wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件


WordPress provides great native SEO features, so might your theme. However, by using a dedicated SEO plugin (and knowing how to use it) we can further optimize our site. In this article we compare the top SEO plugins for WordPress side-by-side. Before we dig into the common options, let’s first look at some of the key features we’d expect to see in a good SEO plugin.

WordPress提供了出色的本机SEO功能,因此您的主题也可能如此。 但是,通过使用专用的SEO插件(并知道如何使用它),我们可以进一步优化网站。 在本文中,我们并排比较了WordPress的*SEO插件。 在深入探讨常见选项之前,让我们首先看一下期望在优质SEO插件中看到的一些关键功能。

SEO的主要功能 (Key SEO Features)

页面分析 (Page Analysis)

Some SEO plugins can analyze the content of your pages and provide recommendations. For example, whether the content includes a specific focus keyword or not. Also, whether the ‘title’ and ‘alt’ tag have been defined for the featured image and other images, and whether meta descriptions and titles are have been included.

一些SEO插件可以分析您页面的内容并提供建议。 例如,内容是否包括特定的焦点关键字。 另外,是否已经为特色图像和其他图像定义了“ title”和“ alt”标签,以及是否包括元描述和标题。

wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件

XML网站地图 (XML Sitemaps)

The easiest way to submit your website to the search engines for crawling is to create and submit XML sitemaps. Some SEO plugins let us do this with ease, as shown below.

将网站提交给搜索引擎进行爬网的最简单方法是创建和提交XML网站地图。 如下所示,一些SEO插件使我们可以轻松做到这一点。

wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件

面包屑 (Breadcrumbs)

Breadcrumbs link your website pages to enhance your user interface, therefore the overall user experience. For example, Home>Course>Java>Inheritance is a handy navigational aid we all recognize.

面包屑链接您的网站页面以增强您的用户界面,从而改善整体用户体验。 例如, 主页>课程> Java>继承是我们都认识到的便捷的导航工具。

This makes breadcrumbs an important feature for tracking the location of a page, for showing the link depth and structure of website’s content.


编辑.htaccess,robots.txt文件 (Editing .htaccess, robots.txt Files)

Sometimes it’s easier to edit and update .htaccess and robots.txt via the WordPress dashboard. Find a plugin which lets you do this.

有时,通过WordPress仪表板编辑和更新.htaccess和robots.txt更为容易。 查找一个可以执行此操作的插件。

导入和导出设置 (Importing and Exporting Settings)

Some plugins provide an option to install plugins on one website and then export them to another, along with all the existing settings.


So, the tedious task of building your website from scratch, or transferring the content to another blog is not an issue. Even moving from one plugin to another is possible. Not long ago, we covered moving from All in One SEO to WordPress SEO by Yoast, which may come in handy.

因此,从头开始构建网站或将内容转移到另一个博客这一繁琐的任务不是问题。 甚至可以从一个插件迁移到另一个插件。 不久前,我们介绍了Yoast从All in One SEO到WordPress SEO的转变 ,这可能会派上用场。

There are even features that let you import old titles and descriptions through built-in import functionality.


与WordPress电子商务网站集成 (Integration with WordPress Ecommerce Sites)

The plugin should offer SEO integration for WordPress ecommerce sites. The All-in-One SEO plugin has this option.

该插件应为WordPress电子商务网站提供SEO集成。 多合一SEO插件具有此选项。

社交媒体整合 (Social Media Integration)

Facebook’s OpenGraph implementation and Google Knowledge Graph tags should be built into your plugin to enhance sharing on social platforms. If someone tries to share one of your posts and the only image they can share is a logo or button, it’s highly likely they’ll abandon the process.

Facebook的OpenGraph实现和Google Knowledge Graph标签应内置到您的插件中,以增强在社交平台上的共享。 如果某人试图分享您的一个帖子,并且他们唯一可以分享的图片是徽标或按钮,那么他们很可能会放弃该过程。

主题兼容性 (Theme Compatibility)

It’s important that our SEO plugin can work with, or override, any shortcomings that exist in our theme templates.


内置API (Built-in API)

A built-in API should be available for the plugins you’re using so that other plugins and themes can easily access and extend the functionality.


WordPress版本兼容性 (WordPress Version Compatibility)

Compatibility with updated versions of WordPress. There is a section in the Plugin Directory for this as shown below.

与WordPress更新版本的兼容性。 插件目录中对此有一个部分,如下所示。

wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件

WordPress SEO插件 (WordPress SEO Plugins)

So let’s take a look at 5 of the most popular SEO plugins in closer detail. This is just my personal summary, your mileage may vary.

因此,让我们详细了解5个最受欢迎的SEO插件。 这只是我的个人摘要,您的里程可能会有所不同。

Yoast的WordPress SEO (WordPress SEO by Yoast)

Active Installs: 1+ million


One of the most popular WordPress plugins, WordPress SEO by Yoast was developed by Joost de Valk and his team. Just about every WordPress developer will have used it for SEO at one point or another. Some of its features include:

Yoast 最受欢迎的WordPress插件之一 WordPress SEO是由Joost de Valk及其团队开发的。 几乎每个WordPress开发人员都会在某一时刻将其用于SEO。 它的一些功能包括:

  • Robots.txt and .htaccess are editable using this plugin.

