

With the rise and rise of content marketing expected to reach new heights in 2015, marketers are more likely than ever to use WordPress as an integral content marketing tool this year. If you don’t believe me, then take a gander at some of these stats:

随着内容营销的兴起和增长预计在2015年达到新的高度,今年,营销人员比以往任何时候都更有可能将WordPress用作不可或缺的内容营销工具。 如果您不相信我,则可以参考以下一些统计数据:

  • Content marketing is used regularly by 93% of marketers

  • 57% of marketers cite content marketing as their number one priority

  • 76% of B2B marketers blog regularly (a large percentage of which probably operate using WordPress)

  • Best of all, the price tag associated with content marketing is 62% less than traditional marketing tactics, and generates three times as many leads.


With this burgeoning use of WordPress for content marketing, it should come as no surprise that there is a whole gamut of plugins for successful content marketing to help your program run more smoothly and deliver greater return on investment.


用于内容营销策略,计划和组织的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins for Content Marketing Strategy, Planning & Organisation)

One of the most important tenants of any successful content marketing strategy is consistency. High quality, engaging or educational content must be produced and disseminated regularly, and for the long-term, for content marketing to deliver any substantial return on investment. That makes plugins designed to streamline scheduling and organisation one of the most important aspects of any WordPress powered content marketing program.

在任何成功的内容营销策略中,最重要的租户之一就是一致性。 从长远来看,必须定期制作和传播高质量,引人入胜或具有教育意义的内容,以使内容营销获得可观的投资回报。 这使得旨在简化计划和组织的插件成为任何由WordPress驱动的内容营销计划中最重要的方面之一。

编辑日历 (Editorial Calendar)

The Editorial Calendar plugin is extremely useful when it comes to scheduling content marketing programs. Out-of-the-box WordPress doesn’t make scheduling easy – the user interface certainly doesn’t make scheduling straightforward. Editorial Calendar does. You can use this plugin to get an overview of your scheduled posts, drag and drop posts, and even edit scheduled posts directly from the calendar itself. Clearly it’s a popular plugin, with over half a million downloads and a 4.8 star rating. And, it is regularly updated as well.

当安排内容营销计划时,Editorial Calendar插件非常有用。 开箱即用的WordPress并不使计划变得容易-用户界面当然不能使计划变得简单。 编辑日历。 您可以使用此插件来获取预定帖子的概述,拖放帖子,甚至直接从日历本身编辑预定帖子。 显然,它是一个受欢迎的插件,下载量超过50万,星级评分为4.8。 并且,它也会定期更新。



Developed by Copyblogger Media, Scribe is the veritable ‘Big Daddy’ of all WordPress plugins for content marketing. Using Scribe you can undertake in-depth research into content marketing opportunities as well as social media leads and traffic. It allows you to align your writing style with your content marketing program objectives, so that you can make sure all on-page content is optimised for the search engines. You can even use it to pinpoint similar social media profiles and websites. The plugin follows a simple formula for successful content marketing: research, optimise, connect. There are a couple of limitations on Scribe: your website must be running a compatible theme, and it will only analyse English. More than 83,000 content marketers have downloaded the plugin, which seems to be regularly updated.

Scribe由Copyblogger Media开发,是所有用于内容营销的WordPress插件的名副其实的“老爸”。 使用Scribe,您可以对内容营销机会以及社交媒体线索和流量进行深入研究。 它可以使您的写作风格与内容营销计划的目标保持一致,从而可以确保针对搜索引擎优化所有页面内容。 您甚至可以使用它来查找相似的社交媒体资料和网站。 该插件遵循一个简单的成功营销内容的公式:研究,优化,连接。 Scribe有两个限制:您的网站必须运行兼容主题,并且只能分析英语。 超过83,000个内容营销人员下载了该插件,该插件似乎定期更新。


我的策展人 (My Curator)

If you include curated content as part of your content marketing program, then the My Curator plugin is made for you. It churns away in the background, delivering engaging, popular, and (most importantly), useable content all day every day. It searches for articles that are relevant to your website, based on the existing content posted therein. It even classifies the articles for you, and is intuitive enough to filter out the spam. This plugin delivers not only the articles themselves, but includes attribution links and images, all of which can be inserted into a blog post with one click of your mouse. My Curator has inbuilt notebooks that you can use for research purposes, and to save articles (either found by My Curator, or articles you find yourself). With its handy ‘thumbs up / thumbs down’ system, you can rate each article that is sourced to help improve future searches. This powerful plugin does have a price tag attached though. You can curate one topic for free, but for any additional topics there is a charge: $10 per month for a Pro Plan, or $30 per month for a Business Plan. This plugin has had approximately 20,000 downloads and has a 4.6 star rating.

