wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

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wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

We all have a few large chunks of text we have to type regularly–like your address, long names or phrases, or even tables and images you use often. The AutoText feature in Word allows you to store these chunks of text and quickly insert them with a few keystrokes, so you can waste less time typing.

我们都有一些大块的文本需要定期输入,例如您的地址,长名或词组,甚至是您经常使用的表格和图像。 Word中的自动图文集功能使您可以存储这些文本块,并通过几次击键快速插入它们,因此您可以减少键入时间。

The AutoText feature has been part of Office for a long time, but is now part of Quick Parts, which was added to Office 2007. In addition to AutoText entries, the Quick Parts feature allows you to insert document properties (such as title and author) and fields (such as dates and page numbers). Quick Parts and AutoText entries are also known as “Building Blocks” and Word comes with many predefined building blocks. You can also add as many custom building blocks as you want.

“自动图文集”功能很长时间以来一直是Office的一部分,但现在已成为“快速零件”的一部分,该功能已添加到Office 2007中。除了“自动图文集”条目外,“快速零件”功能还允许您插入文档属性(例如标题和作者) )和字段(例如日期和页码)。 快速零件和自动图文集词条也称为“构件块”,而Word附带了许多预定义的构件块。 您还可以根据需要添加任意数量的自定义构建基块。

NOTE: We’ve previously written about how to reference text from other documents in Word so you can insert reusable content into other documents that will automatically update. The trick discussed in that article is similar to using an AutoText entry. However, once content is inserted using an AutoText entry, that content will NOT be automatically updated when you change the AutoText entry.

注意:我们之前已经写过有关如何在Word中引用其他文档中的文本的信息,因此您可以将可重用的内容插入将自动更新的其他文档中。 该文章中讨论的技巧类似于使用自动图文集词条。 但是,一旦使用自动图文集词条插入内容,更改自动图文集词条后,该内容将不会自动更新。

There is other software out there, like the free PhraseExpress for Windows, that performs a similar task system-wide. That’s great because it works in every app, not just Word, but AutoText has a few advantages of its own–namely, it has more formatting options (especially Word-specific ones) than PhraseExpress, and it’s available wherever Word is. So, if you aren’t allowed to install third-party programs on your work computer, for example, you can still use AutoText.

还有其他软件,例如免费的Windows PhraseExpress ,可以在整个系统范围内执行类似的任务。 之所以如此,是因为它不仅可以在Word中运行,而且还可以在每个应用程序中使用,但AutoText具有其自身的一些优点-即,与PhraseExpress相比,它具有更多的格式设置选项(尤其是特定于Word的选项),并且无论Word在哪里,它都可用。 因此,例如,如果不允许您在工作计算机上安装第三方程序,则仍然可以使用自动图文集。

RELATED: How to Reference Text from Other Documents in Microsoft Word

相关: 如何从Microsoft Word中的其他文档引用文本

You can only store AutoText entries in templates, not in the documents themselves. By default, new AutoText entries are stored in the Normal.dotm template. This limits the availability of your AutoText entries to your machine only, unless you share your Normal.dotm template with other machines. You can add AutoText entries to custom templates, but there are limitations with this that we will discuss later in this article.

您只能将自动图文集条目存储在模板中 ,而不能存储在文档本身中。 默认情况下,新的自动图文集词条存储在Normal.dotm模板中。 除非您与其他计算机共享Normal.dotm模板,否则这将仅将自动图文集条目的可用性限制到计算机上。 您可以将自动图文集词条添加到自定义模板,但是对此有一些限制,我们将在本文后面讨论。

如何创建一个新的自动图文集词条 (How to Create a New AutoText Entry)

To begin, create a new Word document and enter the content (text, images, tables, etc.) that you want to add as an AutoText entry. Then, highlight the content and click the “Insert” tab.

首先,创建一个新的Word文档并输入要添加为自动图文集条目的内容(文本,图像,表格等)。 然后,突出显示内容,然后单击“插入”选项卡。

RELATED: How to Display Non-Printing Characters in Word

相关: 如何在Word中显示非打印字符

If you want your AutoText entry text to be stored with the paragraph formatting for all the paragraphs in the entry, including the last paragraph, make sure the paragraph mark at the end of the last paragraph is included in your selection. The paragraph mark stores the formatting for the paragraph. When you don’t select the paragraph mark at the end of the paragraph, that paragraph takes on the paragraph style of the surrounding text when you insert it. If you don’t see the paragraph mark at the end of each paragraph, you can choose to display them in the options. Any character formatting you applied to your AutoText content is automatically stored in the AutoText entry.

