linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who

linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who


linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who
PJ_Photography/Shutterstock PJ_摄影/快门

Doctor Who is an incredibly popular show all around the world, yet it’s hard to rewatch old episodes. Whether you want to stream it live or watch the classics, this is where you can catch them all.

神秘博士(Doctor Who)是世界各地非常受欢迎的节目,但很难重看旧剧集。 无论您要现场直播还是观看经典歌曲,都可以在这里找到所有经典歌曲。

现场剧集 (Live Episodes)

The BBC America channel shuffles through a lot of older episodes of the latest Doctor Who seasons. It is also the one place to go to watch the latest episodes as they air. These are the streaming services you can use to see every episode of the newest season.

英国广播公司(BBC America)频道在最近的《 神秘博士》(Doctor Who)季中播出了许多较旧的剧集。 它也是观看播出的最新剧集的地方。 这些是流媒体服务,您可以使用它来查看最新季的每一集。

SlingTV (SlingTV)

linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who

SlingTV has two options that allow you to stream BBC America at a rather low price. You can purchase the Sling Blue option for $20 for the first month and then $30 a month after that. There is also the Sling Orange and Blue option that is $35 for the first month, then it goes up to $45 a month every month afterward.

SlingTV有两个选项,可让您以较低的价格播放BBC America。 您可以在第一个月以20美元的价格购买Sling Blue选项,之后再以每月30美元的价格购买。 还有Sling Orange和Blue选项,第一个月的费用是35美元,然后每个月增加到45美元。

菲洛 (Philo)

linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who

Philo is another cheap option that gives you the ability to enjoy everything available on BBC America. For $20 a month, you’ll get access to around 60 channels so you can catch all the shows you need. You can test out this service with a seven-day free trial to ensure that you enjoy all that it offers.

Philo是另一个便宜的选择,它使您能够享受BBC America上所有可用的功能。 每月只需​​支付20美元,您就可以访问大约60个频道,因此您可以收看所需的所有节目。 您可以通过7天的免费试用期来测试此服务,以确保您享受其中的所有功能。

fuboTV (fuboTV)

linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who

fuboTV is the most expensive option, but it has a lot of channels to choose from. With over 100 channels to choose from, you’ll be paying $55 a month for this service. There is a seven-day trial for the streaming service as well, so you don’t have to give up that chunk of change right away.

fuboTV是最昂贵的选择,但它有很多频道可供选择。 有100多个频道可供选择,您每月将为此服务支付$ 55。 流媒体服务也有7天的试用期,因此您不必立即放弃大部分更改。

YouTube电视 (YouTube TV)

linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who

If you want a large variety of channels with high-end channels included, then YouTube TV might be the one for you. This service offers 70 or more channels, including local sports and news at $50 a month. There’s a five-day trial for this service as well, so feel free to try it out before you buy it.

如果您想要包括高端频道在内的多种频道,那么YouTube TV可能是您的最佳选择。 这项服务提供70个或更多的频道,包括当地体育和新闻,每月收费50美元。 该服务也有一个为期五天的试用期,因此在购买前可以随时试用。

现代与经典 (Modern and Classic Who)

Try catching up with older episodes of Doctor Who by streaming the recent seasons of the show. While you do have to purchase them, it’s not a huge expense. These different websites have the episodes available to you so you can enjoy them in the days to come.

尝试通过直播节目的最新季播来赶上《神秘博士》的旧集。 尽管您必须购买它们,但这并不是一笔巨大的费用。 这些不同的网站都提供了这些剧集,因此您可以在以后的日子中欣赏它们。

亚马逊Prime视频 (Amazon Prime Video)

linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who

Amazon Prime Video is the home of tons of seasons of this beloved show, which you can buy at an episode or season at a time. For $2 an episode or $15 a season, you can have all of the seasons in your library for you to watch whenever you wish.

Amazon Prime Video是这个备受喜爱的节目的许多季的故乡,您可以一次购买一个剧集或一个季。 每集2美元或每季15美元,您可以在自己的图书馆中观看所有季节的影片,随时随地观看。

Google Play (Google Play)

linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who
BigTunaOnline/Shutterstock BigTunaOnline / Shutterstock

Quite a few older episodes are available on Google Play that allow you to see how the show started. You can spend $2 an episode or $7 a season for the older shows. These are great for seeing how we got the Time Lord that we know and love today.

Google Play提供了一些较旧的剧集,可让您查看节目的开始时间。 对于较老的节目,您可以每集花费2美元,每季花费7美元。 这些非常适合了解我们如何获得今天所认识和喜爱的时间之主。

的iTunes (iTunes)

linux下用who查询_如何在没有电缆的情况下流播Who Who
Primakov/Shutterstock 普里马科夫/ Shutterstock

If you have a specific Classic Doctor you know and love, iTunes has the best episodes rounded up for most Doctors. With collections for Tom Baker, William Hartnell, and Peter Davison as well as many more, you’ll be able to get each season for around $10 each.

如果您有一个自己认识和喜爱的经典医生, iTunes将为大多数医生提供最佳的情节。 有了汤姆·贝克(Tom Baker),威廉·哈特内尔(William Hartnell)和彼得·戴维森(Peter Davison)的藏品以及更多其他作品,您每个季度都能以10美元左右的价格得到。

With all the different ways to enjoy this amazing show, you’ll be able to catch up with every episode and every emotion. You’ll be laughing, crying, and everything in between with every Doctor even shown on TV. Allonsey!

通过各种不同的方式来欣赏这个令人惊叹的节目,您将能够赶上每集和每一种情感。 您甚至会在电视上看到的每个医生都在大笑,哭泣以及之间的一切。 阿隆西!

