在Word 2007中将您的文档标记为最终文档

When you are all finished with a Word document that has been passed around your company for reviews, you can mark the document as final so that your colleagues know that it’s the final version and does not require additional editing. It also prevents people from accidentally making changes to the document before forwarding it on to a client, for instance.

当您完成在公司周围传递的Word文档以进行审阅时,可以将文档标记为最终版本,以便您的同事知道它是最终版本,不需要其他编辑。 例如,这还可以防止人们在将文档转发给客户端之前意外更改文档。

First, you’ll want to save it to a new file name, just in case you need to make changes later, or want to base another document on it.


To mark your document as Final, click the Microsoft Office button in the upper left hand corner, choose Prepare on the left menu, and then click Mark as Final.

要将文档标记为“最终”,请单击左上角的Microsoft Office按钮,在左侧菜单上选择“准备”,然后单击“标记为最终”。

在Word 2007中将您的文档标记为最终文档

You’ll get two annoying popup windows explaining that your document will be saved, and the second will ask if you want to stop the message from happening again. Just keep in mind that once you mark a document as final, it’s final.

您将看到两个烦人的弹出窗口,它们将说明您的文档将被保存,第二个窗口将询问您是否要停止再次发生该消息。 请记住,将文档标记为最终文档即为最终文档。

Now when you go back and open the document we just marked as final you will see the ribbon is grayed out and no changes can be made to this document.  Readers will be able to search for text or print out the document.

现在,当您返回并打开刚刚标记为最终文档的文档时,您将看到功能区显示为灰色,并且无法对此文档进行任何更改。 读者将能够搜索文本或打印出文档。

在Word 2007中将您的文档标记为最终文档

One last thing to note.  You will be able to tell which documents are Marked as Final by the icon on the Status Bar.

最后一件事要注意。 您将能够通过状态栏上的图标来判断哪些文档被标记为“最终”。

在Word 2007中将您的文档标记为最终文档

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/mark-your-document-as-final-in-word-2007/