如果您将精选内容作为内容营销计划的一部分,那么My Curator插件将为您量身定制。 它在后台流失,每天一整天都提供引人入胜的,受欢迎的(最重要的是)可用的内容。 它根据张贴在网站上的现有内容搜索与您的网站相关的文章。 它甚至可以为您分类文章,并且足够直观以过滤掉垃圾邮件。 该插件不仅提供文章本身,还包括归因链接和图像,所有这些都可以通过单击鼠标将其插入博客文章中。 “我的馆长”具有内置的笔记本,您可以将其用于研究目的并保存文章(“我的馆长”找到的或您发现的文章)。 借助其便捷的“竖起大拇指/大拇指朝下”系统,您可以对每篇来源的文章进行评分,以帮助改善以后的搜索。 这个功能强大的插件确实附有价格标签。 您可以免费策划一个主题,但是对于其他主题,则需要付费:Pro Plan每月10美元,Business Plan每月30美元。 该插件已下载约20,000次,并获得4.6星评级。


编辑流程 (Edit Flow)

The Edit Flow plugin is a collaboration tool for those companies that are lucky enough to have a whole content marketing team. It makes the content marketing workflow (in WordPress, obviously) much more streamlined. The plugin has been designed with modular functionality. So, you can customise it for your particular team, choosing (or refusing) whichever of the modules you happen to require. The modules include a calendar, custom statuses so that you can define specific phases within your workflow, commenting so that the team can all contribute feedback on posts, editorial metadata, notifications, story budgets, and user groups. With almost 100,000 downloads and a 4.7 star rating, Edit Flow must be doing something right.

对于那些幸运地拥有整个内容营销团队的公司,Edit Flow插件是一种协作工具。 它使内容营销工作流(显然是WordPress)更加简化。 该插件具有模块化功能。 因此,您可以为您的特定团队自定义它,选择(或拒绝)您碰巧需要的任何模块。 这些模块包括日历,自定义状态,以便您可以定义工作流程中的特定阶段,进行注释,以便团队可以共同提供有关帖子,编辑元数据,通知,故事预算和用户组的反馈。 拥有近100,000次下载和4.7星评级,Edit Flow必须做得不错。


用于内容营销创建和受众参与的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins for Content Marketing Creation & Audience Engagement)

Obviously, every content marketing program must include content creation. You must be producing blog posts or infographics or images, which can then be consumed and shared by your target audience. So, I now come to plugins that can assist in content creation. If you spend much of your time writing content, then make sure you take a look at one of my recent posts (The Best WordPress Plugins for Writers and Writing) as well.

显然,每个内容营销计划都必须包括内容创建。 您必须制作博客文章,信息图表或图像,然后目标受众才能使用和共享。 因此,我现在介绍可以帮助内容创建的插件。 如果您花费大量时间编写内容,那么请确保同时阅读我最近的一篇文章( 作家和写作的最佳WordPress插件 )。

简易内容模板 (Easy Content Templates)

If your content marketing program consists of multiple blog posts all using the same format, then it might be worthwhile investigating this plugin further. Using the Easy Content Template plugin, you can define templates, and then quickly and easily apply them to both new and existing posts and pages. This plugin could be a real time saver. It has been downloaded only 16,000 times, but is updated regularly and scores 4.7 stars.

