

If you want to create a customized envelope, whether for personal or professional use, but don’t want to invest the money having it done professionally, Microsoft Word has you covered. Creating a customized envelope in Word is simple thanks to a feature designed for the task.

如果您想创建一个自定义的信封,无论是用于个人还是专业用途,但又不想投资于专业完成的钱,Microsoft Word都能满足您的要求。 由于为任务设计了功能,因此在Word中创建自定义信封非常简单。

在Word中创建和打印信封 (Creating and Printing Envelopes in Word)

Go ahead and open up Word and select the “Mailings” tab.



Next, click the “Envelopes” button.



The Envelopes and Labels window will appear. This is where we’ll enter all of our information. In the “Delivery Address” box (1), enter the recipient’s address. The “Return Address” box (2) is where you’ll put your name and address. You can leave this out by ticking the  “Omit” checkbox if you prefer. Once you’ve entered all of the information, click “Options” (3).

出现信封和标签窗口。 这是我们输入所有信息的地方。 在“收信人地址”框中(1),输入收件人的地址。 在“寄信人地址”框(2)中,您将放置您的姓名和地址。 如果愿意,您可以通过勾选“忽略”复选框来省略此设置。 输入所有信息后,单击“选项”(3)。


In the Envelope Options window that opens, you need to tell Word how you’ll be feeding the envelope into the printer.



Select the appropriate feed method from the available options. Once you’re set up here, let’s head over to the “Envelope Options” tab.

从可用选项中选择适当的进纸方式。 在这里设置完后,让我们转到“信封选项”标签。


Now we have the options of changing the envelope size and font style. Click the “Envelope Size” dropdown to open up a large list of different envelope sizes and pick the one that best suits your needs. To customize the font for the delivery or return address, click the “Font” button under the respective item. You’ll be greeted by a new window that presents your standard font options.

现在,我们可以选择更改信封大小和字体样式。 点击“信封尺寸”下拉菜单,打开一大堆不同的信封尺寸列表,然后选择最适合您需求的信封尺寸。 要自定义收货或寄回地址的字体,请单击相应项目下的“字体”按钮。 您会被一个新窗口迎接您,该窗口显示了您的标准字体选项。

Once you’re finished customizing your envelope size and font style, click “OK.”



You’ll now be back at the Envelopes and Labels window. The only thing left to do is to click the “Add To Document” button.

现在,您将返回到“信封和标签”窗口。 剩下要做的就是单击“添加到文档”按钮。


Once selected, you’ll receive a message asking you if you’d like to use the return address you entered as the default return address. You can go ahead and select “Yes,” as this information is unlikely to change often.

选择后,您会收到一条消息,询问您是否要将输入的回信地址用作默认回信地址。 您可以继续并选择“是”,因为此信息不太可能经常更改。


You’ll now see a preview of your envelope on the left-hand side of the screen, while on the right side is a blank page for you to type your letter.



After you’ve written up your letter, head back to the “Mailings” tab and click “Envelope.”



You’ll once again be at the “Envelopes and Labels” window. All that’s left to do now is select “Print.”

您将再次在“信封和标签”窗口中。 现在剩下要做的就是选择“打印”。


Make sure you have your envelopes loaded into the appropriate tray in your printer, and you’re good to go!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408456/how-to-create-and-print-an-envelope-in-word/