如果您希望自动图文集条目文本以条目中所有段落(包括最后一个段落)的段落格式存储,请确保选择中包括最后一个段落末尾的段落标记。 段落标记存储段落的格式。 如果您没有选择段落结尾处的段落标记,则在插入时该段落将采用周围文本的段落样式。 如果在每个段落的末尾都看不到段落标记,则可以选择在选项中显示它们 。 您应用于自动图文集内容的任何字符格式都会自动存储在自动图文集条目中。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

In the “Text” section, click the “Explore Quick Parts” button and move your mouse over “AutoText” on the drop-down menu. Then, select “Save Selection to AutoText Gallery” from the submenu.

在“文本”部分中,单击“浏览快速零件”按钮,然后将鼠标移到下拉菜单上的“自动图文集”上。 然后,从子菜单中选择“将选择保存到自动图文集”。

NOTE: You may notice the “Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery” option available directly on the “Quick Parts” menu. This option adds the selected text as a “Quick Parts” entry, not an “AutoText” entry. “Quick Parts” and “AutoText” entries are both building blocks. You could add the entry that way, but we’re going to discuss adding it as an AutoText entry.

注意:您可能会注意到“快速选择”菜单上直接提供了“将选择保存到快速零件库”选项。 此选项将所选文本添加为​​“快速零件”条目,而不是“自动图文集”条目。 “快速零件”和“自动图文集”条目都是构建块。 您可以通过这种方式添加该条目,但是我们将讨论将其添加为自动图文集条目。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

The “Create New Building Block” dialog box displays. Enter a name for the AutoText entry in the “Name” edit box.

将显示“创建新的构建基块”对话框。 在“名称”编辑框中输入自动图文集词条的名称。

We recommend making the names of your AutoText entries different enough so you only have to type a few characters of the name to insert each entry into a document. If multiple AutoText entries have names that are very similar, you’ll have to type enough of the name so Word knows which entry you want to insert.

我们建议使自动图文集词条的名称足够不同,这样您只需键入名称的几个字符即可将每个词条插入文档中。 如果多个自动图文集词条的名称非常相似,则必须键入足够的名称,以便Word知道要插入的词条。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

You can also change the category for this entry. The “Category” drop-down list provides a “Create New Category” option that allows you to add this AutoText entry to a custom category. You can also change the “Gallery” in which the entry is created.

您也可以更改此条目的类别。 “类别”下拉列表提供了“创建新类别”选项,使您可以将此自动图文集条目添加到自定义类别。 您也可以更改在其中创建条目的“图库”。

The “Options” drop-down list allows you to specify how the entry is inserted into the document. If you’re inserting a small bit of text, such as a company name, select “Insert content only” which inserts the content of the entry inline at the cursor. You can also insert the content as its own paragraph or on its own page (perfect for creating standard cover pages).

“选项”下拉列表使您可以指定如何将条目插入文档。 如果要插入一小段文字(例如公司名称),请选择“仅插入内容”,该内容将内联条目的内容插入到光标处。 您也可以将内容作为其自己的段落或自己的页面插入(对于创建标准封面来说是完美的)。

Accept the default setting for the “Save in” drop-down list. This will save the AutoText entry in your Normal template.

接受“保存位置”下拉列表的默认设置。 这会将自动图文集条目保存在您的普通模板中。

RELATED: How to Get Notified When Word Wants to Save Changes to the Normal Template

相关 文章Word要将更改保存到普通模板时如何获得通知

Once you’ve set up your new AutoText entry, click “OK”.


When you close the last Word document you have open, the following dialog box may display asking if you want to save the changes made to the Normal.dotm template, if you’ve turned on the option to be prompted to save the Normal template. To save your AutoText entry in the “Normal.dotm” template, click “Save”.