如果您的内容营销计划由多个使用相同格式的博客帖子组成,那么值得进一步研究此插件。 使用Easy Content Template插件,您可以定义模板,然后将它们快速轻松地应用于新的和现有的帖子和页面。 该插件可能是一个实时保护程序。 它仅被下载了16,000次,但定期更新并获得4.7星的好评。


泽迪蒂 (Zedity)

Zedity is an innovative editor that enables you to create better content, with a much more flexible user interface than the standard WordPress visual editor. Best of all, you don’t need to know any code at all. It relies upon drag and drop functionality, and allows you to move your content quickly and easily around the page. It is particularly helpful if you have a lot of graphic content (images, infographics, videos). The creators have designed the interface so that it is as easy to use as drawing on a piece of paper. It gives you more design freedom. It’s had nearly 200,000 downloads, and has a 4.6 star rating.

Zedity是一种创新的编辑器,可让您创建更好的内容,并且用户界面比标准WordPress可视编辑器更加灵活。 最重要的是,您根本不需要知道任何代码。 它依靠拖放功能,并允许您在页面中快速轻松地移动内容。 如果您有很多图形内容(图像,信息图表,视频),这将特别有用。 创作者设计了该界面,以使其易于使用,就像在纸上绘图一样。 它给您更多设计*。 它已经下载了近20万次,并获得4.6星评级。


礼貌地 (Listly)

Prior to researching this article, I had not come across the Listly plugin before. Now, it has me intrigued. This whole point of Listly is to encourage your audience to actively contribute to, and engage with, your list posts. It’s no secret that list posts are an effective content marketing tool: because people can easily scan a list post article, they are shared more often. But with this plugin, your list posts can go that one step further; they can become real-time, audience ranked numbered list posts. Listly encourages you to begin with an imperfect list. Leave gaps, and encourage your audience to post comments, and add suggestions. Then, most importantly, ask your readers to vote. Get them to rank their favourite items on your list, making your list much more useful over time. Listly allows you to get your audience to join in the conversation. Through Listly, you can also quickly and easily moderate comments. Listly also helps in terms of generating new, constantly evolving content for your website, which we all know improves your SEO. With just over 13,000 downloads, this plugin is regularly updated and has a 4.9 star rating.

在研究本文之前,我之前没有遇到过Listly插件。 现在,它吸引了我。 Listly的整个重点是鼓励您的听众为您的列表帖子做出积极贡献并与其互动。 列表帖子是一种有效的内容营销工具已经不是什么秘密了:因为人们可以轻松地扫描列表帖子中的文章,所以分享频率更高。 但是使用此插件,您的列表帖子可以更进一步。 他们可以成为实时的,按受众群体排名的带编号列表帖子。 Listly鼓励您从不完善的列表开始。 留下空白,并鼓励您的听众发表评论并添加建议。 然后,最重要的是,请读者投票。 让他们在列表上对自己喜欢的项目进行排名,使列表随着时间的推移变得更加有用。 借助Listly,您可以吸引听众加入对话。 通过Listly,您还可以快速轻松地审核评论。 Listly还有助于为您的网站生成不断发展的新内容,众所周知,这些内容可以改善您的SEO。 该插件的下载量刚刚超过13,000,它会定期更新,并获得4.9星评级。


验证码 (Captcha)

If you’re going to allow your readers to comment on your content marketing efforts, then you might be interested in installing the Captcha plugin on all your forms. Like all other Captcha interfaces out there, it protects your website by using math logic that is easily understood by real human beings (not so much by automated bots). This little plugin generates a really simple sum, using basic addition, subtraction or multiplication, which your website visitors have to complete before their comment will be lodged. It’s even compatible with the popular Contact Form 7 plugin. It has had 2.5 million downloads, and boasts a 4.6 star rating.

如果您打算允许读者对您的内容营销工作发表评论,那么您可能会对在所有表单上安装Captcha插件感兴趣。 像其他所有Captcha界面一样,它通过使用数学逻辑来保护您的网站,这种逻辑很容易被真实的人类理解(自动化机器人则不那么了解)。 这个小插件使用基本的加法,减法或乘法生成一个非常简单的总和,您的网站访问者必须先完成这些总和,然后才能发表评论。 它甚至与流行的Contact Form 7插件兼容。 它已经下载了250万次,并获得4.6星评级。


MailChimp插件 (MailChimp Plugins)

