



Windows provides several options for conserving power when you are not using your PC. These options include Sleep, Hibernate, and Hybrid Sleep, and are particularly useful if you have a laptop. Here’s the difference between them.

当您不使用PC时,Windows提供了几种节能方式。 这些选项包括“睡眠”,“Hibernate”和“混合睡眠”,如果您有笔记本电脑,则特别有用。 这是它们之间的区别。

睡眠模式 (Sleep Mode)

Sleep mode is a power saving state that is similar to pausing a DVD movie. All actions on the computer are stopped, any open documents and applications are put in memory while the computer goes into a low-power state. The computer technically stays on, but only uses a bit of power. You can quickly resume normal, full-power operation within a few seconds. Sleep mode is basically the same thing as “Standby” mode.

睡眠模式是一种节能状态,类似于暂停DVD电影。 当计算机进入低功耗状态时,计算机上的所有操作都将停止,所有打开的文档和应用程序都将存储在内存中。 从技术上讲,计算机可以保持打开状态,但仅消耗一点电量。 您可以在几秒钟内快速恢复正常的全功率运行。 睡眠模式与“待机”模式基本相同。

Sleep mode is useful if you want to stop working for a short period of time. The computer doesn’t use much power in Sleep mode, but it does use some.

如果您想短时间停止工作,睡眠模式很有用。 笔记本计算机在“睡眠”模式下消耗的电量并不多,但确实消耗了一些电量。

冬眠 (Hibernate)

Hibernate mode is very similar to sleep, but instead of saving your open documents and running applications to your RAM, it saves them to your hard disk. This allows your computer to turn off entirely, which means once your computer is in Hibernate mode, it uses zero power. Once the computer is powered back on, it will resume everything where you left off. It just takes a bit longer to resume than sleep mode does (though with an SSD, the difference isn’t as noticeable as it is with traditional hard drives).

Hibernate模式与睡眠非常相似,但是它不会将打开的文档和正在运行的应用程序保存到RAM中,而是将其保存到硬盘中。 这将使您的计算机完全关闭,这意味着一旦计算机进入Hibernate模式,它将使用零功耗。 重新启动计算机后,它将恢复您上次关闭的所有位置。 恢复到恢复状态只需要比睡眠模式更长的时间(尽管使用SSD时,差异并不像传统硬盘驱动器那样明显)。

Use this mode if you won’t be using your laptop for an extended period of time, and you don’t want to close your documents.


混合睡眠 (Hybrid Sleep)

Hybrid Sleep mode is a combination of the Sleep and Hibernate modes meant for desktop computers. It puts any open documents and applications in memory and on your hard disk, and then puts your computer into a low-power state, allowing you to quickly wake the computer and resume your work. The Hybrid Sleep mode is enabled by default in Windows on desktop computers and disabled on laptops. When enabled, it automatically puts your computer into Hybrid Sleep mode when you put it into Sleep mode.

混合睡眠模式是适用于台式计算机的睡眠和Hibernate模式的组合。 它将所有打开的文档和应用程序放入内存硬盘中,然后使计算机进入低功耗状态,从而使您可以快速唤醒计算机并恢复工作。 混合睡眠模式默认情况下在台式机的Windows中启用,在笔记本电脑上禁用。 启用后,当您将计算机置于睡眠模式时,它将自动使计算机进入混合睡眠模式。

Hybrid Sleep mode is useful for desktop computers in case of a power outage. When power resumes, Windows can restore your work from the hard disk, if the memory is not accessible.

混合睡眠模式对于断电的台式计算机很有用。 恢复供电后,如果无法访问内存,则Windows可以从硬盘恢复工作。

如何使计算机进入睡眠或Hibernate模式 (How to Put Your Computer In Sleep or Hibernation Mode)

In Windows 10, the Hibernate and Sleep options are accessed using the Power button on the Start menu.

在Windows 10中,可以使用“开始”菜单上的“电源”按钮访问“Hibernate”和“睡眠”选项。


In Windows 7, the Sleep and Hibernate options are accessed using the arrow button next to the Shut down button on the Start menu.

