自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式

自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式


自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式

Have you ever wished that Windows displayed the full date instead of the short date format in the Windows 7 Taskbar? With this easy tutorial, you will have Windows displaying the date exactly how you want it to.

您是否曾经希望Windows在Windows 7任务栏中显示完整日期而不是短日期格式? 通过这个简单的教程,您将使Windows准确显示日期。

To get started click the bottom right corner of the screen where the time and date are displayed in the system tray.


自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式

When the pop-up dialog opens, click on the “Change date and time settings…” link.


自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式

The Date and Time box displays. Click the “Change date and time…” button.

显示日期和时间框。 单击“更改日期和时间…”按钮。

自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式

On the Date and Time Settings dialog box, click on the “Change calendar settings”  link.


自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式

At last, after all that clicking, you will arrive at the “Customize Format” dialog box. Here is where we will customize the way Windows displays the date.  The field you want to customize is called “Short date:”. You can make it display in any format that you would like. See the legend below the screenshot for some examples.

最后,在完成所有单击之后,您将到达“自定义格式”对话框。 这是我们将自定义Windows显示日期的方式的地方。 您要自定义的字段称为“短日期:”。 您可以使其以任何所需的格式显示。 有关示例,请参见屏幕截图下方的图例。

自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式

You can configure your options using a combination of any of the letters below.




d = Day M = Month y = Year

d =天M =月y =年

d = Displays the day as a number. Example: 2 dd = Displays the day as a number with a leading zero for single digit days. Example: 02 ddd = Displays the day of the week as an abbreviated word. Example: Sat dddd = Displays the day of the week as a full word. Example: Saturday

d =将日期显示为数字。 示例:2 dd =将日期显示为一个数字,并在前几位数为前导零。 示例:02 ddd =将星期几显示为缩写词。 示例:Sat dddd =将星期几显示为完整字词。 示例:星期六

M = Displays the month as a number. Example: 8 MM = Displays the month as a number with a leading zero for single digit months. Example: 08 MMM = Displays the month as an abbreviated word. Example: Aug MMMM = Displays the month as a full word. Example: August

M =将月份显示为数字。 示例:8 MM =将月份显示为一个数字,以个位数月份开头的零。 例如:08 MMM =将月份显示为缩写词。 示例:Aug MMMM =将月份显示为完整单词。 示例:八月

yy = Displays the last two numbers in the year. Example: 11 yyyy = Displays the year in full. Example: 2011

yy =显示一年中的最后两个数字。 示例:11 yyyy =显示完整的年份。 范例:2011年

Additionally, you can separate the parts of the date with spaces, dashes (-), commas (,), slashes (/), or periods (.).


Example: If we wanted our date to display as Saturday, August 20, 2011, we would change the “Short Date:” field to: dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy

示例:如果我们希望日期显示为2011年8月20日 ( 星期六),则将“短日期:”字段更改为: dddd,MMMM dd,yyyy

Below, we have configured it to show the date in the format described in the legend.


自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式
自定义任务栏启动_如何在Windows 7任务栏中自定义日期格式

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/71013/beginner-geek-how-to-customize-the-date-format-in-the-windows-taskbar/