One of the biggest objectives of many content marketing programs out there is get potential clients off social media, and onto your own communication platforms like email (where you don’t have to pay to boost posts to ensure reach and engagement). My preference when it comes to e-marketing is MailChimp. One of the reasons for my preference is that there are a number of different MailChimp WordPress plugins available, depending on what functionality it is that you’re looking for, including:

众多内容营销计划的最大目标之一是将潜在客户从社交媒体上转移到电子邮件等自己的通信平台上(您不必为此付费以增加帖子来确保覆盖面和参与度)。 对于电子营销,我的首选是MailChimp。 我偏爱的原因之一是,有许多不同的MailChimp WordPress插件可用,具体取决于您要寻找的功能,包括:


用于内容营销图像需求的WordPress插件 (WordPress Plugins for Content Marketing Image Needs)

One of the main objectives of content marketing is often to reach as many people as humanly possible. One of the best ways to do this is through awe-inspiring, eye-catching images. Just think: are you more likely to share an inspirational quote, overlaid on a breathtaking photo, or a big slab of grey, drab-looking text?

内容营销的主要目标之一通常是吸引尽可能多的人。 做到这一点的最佳方法之一就是通过令人敬畏的,醒目的图像。 试想一下:您是否更有可能分享鼓舞人心的报价,覆盖在令人叹为观止的照片上或大块的灰色,单调的文本?

WP注入 (WP Inject)

The WP Inject plugin does exactly as its name suggests: injects images into your WordPress blog posts, quickly and easily. Through this plugin you can search a database of thousands of free images (all with a creative commons licence), and then insert your chosen image as your post’s featured image. WP Inject searches Flickr as well as Pixabay, automatically adds any required photo attribution, uploads the image to your WordPress media library, and inserts all title and alt tags. Given all of its features, I was surprised to find that it’s only had 23,500 downloads. It does have a 4.9 star rating though.

WP Inject插件的功能与它的名称完全相同:将图像快速轻松地注入到WordPress博客文章中。 通过该插件,您可以搜索成千上万张免费图像的数据库(所有图像均具有创用CC许可),然后将您选择的图像作为帖子的特色图像插入。 WP Inject会搜索Flickr和png,自动添加任何必需的照片归属,将图像上传到您的WordPress媒体库,并插入所有标题和alt标签。 鉴于其所有功能,我惊讶地发现它只有23,500次下载。 它的确有4.9星评级。


争斗 (Compfight)

Similar to WP Inject, the Compfight plugin is a quick and easy way to use creative commons licenced photos to accompany your WordPress posts. This plugin also automatically adds the photo’s associated attribution, but doesn’t seem to have as wide a range of features as WP Inject or as high a star rating (at 3.8 stars), but is has been downloaded around the same number of times (22,955). It really comes down to personal preference with these two plugins.

与WP Inject相似,Compfight插件是一种使用创意共享许可的照片快速便捷的方式来与WordPress帖子一起使用。 该插件还自动添加了照片的相关属性,但似乎没有WP Inject那样广泛的功能,也没有像3.8星一样高的星级(但已被下载了相同的次数( 22,955)。 这两个插件的确取决于个人喜好。


Not unsurprisingly, there is a vast number of WordPress plugins that can assist any content marketer. In fact, there seems to be a plugin for every single phase of every content marketing campaign. So far, I’ve covered off the strategy, planning and organisation phase, as well as the content creation phase. Tune in next time, when I take a look at plugins designed for the content sharing and amplification phases, as well as content marketing monitoring and evaluation.

毫不奇怪,有大量的WordPress插件可以协助任何内容营销人员。 实际上,似乎每个内容营销活动的每个阶段都有一个插件。 到目前为止,我已经完成了战略,计划和组织阶段以及内容创建阶段。 下次,当我看一下为内容共享和放大阶段以及内容营销监视和评估而设计的插件时,请进行调整。

If you think I’ve missed any plugins that are essential to the first two content marketing phases, please feel free to include them in the comments below; the more the merrier!

如果您认为我错过了前两个内容营销阶段必不可少的任何插件,请随时在以下评论中添加它们; 多多益善!


资料来源: http : //writet.com/blog/59-killer-content-marketing-stats-2014-edition

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-plugins-for-successful-content-marketing/