在Windows 7中,可以使用“开始”菜单上“关机”按钮旁边的箭头按钮访问“睡眠”和“Hibernate”选项。


If you don’t see the Sleep option or the Hibernate option, it may be for one of the following reasons:


  • Your video card may not support Sleep mode. Refer to the documentation for your video card. You can also update the driver.

    您的视频卡可能不支持睡眠模式。 请参阅视频卡的文档。 您也可以更新驱动程序。
  • If you don’t have administrative access on the computer, you may have to refer to the administrator to change the option.

  • The power-saving modes in Windows are turned on and off in your computer’s BIOS (basic input/output system). To turn on these modes, restart your computer and then enter the BIOS setup program. The key for accessing BIOS differs for each computer manufacturer. Instructions for accessing BIOS generally displays on the screen as the computer boots. For more information, see your computer’s documentation or check the website for your computer’s manufacturer.

    Windows的省电模式在计算机的BIOS(基本输入/输出系统)中打开和关闭。 要打开这些模式,请重新启动计算机,然后进入BIOS设置程序。 每个计算机制造商访问BIOS的**都不同。 计算机启动时,屏幕上通常会显示访问BIOS的说明。 有关更多信息,请参阅计算机的文档或访问网站以获取计算机制造商的信息。
  • If you don’t see the Hibernate option in Windows 7, it’s likely because Hybrid Sleep is enabled instead. We will explain how to enable and disable the Hybrid Sleep mode later in this article.

    如果您在Windows 7中没有看到“Hibernate”选项,则可能是因为启用了“混合睡眠”。 我们将在本文后面解释如何启用和禁用混合睡眠模式。
  • If you don’t see the Hibernate option in Windows 8 or 10, it’s because it’s hidden by default. You can re-enable it with these instructions.

    如果您在Windows 8或10中没有看到“Hibernate”选项,那是因为默认情况下它是隐藏的。 您可以按照以下说明重新启用它

如何从睡眠或Hibernate状态唤醒计算机 (How to Wake Your Computer from Sleep or Hibernation)

Most computers can be woken up by pressing the power button. However, every computer is different. You might need to press a key on the keyboard, click a mouse button, or lift the laptop’s lid. Refer to your computer’s documentation or the manufacturer’s website for information about waking it from a power-saving state.

按下电源按钮可以唤醒大多数计算机。 但是,每台计算机都是不同的。 您可能需要按键盘上的某个键,单击鼠标按钮或提起笔记本电脑的盖子。 有关从节能状态唤醒计算机的信息,请参阅计算机的文档或制造商的网站。

如何启用和禁用混合睡眠选项 (How to Enable and Disable the Hybrid Sleep Option)

To enable or disable the Hybrid Sleep Option, open the Control Panel. To do this in Windows 10, click the Search icon on the Taskbar, type control panel, and then click “Control Panel” in the search results.

要启用或禁用“混合睡眠选项”,请打开“控制面板”。 为此,请在Windows 10中单击任务栏上的“搜索”图标,键入控制面板,然后在搜索结果中单击“控制面板”。


In Windows 7, select “Control Panel” on the Start menu.

在Windows 7中,在“开始”菜单上选择“控制面板”。


There are different ways of viewing and accessing the tools in the Control Panel. By default, the Control Panel settings are grouped by Category. From the Category view, click “System and Security”.

在“控制面板”中有多种查看和访问工具的方法。 默认情况下,控制面板设置按类别分组。 在类别视图中,单击“系统和安全性”。


Then, click “Power Options” on the System and Security screen.



On the Choose or customize a power plan screen, click the “Change plan settings” link to the right of the currently selected power plan (either Balanced or Power saver).


NOTE: You can change the Hybrid Sleep option for either one or both of the power plans. The steps are the same for both.

注意:您可以更改一个或两个电源计划的“混合睡眠”选项。 两者的步骤相同。

For Windows 7, this screen is called “Select a power plan”, but the options are the same.

对于Windows 7,此屏幕称为“选择电源计划”,但选项相同。


On the Change settings for the plan screen, click the “Change advanced power settings” link.



On the Power Options dialog box, click the “Change settings that are currently unavailable” link.



