lstm numpy代码_7个Numpy技巧使我的代码更好,更聪明

lstm numpy代码

Numpy is one of the most important and popular libraries in Python for numerical computation. It is widely used in data science and machine learning, a lot of libraries are built on top of it. I wish to share 7 Numpy tricks that I wish I had known earlier as a beginner in this post.

Numpy是Python中用于数值计算的最重要和最受欢迎的库之一。 它被广泛用于数据科学和机器学习中,并且在此基础上建立了许多库。 我希望分享7个Numpy技巧,我希望我早些时候在本文中早已知道这些技巧。

1. numpy.linspace() (1. numpy.linspace())

np.linespace(start, stop, num) return an array with the evenly spaced numbers from strat to stop

np.linespace(start, stop, num)返回一个数组,该数组具有从stratstop均匀间隔的数字

For example:


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It is convenient to draw math function:


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numpy.arange() (numpy.arange())

np.arange(start, stop, step) provides similar function, it creates an array from start to stop in step.

np.arange(start, stop, step)提供了类似的功能,它在step中np.arange(start, stop, step)创建一个数组。

For example:


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2. numpy.random (2. numpy.random)

It is quite often we need to generate random numbers for statical calculation. Numpy offers some functions to generate random numbers.

我们经常需要生成随机数以进行静态计算。 Numpy提供了一些生成随机数的功能。

np.random.randint() (np.random.randint())

randint(low, high, size) generates an array (size=size) of random integers in the range (low — high).

randint(low, high, size)生成一个范围为(low — high)的随机整数数组(size = size)。

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np.random.rand() (np.random.rand())

rand() generates random numbers uniformly distributed between 0 to 1 in a given shape.


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np.random.randn() (np.random.randn())

randn() generates random numbers in a normal distribution.


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np.random.choice() (np.random.choice())

random.choice() allows us to randomly choose samples from a given array. It is also possible to pass a probability.

random.choice()允许我们从给定数组中随机选择样本。 也可以传递概率。

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3. numpy.argmax() (3. numpy.argmax())

np.argmax() returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.


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It is useful in object classification and detection to find the object with the highest probability.


There are also similar functions like argmin() , argwhere() , argpartition()

也有像类似的功能argmin() argwhere() argpartition()

4. numpy.setdiff1d() (4. numpy.setdiff1d())

np.setdiff1d() returns the values in an array that are not in another array.


For example, we have two arrays:


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If we want to find the values in athat are not presented in b(the answer should be [1,2,3]), we can use setdiff1d() :

如果我们要寻找的值a未在呈现b (答案应该是[1,2,3]),我们可以使用setdiff1d()

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We can also do it the other way around, finding values in b that are not presented in a:


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numpy.intersect1d() (numpy.intersect1d())

One similar function is intersect1d() , it returns the intersection of 2 arrays, which is [4,5,6] in this case.

一个类似的函数是intersect1d() ,它返回2个数组的交集,在这种情况下为[4,5,6]。

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5. numpy.where (5. numpy.where)

np.where(condition,x,y) returns elements chosen from x or y depending on condition.


For example, we have an array containing exam scores:


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We want to replace the scores by ‘pass’ or ‘not_pass’. The condition can be set as scores>60 :

我们想用“ pass”或“ not_pass”代替分数。 可以将条件设​​置为scores>60

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If the x and y are not passed to the np.where , the index position of the elements that meet the condition will be returned.

如果x和y没有传递到np.where ,则将返回满足条件的元素的索引位置。

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6. reshape() (6. reshape())

Sometimes we need to reshape the array, we can use the resphape() method.

有时我们需要调整数组的resphape() ,可以使用resphape()方法。

For example, we have a one dimension array:


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We can reshape it to a 2x5 array:


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We can use -1 , numpy calculates the dimension for you.

我们可以使用-1 ,numpy为您计算尺寸。

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展平() (flatten())

If you want to reshape a multidimensional array to 1D array, you can use flatten()


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stack() (stack())

You can also stack multiple arrays in one array using np.stack() .


For example:


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You can do it among other axis,


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You can also use hstack() to stack arrays horizontally:


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7. numpy.clip() (7. numpy.clip())

If you have an array containing some numbers and a range, you can use clip() to limit the numbers to that range. For numbers outside the range, it returns the edge value.

如果您的数组包含一些数字和一个范围,则可以使用clip()将数字限制在该范围内。 对于超出范围的数字,它将返回边缘值。

For example:


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It clips the array between 3 to 5.


That’s it. These Numpy tricks make my code a lot simpler and efficient. I hope these help you too

而已。 这些Numpy技巧使我的代码更加简单和高效。 希望这些对您有帮助

In my previous post, I also shared 7 Python tricks I wish I had known earlier that make my code better and smarter. You can take a look if you are interested.

在我以前的文章中,我还分享了我希望早些时候知道的7个Python技巧,这些技巧可以使我的代码更好,更聪明。 如果您有兴趣,可以看看。

Thanks for reading, happy coding.



lstm numpy代码