macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

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macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

MacOS Mojave brought with it a slew of new features, the most striking of which is a system-wide dark mode that applies to all native Apple apps and compliments Apple’s Night Shift to ease your eyes late at night.

MacOS Mojave带来了许多新功能 ,其中最引人注目的是适用于所有本机Apple应用程序的系统范围内的暗模式 ,并称赞了Apple的Night Shift ,可在深夜缓解您的视线。

如何开启黑暗模式 (How to Turn On Dark Mode)

The option for Dark mode is in the System Preferences app, which you can open from the Dock, your Applications folder, or by clicking the Apple icon at the top of your screen and selecting “System Preferences.” When you’re there, click on “General.”

“黑暗”模式的选项位于“系统偏好设置”应用程序中,您可以从Dock,“应用程序”文件夹中打开,也可以通过单击屏幕顶部的Apple图标并选择“系统偏好设置”来打开。 当您在那里时,点击“常规”。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

At the top of the window, you’ll see the toggle between light mode and dark mode. You can click either one to switch to the corresponding mode.

在窗口顶部,您将看到在亮模式和暗模式之间切换。 您可以单击任意一个以切换到相应的模式。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

There’s another feature to set here: the accent color. This will determine the color of buttons and any highlights in native apps. Surprisingly, setting the accent color to “Graphite,” the gray color, makes dark mode slightly darker. It changes from a bluish-gray to a flat gray color, which you may prefer.

这里还有另一个功能:重点色。 这将确定按钮的颜色以及本机应用程序中的所有突出显示。 令人惊讶的是,将强调色设置为“ Graphite”(灰色),使深色模式略暗。 它可能会从青灰色变为浅灰色,您可能会喜欢。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

Unfortunately, this also makes all the accents very dull, which does look a bit strange, and there doesn’t seem to be a way to get this flat black color without using the Graphite accent.


如何启用夜班 (How to Enable Night Shift)

Night shift changes the color of your display to seem warmer (more orange) at nighttime since prolonged exposure to overly blue light can strain your eyes. If you usually stay up staring at your screens, it might be worth giving this a try to save you a literal headache.

夜班使您的显示屏的颜色在夜间显得更温暖(更橙色),因为长时间暴露在过度的蓝光下可能会使您的眼睛疲劳。 如果您通常不停地盯着屏幕,可能值得尝试一下,以免让您头疼。

Open the “Displays” category in System Preferences.


macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

Under the “Night Shift” tab, you’ll find an option to enable it from Sunset to Sunrise. This will turn on Night Shift when the sun goes down, and turn it off when you wake up.

在“夜班”标签下,您会找到一个将其从日落启用到日出的选项。 当太阳下山时,此功能将打开“夜班”,当您醒来时将其关闭。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

Apple didn’t invent Night Shift though. It actually comes from an old app called f.lux, which is designed to do the same thing. f.lux is still being updated and has a lot more features and controls than Apple’s built-in option, including the ability to set two different levels for Sunset and Bedtime.

苹果并没有发明夜班。 它实际上来自一个名为f.lux的旧应用,该应用旨在执行相同的操作。 f.lux仍在更新中,比Apple的内置选项具有更多的功能和控件,包括能够为Sunset和Bedtime设置两个不同的级别。

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

If you’d like to use f.lux instead of Night Shift, it’s free to download, and works on any OS.

如果您想使用f.lux代替Night Shift,可以免费下载 ,并且可以在任何操作系统上使用。

在日落时启用夜间模式(或使用快捷方式) (Enable Night Mode at Sunset (or With a Shortcut))

macos mojave_如何在macOS Mojave中启用暗模式

If you’d like to take it a step further, you can set a schedule to automatically enable dark mode when it’s getting late with an app called NightOwl. Just install the app, and from the icon in the top menu bar enable “Sunrise/Sunset” to use the same schedule as the built-in Night Shift. You can set specific times as well if you’d like.

如果您想更进一步,可以设置一个时间表,以在夜景较晚的应用程序NightOwl下自动启用黑暗模式。 只需安装该应用程序,然后从顶部菜单栏中的图标启用“日出/日落”即可使用与内置Night Shift相同的时间表。 您也可以根据需要设置特定时间。

NightOwl should launch on startup and stay in the menu bar. You can quickly enable or disable dark mode with the NightOwl option in your menu bar or with a hotkey—Command+^ is the default. You can even select specific apps to have dark mode enabled while keeping others in light mode.

NightOwl应该在启动时启动并停留在菜单栏中。 您可以使用菜单栏中的NightOwl选项或热键快速启用或禁用黑暗模式-Command + ^是默认设置。 您甚至可以选择特定的应用程序以启用黑暗模式,同时让其他应用程序保持亮模式。


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