当您关闭打开的最后一个Word文档时,如果打开了提示您保存Normal模板的选项 ,则可能会显示以下对话框,询问您是否要保存对Normal.dotm模板所做的更改。 要将自动图文集条目保存在“ Normal.dotm”模板中,请单击“保存”。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

如何在文档中插入自动图文集词条 (How to Insert an AutoText Entry into a Document)

Now that we’ve created a new AutoText entry, let’s insert it into a document. Create a new Word document or open an existing one. Click the “Insert” tab again and move your mouse over “AutoText” on the drop-down menu. You’ll notice that the AutoText entry you added is available directly on the “AutoText” submenu. Select it to insert the content in that entry.

现在,我们已经创建了一个新的自动图文集条目,让我们将其插入文档中。 创建一个新的Word文档或打开一个现有的。 再次单击“插入”选项卡,然后将鼠标移到下拉菜单上的“自动图文集”上。 您会注意到,您添加的自动图文集条目可直接在“自动图文集”子菜单上找到。 选择它以将内容插入该条目。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

You can also insert an AutoText entry simply by starting to type the name of the AutoText entry. A small popup displays with the name of the matching AutoText entry and instructions telling you to press “Enter” to insert. Press “Enter” to insert the entire AutoText entry into your document. You can also press “F3”.

您也可以简单地通过开始键入自动图文集条目的名称来插入自动图文集条目。 随即显示一个小的弹出窗口,其中包含匹配的自动图文集词条的名称,并提示您按“ Enter”键进行插入。 按“ Enter”将整个自动图文集词条插入文档。 您也可以按“ F3”。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

The contents of the AutoText entry are inserted, complete with the original line breaks and formatting.


wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

To make it quicker and easier to insert AutoText entries, you can add the “AutoText” button to the Quick Access Toolbar.


wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

如何打开“显示自动完成建议” (How to Turn on “Show AutoComplete Suggestions”)

If you’re not seeing the AutoComplete suggestion when you type your AutoText entry name, you may have to turn on the “Show AutoComplete Suggestions” option.


To turn on “Show AutoComplete Suggestions”, open an existing Word document or create a new one and click the “File” tab.


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On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of options on the left.


wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

Click “Advanced” in the list of items on the left side of the “Word Options” dialog box.

在“ Word选项”对话框的左侧的项目列表中,单击“高级”。

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In the “Editing options” section, click the “Show AutoComplete suggestions” check box so there is a check mark in the box.


wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

Now, you’ll now be able to press “Enter” after typing part of the name of an AutoText entry to insert it.


如何编辑现有自动图文集词条的内容 (How to Edit the Content of an Existing AutoText Entry)

Say you moved to a new home and you need to change your address in your AutoText entry. That’s easy to do. Simply type the entry as you want it in a new Word document, select it, and then access the “AutoText” submenu as we discussed earlier. Select the “Save Selection to AutoText Gallery” option on the submenu below any existing AutoText entries.

假设您搬到新家,并且需要在“自动图文集”条目中更改地址。 这很容易做到。 只需在新的Word文档中键入所需的条目,选择它,然后访问前面讨论的“自动图文集”子菜单。 在任何现有自动图文集条目下方的子菜单上,选择“将选择保存到自动图文集库”。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

Enter the same name as the existing AutoText entry in the “Name” edit box and click “OK”.


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A confirmation dialog box displays. Click “Yes” to replace the previous AutoText entry with the new one.

显示确认对话框。 单击“是”,将以前的自动图文集条目替换为新的。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

Now, you can insert the updated AutoText entry into any new or existing Word document as you did before.


NOTE: Remember, changing an AutoText entry does NOT change the contents of that entry in any existing documents where you already inserted it. The revised contents of the AutoText entry are only used when inserting the entry any time after changing it.

注意:请记住,更改自动图文集词条不会更改您已插入该词条的任何现有文档中该词条的内容。 仅在更改条目后的任何时间插入条目时,才使用自动图文集条目的修订内容。

如何编辑现有自动图文集词条的属性 (How to Edit the Properties of an Existing AutoText Entry)

In addition to editing the contents of an AutoText entry, you can also change the properties of the entry, such as the template in which it’s stored, the category, and so on.


To do this, create a new Word document or open an existing one. Click the “Insert” tab and then click the “Explore Quick Parts” button in the “Text” section. Select “Building Blocks Organizer” on the drop-down menu.

