

Whenever there’s a natural disaster, your friends and family will want to know that you’re safe. Facebook has tried to make this easier with its Safety Check feature. Here’s how to let everyone you know on Facebook that you’re safe with a couple clicks, instead of messaging everyone individually.

每当发生自然灾害时,您的朋友和家人都会想知道您的安全。 Facebook尝试通过其安全检查功能使此操作变得更容易。 通过这种方式,只需单击几下即可在Facebook上让您认识的每个人都安全,而不是单独向每个人发送消息。

Facebook aims to automatically activate Safety Check if you’re in the area of a disaster it knows about. If you live in an area where a number of people are posting about an event, Facebook may send you a notification asking if you’re safe. If you get a notification like the one below, simply click it and choose I’m Safe. Facebook will then create a post marking you safe in the area.

Facebook旨在自动启动“安全检查”,以确保您处在已知的灾难范围内。 如果您居住在有很多人发布事件的地方,Facebook可能会向您发送通知,询问您是否安全。 如果您收到类似以下的通知,只需单击它,然后选择“我很安全”。 然后,Facebook将创建一个帖子,标记您在该地区的安全。


If you don’t get that notification, you can open the Safety Check section here. On this page, you’ll see a list of events that have affected you or your family. Click the one you’re affected by.

如果未收到该通知,则可以在此处打开“安全检查”部分 。 在此页面上,您将看到影响您或您的家人的事件列表。 单击您所受影响的那个。


On this page, there’s a banner at the top of the page asking if you’re in the affected area. If you are, click Yes and you can mark yourself safe or not. You can also ask your friends if they’re safe from this page.

在此页面的顶部,有一个横幅,询问您是否在受影响的区域。 如果是,请单击“是”,然后可以将自己标记为安全。 您也可以从此页面询问您的朋友是否安全


If you scroll down a bit on the emergency event page, there’s a module in the side bar where you can donate to various organizations who are working on relief effort. Usually, several non-profits have fundraisers set up (or you can start your own, if you want).

如果您在紧急事件页面上向下滚动,则侧栏中会显示一个模块,您可以在其中向从事救灾工作的各个组织捐款。 通常,几个非营利组织都设立了募捐人(或者,如果需要,您可以自己发起)。


If you’re in an affected area, you hopefully won’t have to dive this deep into the Safety Check tool to mark yourself safe, but it’s good to know how to do so if you need to.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/324945/how-to-mark-yourself-safe-on-facebook-during-an-emergency/