



Microsoft’s OneDrive makes it easy to share and unshare files and folders. But what if you want to see everything you’ve shared, in one simple list? OneDrive can do that easily, and here’s how you get to it.

Microsoft的OneDrive使共享和取消共享文件和文件夹变得容易。 但是,如果您想在一个简单的列表中查看共享的所有内容,该怎么办? OneDrive可以轻松做到这一点,这就是您的操作方法。

Log into your account on the OneDrive site. You can also sign in to your Office 365 account and select OneDrive from the app launcher.

登录到OneDrive网站上的帐户。 您也可以登录到Office 365帐户,然后从应用启动器中选择OneDrive。


Note that OneDrive for Business will also show you things people have shared with you in a separate tab, but sadly that’s not an option in a personal OneDrive.

请注意,OneDrive for Business还会在单独的选项卡中向您显示人们与您共享的内容,但遗憾的是,这不是个人OneDrive中的选项。

In the menu on the left-hand side, click “Shared.”



All of the files and folders you’ve shared will be displayed.



That’s it. It’s that easy. If you’re a big sharer of files this feature is worth bearing in mind because although Dropbox can give you this information as well, neither iCloud or Google Drive can. That’s not quite so surprising for iCloud, as Apple has long been known for doing their own thing, but it is pretty astonishing that Google, a company built on its ability to surface information, can’t tell you what files you’ve shared from their cloud storage.

而已。 就这么简单。 如果您是文件的主要共享者,则应牢记此功能,因为尽管Dropbox也可以为您提供此信息,但iCloud或Google云端硬盘都不能。 对于iCloud而言,这并不令人感到意外,因为苹果公司早已以做自己的事情而闻名,但令人惊讶的是,基于其展现信息能力的公司Google无法告诉您共享了哪些文件他们的云存储。

Google Drive isn’t having the best time at the moment, and currently, OneDrive is looking like a better option in some ways. This is definitely one of those ways.

Google云端硬盘目前尚不处于最佳状态 ,目前, 在某些方面 ,OneDrive看起来是更好的选择。 这绝对是其中一种方法。

