



It’s important to consider the location of your security cameras carefully. While you might think you have every area covered, you’ll also want to make sure your cameras are close enough to the potential action to capture shots that let you identify people and vehicles.

请务必仔细考虑安全摄像机的位置。 尽管您可能认为自己已经覆盖了所有区域,但是您还需要确保相机距离潜在动作足够近,以拍摄可识别人员和车辆的镜头。

RELATED: Wired Security Cameras vs. Wi-Fi Cams: Which Ones Should You Buy?

相关文章: 有线监控摄像头与Wi-Fi摄像头:您应该购买哪个?

Security camera systems are pretty effective deterrents for keeping thieves and burglars away. They are also useful after the fact for helping to identify the culprits, but only if you’ve properly located them so that they’re close enough to get a good capture of a face or license plate. Otherwise, you’ll only be capturing basic details about people and vehicles.

安全摄像头系统对于阻止小偷和小偷十分有效。 实际上,它们也有助于识别罪魁祸首,但前提是您已经正确定位了罪魁祸首,以使它们足够靠近,可以很好地捕获面部或车牌。 否则,您将只捕获有关人员和车辆的基本详细信息。

Here are some tips to consider for your security camera system so that you’ll not only capture activity but hopefully some useful information for the police.


确保您的相机可以录制高质量的视频 (Make Sure Your Cameras Can Record High-Quality Video)


Most modern security cameras advertise the ability to record in 1080p HD, which is great, but that’s only one factor of video quality. You also want your cameras to have as many megapixels as you can afford.

大多数现代安全摄像机都宣传以1080p HD录制的能力,这很棒,但这只是视频质量的一个因素。 您还希望您的相机具有尽可能多的百万像素。

On consumer-level Wi-Fi cameras, like the Nest Cam or Amazon Cloud Cam, you’re not necessarily going to be able to control the quality of the video (other than a Low, Medium, and High setting). However, if you’re shopping for a wired network camera, many of them advertise the megapixels.

在像Nest Nest或Amazon Cloud Cam这样的消费级Wi-Fi摄像机上,您不一定能够控制视频的质量(低,中和高设置除外)。 但是,如果您要购买有线网络摄像机,则其中许多广告会宣传百万像素。

RELATED: What You Should Know Before Buying a Wired Security Camera System

相关: 购买有线安全摄像头系统之前应了解的事项

For example, this system from Ezviz has 3-megapixel cameras that record in 1080p, but this camera from Hikvision is a 4-megapixel model and records in the same 1080p resolution. You’ll even find higher-megapixel cameras that can record beyond 1080p, like this one from Dahua, which is a 6-megapixel model that records in 3072×2048.

例如, 来自埃兹维兹(Ezviz)的该系统具有可记录1080p的3百万像素摄像机,但是来自海康威视(Hikvision )的该摄像机是4百万像素模型,并以相同的1080p分辨率记录。 您甚至会发现可以记录超过1080p的更高百万像素的摄像机,例如大华公司的这种摄像机,它是一个6百万像素模型,以3072×2048的分辨率记录。

The higher the megapixels, the clearer the image and your camera will have more success at capturing faces and license plates.


将摄像机安装在低位并靠近门口 (Install Cameras Low and Close to Doorways)


Many times we see security cameras installed in places where it would be impossible to identify anything, even with a good quality camera. Installing cameras up high and in the corner where it’s inconspicuous is common practice, but you likely won’t be able to identify much with the camera that far away.

很多时候,我们看到安全摄像机安装在即使使用高质量摄像机也无法识别任何东西的地方。 通常将摄像机高高地安装在不起眼的角落,但是您可能无法从远处的摄像机中识别出很多东西。

RELATED: What You Should Know Before Buying Wi-Fi Cameras

相关: 购买Wi-Fi相机之前应了解的知识

Instead, mount your cameras low and as close to doorways and other entry points as possible. Former burglar Michael Durden sat down for an interview and offered a lot of tips for homeowners, but one that stood out was to install security cameras in such a fashion that they can easily identify a face and in a way that makes it difficult for the burglar to keep his head turned away.

相反,请将摄像机安装在较低的位置,并尽可能靠近门口和其他入口点。 前防盗迈克尔·德登(Michael Durden) 坐下来接受采访,并为房主提供了很多技巧,但脱颖而出的是安防摄像头的安装方式,使他们可以轻松识别人脸,并且使防盗变得困难保持转过头。

This isn’t always possible, however, because of where you might or might not be able to install cameras, but it’s something to keep in mind.


可视门铃是您最好的选择 (A Video Doorbell Is Your Best Bet)


Continuing from the previous section, if you aren’t able to install a security camera as close to your door as possible, then it might be worthwhile getting a video doorbell instead.


RELATED: Ring vs. Nest Hello vs. SkyBell HD: Which Video Doorbell Should You Buy?

相关文章: Ring vs. Nest Hello与SkyBell HD:您应该购买哪个视频门铃?

They replace your existing doorbell, and the location is the perfect spot for a security camera—it’s low enough that it’ll get a clear head-on view of anyone that approaches your front door.


The only downside is that they can be expensive. You can get the original Ring Doorbell for just $99, but the newer model from Ring is $200. And the Nest Hello is even more expensive at $230.

唯一的缺点是它们可能很昂贵。 只需99美元即可获得原始的Ring Doorbell ,而Ring的较新型号则为200美元 。 Nest Hello的价格更高,为230美元

Despite that, video doorbells are one of the most useful smarthome devices to have. Not only can they record video of people at your door, but they can also send you alerts whenever someone rings the doorbell.

尽管如此,视频门铃还是拥有的最有用的智能家居设备之一。 他们不仅可以录制您家门口的人的视频,而且还可以在有人敲门铃时向您发送警报。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/363471/security-cameras-are-useless-if-they-can’t-identify-anyone/