  • Enabling XML sitemap functionality is easier.

  • Breadcrumbs

  • Provides some options to keep the head section as clean as possible.

  • Allows additional content to be included at the front and end of the posts in RSS feeds.

    允许在RSS feed中的帖子的开头和结尾处包含其他内容。
  • Available in different languages.

wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件

一站式搜索引擎优化包 (All in One SEO Pack)

Active Installs: 1+ million


All in One SEO pack offers what you want from an SEO pack to boost your website’s search results (SERP).


Some of it’s features include:


  • Support for Google Analytics.

    支持Google Analytics(分析)。
  • It has sitemap support, which submits your site to Google and Bing.

  • Highlights any duplicate content in your content.

  • Offers SEO Integration for WordPress ecommerce sites.

  • Generated meta tags automatically.

wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件

SEO by Squirrly (SEO By Squirrly)

Active Installs: 10,000+


This plugin provides weekly SEO Audit reports and suggests great options for accurate keyword selection. Their official video gives assistance on how to use it for keyword selection and optimization.

该插件每周提供一次SEO审核报告,并为准确选择关键字提供了不错的选择。 他们的官方视频为如何使用它进行关键字选择和优化提供了帮助。

Some of it’s features include:


  • SEO audit report.

  • Keyword research and analysis.

  • Publish your content after getting a green indicator. The green indicator itself says that the content is now completely optimized.

    在获得绿色指示灯后发布您的内容。 绿色指示器本身表示内容现已完全优化。
  • SEO settings from other plugins remain intact. There is no need to start again from scratch.

    其他插件的SEO设置保持不变。 无需从头开始。
  • Tracks all the aspects of content marketing.

wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件

SEO向导 (SEO Wizard)

Active Installs: 9,000+


The SEO Wizard plugin provides flexibility, assists users to write better content, keep track of posts, and improve on-page optimization.


Some of it’s features include:


  • Helps in writing better content.

  • Keeps track of posts.

  • Writing optimized meta titles and descriptions.

  • Boosts social media presence.

  • Helps in on-page SEO.

wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件

格雷格的高性能SEO (Greg’s High Performance SEO)

Active Installs: 20,000+


This helps with content visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It also includes a detailed 6000-word usage guide and introduction to WordPress SEO. It’s for professionals, marketers, novice users, developers, and anyone who loves to see their website on the top of the SERPs.

这有助于提高搜索引擎(例如Google,Bing和Yahoo)的内容可见性。 它还包括详细的6000字用法指南和WordPress SEO简介。 它适用于专业人士,营销人员,新手用户,开发人员以及任何喜欢在SERP顶部看到其网站的人。

Some of it’s features include:


  • More than 100 on-page SEO characteristics.

  • Automatic conflict checker.

  • Provides an option for secondary descriptions and titles which is important for on-page SEO.

  • Paged comments configuration screen for removing duplicate content (such as removing post content from your comments page).

wordpress插件_审查的*WordPress SEO插件

摘要 (Summary)

In this article I’ve covered 5 of the most popular SEO plugins for WordPress. I definitely recommend WordPress SEO by Yoast and All-in-One-SEO. However, others also have some unique features as shown below.

在本文中,我介绍了WordPress最受欢迎的5个SEO插件。 我绝对推荐YoastAll-in-One-SEO的 WordPress SEO 。 但是,其他人也有一些独特的功能,如下所示。

WordPress SEO by Yoast * Enabling XML sitemap functionality is easier.
* Allows adding content to front and end of the posts in RSS feeds.
* Still considered as the best SEO plugin for WordPress.
All in One SEO pack * Support for Google Analytics.
* Only plugin to provide SEO Integration for WordPress E-Commerce sites.
* Secured with Nonce Security.
SEO By Squirrly * SEO Audit reports.
* Researches keywords for tracking content.
* Heading suggestions based on SEO keyword.
SEO Wizard * Optimized meta titles and descriptions.
* Boosts social media presence.
* It helps in on-page SEO.
Greg’s High Performance SEO * 100+ on-page SEO characteristics covered.
* Automatic conflict checker.
* Removing posts content from comments page.
Yoast的WordPress SEO *启用XML网站地图功能更加容易。
*允许在RSS feed中的帖子的开头和结尾添加内容。
一站式搜索引擎优化包 *支持Google Analytics(分析)。
SEO by Squirrly * SEO审核报告。
SEO向导 *优化的元标题和描述。
格雷格的高性能SEO *涵盖了100多个页面SEO特性。

What about you? What SEO plugins have you used to boost your website’s SEO performance?

你呢? 您使用了哪些SEO插件来提高网站的SEO性能?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/top-wordpress-seo-plugins-reviewed/