Click the plus sign next to Sleep to expand the options, if they are not already expanded. Click the plus sign next to Allow Hybrid Sleep. Select “Off” from one or both of the drop-down lists under the Allow Hybrid Sleep heading.

单击睡眠旁边的加号以展开选项(如果尚未展开)。 单击“允许混合睡眠”旁边的加号。 从“允许混合睡眠”标题下的一个或两个下拉列表中选择“关闭”。

NOTE: You can also double-click on a heading to expand it.



By default, Windows requires a password to access the computer when you wake it up from a power saving state. You can use the Power Options dialog box to turn this off. The first heading in the list box is the name of the power plan chosen in the drop-down list above the list box. Click the plus sign (or double-click on the heading) to expand the heading and select “Off” from one or both of the drop-down lists under the heading.

默认情况下,从省电状态唤醒计算机时, Windows要求使用密码才能访问计算机。 您可以使用“电源选项”对话框将其关闭。 列表框中的第一个标题是在列表框上方的下拉列表中选择的电源计划的名称。 单击加号(或双击标题)以展开标题,然后从标题下的一个或两个下拉列表中选择“关闭”。


At this point, you can click “OK” to save your changes. However, if you want to prevent your computer from automatically sleeping or hibernating, leave the Power Options dialog box open, as we will use it again in the next section.

此时,您可以单击“确定”保存更改。 但是,如果要防止计算机自动进入睡眠或Hibernate状态,请保持“电源选项”对话框处于打开状态,因为我们将在下一部分中再次使用它。

如何防止计算机自动进入Hibernate或Hibernate状态 (How to Prevent Your Computer from Automatically Sleeping or Hibernating)

You can also change the amount of time before your computer goes into sleep or hibernate mode, or turn off each mode completely. Here’s how to do this.

您还可以更改计算机进入睡眠或Hibernate模式之前的时间,或者完全关闭每种模式。 这是这样做的方法。

NOTE: If you are using a battery-powered laptop, be careful when changing the time before your computer goes into sleep or hibernate mode, or when turning off the sleep or hibernate mode completely. If the battery dies when you’re in the middle of working on the computer, you can lose data.

注:如果使用电池供电的笔记本电脑,请在更改计算机进入睡眠或Hibernate模式之前的时间或完全关闭睡眠或Hibernate模式时小心。 如果在使用计算机时电池没电了,则可能会丢失数据。

If the Power Options dialog box is not currently open, open it as discussed above.


Double-click on the “Sleep” heading, and then double-click on “Sleep After”. If you’re using a laptop, click “On Battery” or “Plugged In” to activate the edit box. Click the down arrow until “Never” is selected. You can also type a 0 into the edit box, which is the equivalent of “Never”.

双击“ Sleep”标题,然后双击“ Sleep After”。 如果您使用的是笔记本电脑,请单击“电池供电”或“插入电源”以**编辑框。 单击向下箭头,直到选择“从不”。 您也可以在编辑框中输入0,相当于“从不”。

If you’re using a desktop computer, click Setting, and click the down arrow until “Never” is selected.


You can do the same for the “Hibernate After” heading.



If you want the display to stay on, double-click on the “Display” heading and then double-click “Turn Off Display After” and change the “On Battery” and “Plugged In” values to “Never”. Or, you can specify a different amount of time after which the display will turn off.

如果要保持显示不变,请双击“ Display”(显示)标题,然后双击“ Turn Off Display After”(将显示器关闭后),然后将“ On Battery”和“ Pluged In”值更改为“ Never”。 或者,您可以指定一个不同的时间量,之后显示器将关闭。

Click “OK” to save your changes, and then click the “X” button in the upper-right corner of the Control Panel window to close it.

单击“确定”保存更改,然后单击“控制面板”窗口右上角的“ X”按钮将其关闭。


Now you can be smart in your choice of power-saving modes. If you’re using a laptop computer, the best option is most likely Hibernate, because it saves the most power compared to Sleep and Hybrid Sleep.

现在,您可以明智地选择省电模式。 如果您使用的是笔记本电脑,最好的选择就是Hibernate模式,因为与“睡眠”和“混合睡眠”相比,它可以节省最多的电量。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/102897/whats-the-difference-between-sleep-and-hibernate-in-windows/
