outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

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outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

By default, RSS feeds update automatically. If you have a lot of RSS feeds you follow, you may not want them all updating automatically. You can set up the RSS feeds so none of them update automatically, or only certain ones will.

默认情况下,RSS提要自动更新。 如果您遵循很多RSS feed,则可能不希望它们全部自动更新。 您可以设置RSS提要,以便它们都不会自动更新,或者只有某些会自动更新。

To select which RSS feeds update automatically, if any, click the File tab.

要选择自动更新的RSS feed,请单击“文件”选项卡。

outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

Click Options in the menu on the left side of the Account Information screen.


outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

On the Outlook Options dialog box, click Advanced in the left pane list of menu options.

在“ Outlook选项”对话框上,在菜单选项的左窗格列表中单击“高级”。

outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

In the right pane, scroll down to the Send and receive section and click the Send/Receive button.


outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

On the Send/Receive Groups dialog box, click Edit next to the list of groups.


NOTE: If you have more than one account in Outlook, select the account in the list of groups for which you want to disable the automatic update of RSS feeds.


outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

On the Send/Receive Settings dialog box, click RSS in the list of Accounts on the left.


outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

If you don’t want any of your RSS feeds to update automatically, select the Include RSS Feeds in this Send/Receive group check box so there is NO check mark in the box.


outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

If you only want to prevent certain RSS feeds from updating automatically, leave the Include RSS Feeds in this Send/Receive group check box selected (a check mark in the box) and de-select specific RSS feeds in the Feeds list at the bottom of the dialog box. Click OK to accept your changes and close the dialog box.

如果您只想防止某些RSS提要自动更新,请选中“在此发送/接收组中包括RSS提要”复选框(在复选框中选中),然后在“提要”底部的“提要”列表中取消选择特定的RSS提要。对话框。 单击“确定”接受更改,然后关闭对话框。

outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

Click Close on the Send/Receive Groups dialog box.


outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

Click OK to close the Outlook Options dialog box.

单击“确定”关闭“ Outlook选项”对话框。

outlook 禁用不安全_如何在Outlook 2013中禁用RSS源的自动更新

If you have a lot of RSS feeds, preventing some from updating automatically can speed up the Send/Receive process. If you create a Send/Receive group for RSS feeds, you can easily update your RSS feeds manually at any time.

如果您有很多RSS feed,则阻止其中一些RSS feed自动更新可以加快发送/接收过程。 如果您为RSS feed创建一个“发送/接收”组,则可以随时轻松地手动更新RSS feed。

You can also choose to view only today’s RSS feeds using a custom search folder. This will help keep your feeds manageable if you would rather have all your feeds updated automatically.

您还可以选择使用自定义搜索文件夹查看仅今天的RSS feed 。 如果您希望自动更新所有提要,这将有助于使提要易于管理。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/173192/how-to-disable-rss-feeds-from-updating-automatically-in-outlook-2013/

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