


This article is part of a series created in partnership with SiteGround. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

本文是与SiteGround合作创建的系列文章的一部分。 感谢您支持使SitePoint成为可能的合作伙伴。

Björgvin Benediktsson is a musician, audio engineer and writer based in the US. Besides his own audio projects, he helps other musicians create better music and promote themselves more effectively. How does he achieve this? WordPress!

BjörgvinBenediktsson是居住在美国的音乐家,音频工程师和作家。 除了自己的音频项目,他还帮助其他音乐家创作更好的音乐并更有效地自我推广。 他如何实现的? WordPress的!

I’m an audio engineer, musician and entrepreneur. I help artists and entrepreneurs make a greater impact with their creations by teaching them how to produce or promote themselves on the web.

我是音频工程师,音乐家和企业家。 我通过教艺术家和企业家如何在网上制作或宣传自己的作品,帮助艺术家和企业家对其创作产生更大的影响。

We caught up with Björgvin to discover how he has moulded WordPress into such a productive business tool. Read on to learn about the lessons he’s learned over the years, the plugins he’s currently using, and the plans he has for the future.

我们与Björgvin碰到了一起,发现他是如何将WordPress塑造成如此高效的商业工具。 请继续阅读,以了解他多年来的经验教训,他目前正在使用的插件以及他对未来的计划。

嗨Björgvin,恭喜您的网上业务不断增长! 您的网站如何为您的成功做出贡献? (Hi Björgvin, congratulations on your growing online business! How has your website contributed to your success?)

My main business website is Audio Issues where I help home studio musicians make a greater impact with their music by teaching them how to record, mix and produce. It’s where I post all my content and collect email subscribers. It’s basically my business hub—the place I lead everyone to.

我的主要业务网站是“ 音频问题” ( Audio Issues) ,在这里我可以教家庭录音棚的音乐家如何录制,混音和制作音乐,从而对他们的音乐产生更大的影响。 我在这里发布所有内容并收集电子邮件订阅者。 从根本上来说,这是我的商业中心,也是我带领所有人前往的地方。

I spend a lot of effort trying to convert traffic to subscribers, so I offer a lot of great exclusive content through email as well. It’s my full time business and I make a full time income from it.

我花了很多精力试图将流量转换为订户,因此我也通过电子邮件提供了很多很棒的独家内容。 这是我的全职业务,我从中获得全职收入。

I also have a portfolio website that acts as my personal website/portfolio as an entrepreneur, BBenediktsson.com. I also talk about business, work/life balance and entrepreneurship through my newsletter, 10Weekly.

我还有一个投资组合网站BBenediktsson.com作为企业家的个人网站/投资组合。 我还通过我的时事通讯10Weekly谈论业务,工作/生活平衡和企业家精神。


您的在线业务的目标是什么? (What are the goals of your online business?)

Audio Issues has been around for a while and it fills a variety of roles:


  • my storefront,

  • my magazine,

  • my content hub

  • and my business brand.


My goal is to help as many home studio musicians get better sounding music, whether that’s through my free tips on the website or with my premium Audio Issues products.


My mission has always been to give you easy-to-use, practical tips you can use right away to improve your productions.


您的WordPress主题和插件如何帮助您实现这一目标? (How do your WordPress themes and plugins help you achieve that?)

My theme is an old Genesis child theme called Epik. I’ll probably completely revamp the website soon, because I’m tired of my theme and that look and feel is getting old—almost four years I think now.

我的主题是一个古老的创世纪儿童主题,称为Epik 。 我可能很快就会彻底改版该网站,因为我已经厌倦了自己的主题,而且外观已经变旧了-我认为现在已经差不多四年了。

I run a bunch of plug-ins on the site. The most important ones are:

我在网站上运行了很多插件。 最重要的是:

  • Thrive Content Builder, which I use for sales pages and landing pages,

    我用于销售页面和登录页面的Thrive Content Builder

  • SumoMe, for social and email capture,

    SumoMe ,用于社交和电子邮件捕获,

  • Gravity Forms,


  • and then all the usual ones used by everyone who Googled “most important WordPress plug-in (insert year here)”.



有人帮助您设置了所有这些吗? (Did someone help you set all of that up?)

I hired a developer to help me migrate and tweak the theme when I set it up years ago. Whenever I need something very specific I either look to Upwork or get someone to do a quick job through Fiverr. Other than that I can handle everything myself.

几年前,我聘请了一名开发人员来帮助我迁移和调整主题。 每当我需要非常具体的内容时,我要么去找Upwork,要么让别人通过Fiverr快速完成工作。 除此之外,我自己可以处理所有事情。

您从该过程中学到了什么? (What lessons did you learn through that process?)

So many! One of the first versions of Audio Issues was hard-coded HTML/CSS. Thankfully I don’t have to deal with that any more, but it did teach me some basic web coding with those languages.

很多! 音频问题的第一个版本是硬编码HTML / CSS。 值得庆幸的是,我不必再处理这些问题了,但是它确实教会了我一些使用这些语言的基本网络编码。

Other lessons include: 


  1. Things break all the time, so make sure you have good hosting with awesome support.


  2. Plug-ins don’t always fit or work with your theme, so sometimes you have to hunt for the right one.


  3. Your website is just a front-end for the user, so make sure it’s easy to find stuff. Have goals for each page, and a path you want the reader to take (sign up, share, comment etc.).

    您的网站只是用户的前端,因此请确保易于查找内容。 为每个页面制定目标,并为读者提供一个路径(注册,共享,评论等)。

  4. Make sure you double check the language-barrier when it comes to outsourced help. Spend more money to get peace of mind. Shortchanging yourself can lead to tearing your hair out.

    确保在外包帮助时再次检查语言障碍。 花更多的钱让自己安心。 改变自己会导致头发脱落。

告诉我们您的平台和托管选择。 (Tell us about your platform and hosting choices.)

I chose WordPress because of its user-friendliness, versatily, and the number of themes there is to choose from. Everyone knows WordPress, so it’s easy to find people to help when you need work done.

我之所以选择WordPress是因为它的用户友好性,以及它的主题数量众多可供选择。 每个人都知道WordPress,因此在您需要完成工作时很容易找到需要帮助的人。

I have over 100,000 pageviews/month, so I have a VPS so I can support the traffic. Some of my other domains still reside on a basic shared plan because they don’t really need the extra bandwidth.

我每个月的网页浏览量超过100,000,因此我有一个VPS,因此我可以支持访问量。 我的其他一些域仍然驻留在基本共享计划中,因为它们实际上并不需要额外的带宽。

您如何维护您的网站? (How do you maintain your sites?)

Honestly, I’m pretty bad at it. I just make sure to update my plug-ins regularly, and update WordPress whenever I need to. My hosting provider takes care of most of the rest, including backup.

老实说,我对此很不好。 我只是确保定期更新我的插件,并在需要时更新WordPress。 我的托管服务提供商负责其余的大部分工作,包括备份。

还有你的未来计划? (And your future plans?)

Hopefully a revamp by the end of the summer! I’ve finally found a feel for my brand and voice, and I think I need to revamp my design to create brand consistency across the board.

希望在夏天结束前进行改造! 我终于找到了自己的品牌和声音感觉,并且我认为我需要对设计进行修改,以实现全面的品牌一致性。

If you need a managed hosting service for your WordPress website, check out our partner, SiteGround — one of the four official WordPress recommended providers.

如果您需要WordPress网站的托管服务,请查看我们的合作伙伴SiteGround ,这是WordPress四个官方推荐的提供商之一。


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/interview-teach-audio-skills-wordpress/