为此,请创建一个新的Word文档或打开一个现有的文档。 单击“插入”选项卡,然后单击“文本”部分中的“浏览快速零件”按钮。 在下拉菜单上选择“ Building Blocks Organizer”。

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The “Building Blocks Organizer” dialog box displays. A list of all “Building blocks” displays, showing the “Name” of each and which “Gallery”, “Category”, and “Template” they’re in. They are listed in alphabetical order according to the “Gallery”. Our new “Address” entry is listed at the top because it’s in the “AutoText” gallery. Click on the entry to select it. A preview of the entry displays on the right side of the dialog box.

显示“ Building Blocks Organizer”对话框。 将显示所有“ Building Block”的列表,显示每个“ Building Block”的“名称”以及它们所在的“图库”,“类别”和“模板”。根据“图库”的字母顺序排列。 我们的新“地址”条目位于顶部,因为它在“自动图文集”库中。 单击条目以将其选中。 条目的预览显示在对话框的右侧。

After selecting the “Address” entry, click “Edit Properties” below the list of “Building blocks”.


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The same dialog box displays as when you created the AutoText entry; however, now it’s called “Modify Building Block”. We’re going to change the “Option” to “Insert content in its own paragraph, so the address is always inserted starting on a separate line, even if the cursor is at the end of another line. Click “OK” once you’ve made the change.

显示与创建自动图文集词条时相同的对话框。 但是,现在称为“修改构件”。 我们将“选项”更改为“在其自己的段落中插入内容,因此,即使光标位于另一行的末尾,也总是从单独的行开始插入地址。 进行更改后,单击“确定”。

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A confirmation dialog box displays again, confirming that you want to replace the AutoText entry with the revised one. Click “Yes”.

再次显示一个确认对话框,确认您要用修改后的条目替换“自动图文集”条目。 点击“是”。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

如何删除自动图文集词条 (How to Delete an AutoText Entry)

If you discover that you don’t need an AutoText entry anymore, you can delete it from the collection of building blocks. To delete an AutoText entry, open the “Building Blocks Organizer” dialog box, as described in the last section. Select the AutoText entry you want to delete and click “Delete” below the list of “Building blocks”.

如果发现不再需要自动图文集条目,则可以将其从构件块集合中删除。 要删除自动图文集词条,请打开“ Building Blocks Organizer”对话框,如上一节所述。 选择要删除的自动图文集条目,然后单击“ Building blocks”列表下面的“ Delete”。

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A confirmation dialog box displays asking if you’re sure you want to delete the selected building block, in this case an AutoText entry. Click “Yes” to delete the entry. You will return to the “Building Blocks Organizer” dialog box. Click “Close” to close it and return to your document.

显示确认对话框,询问您是否确定要删除所选的构建基块,在这种情况下为自动图文集条目。 单击“是”删除条目。 您将返回“ Building Blocks Organizer”对话框。 单击“关闭”将其关闭并返回您的文档。

wps自动图文集 重新编号_如何使用自动图文集在Microsoft Word中快速插入文本块

AutoText appears to have one quirk when using a custom template. We tested adding AutoText entries to a custom template, but when we created a new document based on that template, the AutoText entry was not available. However, when we created a new document based on the Normal template and then attached the custom template to that document, the AutoText entry was available. So, if you want to save AutoText entries in your own custom template, be sure to attach the template to your documents after creating them or else your AutoText entries will not be available. If you discover otherwise, please let us know in the comments.

使用自定义模板时,自动图文集似乎有一个怪癖。 我们测试了将自动图文集条目添加到自定义模板,但是当我们基于该模板创建新文档时,自动图文集条目不可用。 但是,当我们基于“普通”模板创建新文档,然后将自定义模板附加到该文档时 ,“自动图文集”条目可用。 因此,如果要将自动图文集条目保存在自己的自定义模板中,请确保在创建模板后将其附加到文档上,否则自动图文集条目将不可用。 如果您发现其他问题,请在评论中告知我们。

Older versions of Word (2003 and prior) allowed you to copy AutoText entries from one template to another. However, as of Word 2007, that functionality was removed.

Word的较早版本(2003年及以前)允许您将自动图文集条目从一个模板复制到另一个模板。 但是,从Word 2007开始,该功能已删除。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/241145/how-to-quickly-insert-blocks-of-text-in-microsoft-word-with-autotext/

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