



If you’ve ever scrolled through your Facebook feed and noticed that someone posted a 360-degree photo, they probably didn’t use a special 360 camera, but rather just their phone. Here’s how you can take your own 360 photos with your smartphone and post them to Facebook for all to enjoy.

如果您曾经滚动浏览Facebook提要并发现有人发布了360度照片,那么他们可能没有使用特殊的360度相机,而只是使用手机。 这是您可以使用智能手机拍摄自己的360张照片并将其发布到Facebook上以供所有人欣赏的方法。

There are several different ways you can take 360-degree photos. You can use a specialized 360 camera that will take one single photo using an array of multiple cameras (like the Samsung Gear 360), or you can just use your smartphone and take a bunch of different photos that get stitched together to create a 360 picture. If you’re using your smartphone, there are a handful of apps that allow you to do this. Google Street View is one of the most popular, and it’s available for both iOS and Android devices.

您可以采用多种不同的方式拍摄360度照片。 您可以使用专用的360度相机,该相机将使用多个相机阵列拍摄一张照片(例如Samsung Gear 360 ),或者您可以使用智能手机拍摄一堆不同的照片,将它们缝合在一起以创建360张图片。 如果您使用的是智能手机,则可以使用一些应用程序来执行此操作。 Google街景视图是最受欢迎的视图之一,并且可在iOSAndroid设备上使用。

So, let’s look at how to take a 360 photo with Street View and post it to Facebook.


拍摄360度照片 (Capture a 360 Photo)

Once you have the Google Street View app downloaded to your phone, open it up and tap the camera button in the bottom-right corner of the screen.



More options will pop up. Select “Camera.”

将会弹出更多选项。 选择“相机”。


You’ll now begin to create your 360-degree photo. Start by lining up the white circle with the orange circle. When you do this, it will automatically take a photo. From there, move your phone around to take more photos, lining up with the orange circles as you go.

现在,您将开始创建360度照片。 首先将白色圆圈与橙色圆圈对齐。 执行此操作时,它将自动拍摄照片。 在那儿,四处移动手机以拍摄更多照片,并与橙色圆圈对齐。


When you’re done capturing the scene, hit the check mark button at the bottom. Keep in mind that you don’t have to create a full 360-degree photo—it can be a simple panorama if you want.

完成场景捕获后,点击底部的复选标记按钮。 请记住,您不必创建完整的360度照片-如果需要,它可以是简单的全景图。


Your photo will take some time to process and stitch together. When it’s done, you’ll see a message that reads: “1 ready to publish.” You can tap, hold, and swipe up that message to open the photo.

您的照片将需要一些时间进行处理和拼接。 完成后,您会看到一条消息,上面写着:“ 1准备发布。” 您可以点击,按住并向上滑动该消息以打开照片。


When your photo is open, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and then tap the share button.



You may get a popup message warning you about flatness in privately-shared photos. We won’t be publishing the photo to Street View anyway, so we’re not worried about that. Just tap “Share Privately.”

您可能会收到一条弹出消息,警告您有关私人共享照片的平坦性。 无论如何,我们都不会将照片发布到街景视图,因此我们对此并不担心。 只需点击“私下共享”。


Choose how you want to share the photo. You can share directly to Facebook—or other services that support 360 photos—or save the image to your phone’s camera roll for later sharing. In this example, we’re going to do the latter by saving the photo first.

选择共享照片的方式。 您可以直接与Facebook共享或其他支持360张照片的服务,也可以将图像保存到手机的相机胶卷中以供以后共享。 在此示例中,我们将通过首先保存照片来完成后者。


分享您的360度照片到Facebook (Share Your 360 Photo to Facebook)

When you’re ready to share your photo to Facebook, open the Facebook app and tap “Photo.”



Select the 360 photo that you took. 360 photos feature a small globe icon on them to help remind you what type of photos they are. Once you’ve selected the photo you want, tap “Done” in the top-right corner.

选择您拍摄的360度照片。 360张照片上带有一个地球仪小图标,可帮助您提醒它们是什么类型的照片。 选择完所需的照片后,点击右上角的“完成”。


Next, drag the photo around to select the starting point.



After that, enter in a status and other details if you’d like and then tap “Post” in the top-right corner.



Once the 360 photo is posted, your Facebook friends will be able to tilt and move their phone around to view it. If they’re on a computer, they’ll be able to click and drag their mouse around instead.

一旦发布了360张照片,您的Facebook朋友就可以倾斜并移动手机进行查看。 如果他们在计算机上,则可以单击并拖动鼠标。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/302513/how-to-post-360-degree-photos-to-facebook/
