Movavi Screen Capture Studio –从屏幕轻松录制和编辑视频

Screen recording has become increasingly popular in recent years but its most visible use tends to still be in the how-to guides and tutorials involving digital products that you may have encountered. However having the ability to record videos from your screen can actually do much more than that, and you could use it to save webinars, online streaming videos, Skype calls, and so on.

近年来,屏幕录像已变得越来越流行,但其最明显的用途仍然是在您可能遇到的涉及数字产品的操作指南和教程中。 但是,具有从屏幕上录制视频的功能实际上可以做的还远远不止这些,您可以使用它来保存网络研讨会,在线流视频,Skype通话等。

Because of its versatility, it makes sense to have a screen recorder around that you can turn to if and when you need to capture any footage from your screen. That is precisely what Movavi Screen Capture Studio will do for you – with the added benefit of also having its very own built-in video editor so that you can tweak and improve your video after the fact.

由于它的多功能性,因此有一个屏幕记录仪是很有意义的,您可以在何时以及何时需要从屏幕上捕获任何素材时使用它。 这正是Movavi Screen Capture Studio会为您完成的任务–额外的好处是还拥有自己的内置视频编辑器,使您可以在事后调整和改善视频。

Movavi Screen Capture Studio –从屏幕轻松录制和编辑视频

Intuitive and Beginner-Friendly


If you’re worried about how difficult it will be to learn how to use Movavi Screen Capture Studio – there’s no need to be. Contrary to what you may expect it is an extremely intuitive software that prioritizes the user experience.

如果您担心学习如何使用Movavi Screen Capture Studio有多困难,则无需做任何事情。 与您所期望的相反,它是一种非常直观的软件,优先考虑用户体验。

Part of Movavi Screen Capture Studio’s intuitive design is reflected in its clean and simple user interface that divides all its features into tabs that will let you easily navigate and find what you require. The other part is its controls that use common and familiar actions such as dragging elements into place, adjusting sliders, or just clicking the appropriate button.

Movavi Screen Capture Studio直观设计的一部分体现在其简洁明了的用户界面中,该界面将其所有功能划分为多个选项卡,使您可以轻松导航和查找所需内容。 另一部分是其控件,它们使用常见且熟悉的动作,例如将元素拖动到适当位置,调整滑块或仅单击适当的按钮。

In short you could be a complete beginner and still take full advantage of the features that Movavi Screen Capture Studio has to offer. The only thing that you’ll need is a bit of time and a willingness to experiment – and everything else will come almost naturally.

简而言之,您可能是一个完整的初学者,但仍然可以充分利用Movavi Screen Capture Studio提供的功能。 您唯一需要的是一点时间和试验的意愿-其他所有事情几乎都会自然而然地发生。

Comprehensive Features


Within Movavi Screen Capture Studio are numerous features that generally fall into two camps. The first will let you fully adjust and control the recording parameters and encompass areas such as defining the capture area, selecting the audio source, capturing keyboard and mouse actions, or setting the frame rate.

在Movavi Screen Capture Studio中,有许多功能通常分为两个阵营。 第一个选项可让您完全调整和控制录制参数,并涵盖诸如定义捕获区域,选择音频源,捕获键盘和鼠标操作或设置帧频等区域。

Despite the amount of control Movavi Screen Capture Studio provides, you may still want to edit your video after recording it. On that front you’ll also find a comprehensive set of features in its editor that will let you:

尽管Movavi Screen Capture Studio提供了很多控制功能,但您仍然可以在录制视频后对其进行编辑。 在这方面,您还将在其编辑器中找到一组全面的功能,这些功能将使您:

  • Split videos into segments to trim out unnecessary parts.

  • Merge video clips together and arrange the sequence in which they appear.

  • Improve the quality of your videos and fix common problems such as blurry, pixelated or interlaced footage.

  • Apply filters and special effects to transform and stylize the visual appearance of your videos.

  • Insert text elements and customize them to create unique captions, subtitles or watermarks.

  • Include background music or voiceovers by adding audio tracks to your video.


Honestly that is just the tip of the iceberg, but you should be starting to see how Movavi Screen Capture Studio will let you not only record footage from your screen, but also edit it to the exact shape and form that you require. Be sure to visit its homepage and see what it can do for yourself.

老实说,这只是冰山一角,但是您应该开始了解Movavi Screen Capture Studio如何让您不仅可以记录屏幕上的素材,还可以将其编辑为所需的确切形状和形式。 一定要访问其主页 ,看看它可以为自己做什么。
