建者是否合法时,对于创建者的公司名称(如果它们在网上存在负面影响),对Google永远不会造成损害。 对于市场和独立主题零售商而言,这可能是一个有价值的工具,因为它使您可以收集最初可能并不明显的见解。 尽管此方法远非万无一失,但它仍然是为主题购买带来另一种观点的有效方法。


redis rogue