

Part I Course Overview(课程概述)

1. Time Arrangement (课时安排)
40 lessons are arranged for this course and we'll take the examination in the final two classes. 

2. Final Grade (总评成绩)
No matter whether you have interest in computer English, you should be concerned about your final grade of this course. The following is the formula of how to calculate the final grade:

Final Grade = Attendance * 20% + Assignment * 30% + Exam Grade * 50%
总评成绩 = 出勤 * 20% + 作业 * 30% + 期末考试成绩 * 50%


Grade: 年级、等级、学分
His son is in Class 5, Grade 3. 他儿子读三年级五班。
I have upgraded my Windows 7 and Windows 8 to Windows 10. 我已把我的Windows 7和Windows 8升级到Windows 10。
This semester (term) I decide to study hard for a better grade. 这学期我决定努力学习,争取好成绩。

There are two words that we may often encouter. One is update, the other is upgrade.
Then tell me what's difference between these two words. Update means small changes,
and upgrade usually means big changes. Now let me take JDK versions as an example
to explain the difference.

Visit the official website of Oracle.


Click the icon in the red box, and you will see a drop-down menu.


Click Java option in the menu:


Click Download Java option in the menu:


Version 8 -- upgrade -- big changes

Update 161 -- update -- small changes

Let me list our study experience as follows:
Kindergarten-->Primary(Elementary) School-->Middle School (Junior Middle School-->Senior Middle School)-->College Entrance Exam-->College(University)

Now you're studying in Luzhou Vocational and Technical College, so it means all of you have passed the College Entrance Exam.  现在你们就读泸职院,这意味着你们都通过了高考。


When you attend college, your relatives and friends may ask you something about your major
What's your major? 你读什么专业?
My major is Software Technology. 我读的是软件技术专业。
My major is Computer Application Technology
There are two directions for this major in our department: Network Management and Web Development. 我的专业是计算机应用技术。我们系本专业开设两个方向:网络管理和Web开发。

Major不仅可以当名词(noun, n.)用,还可以当动词(verb, v.)用,“主修”之意。

What do you major in? 你主修什么专业?
I major in Software Technology. 我主修软件技术专业。
I major in Computer Application Technology. 我主修计算机应用技术。

双学位——dual degree,主修专业——major,辅修专业——minor

The Dow Jones Average, the main measure of major American stocks, rose 228 points to close at 16,620. 美国股市的主要衡量指标——道琼斯平均指数上升了228点,收于16620点。

4. Learning Method(学习方法)

学习中的PQ4R法: 预习(preview) 、提问(question) 、阅读(read) 、反思(reflect)、 背诵(recite)、 复习(review) 是由托马斯和罗宾逊提出的能帮助学生理解和记忆的学习方法。

The best way to learn something well is to repeat, repeat and repeat. It means you should spend more time in learning your professional courses. 学习的最好方法就是重复、重复、再重复。意味着你应该花更多的时间来学习专业课程。

When you graduate from college and enter the society, you will compete with many people who are hunting jobs. Then it's very important that you have professional skills, communicative skills, interpersonal relationship, work experiences,good health, good habits and so on.

Suggestion: Learn to immerse yourself in what you like.

成语学习(Idiom Study)

Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

课前杂谈(Random Talk Before Class) 

If you want to know something well, you'd better learn about its pastpresent and future. 如果你想更好地搞懂某件事情,那么你应该了解它的过去、现在与将来。
Time Axis: past (history) --> present (reality) --> future (dream)

Let bygones be bygones. 让往事随风。(Gone with the Wind 美国小说《飘》)
Live in the moment. 活在当下。
Present is a present. 现在是一份礼物。
So we should cherish each minute and each second at present for our bright future. 因此我们应该珍惜现在的每一分每一秒,为了我们灿烂的未来。
Blessings: May you have a bright future! 祝你前程似锦。
It's a kind of virtue to be on time to do anything (to have a date / tryst, to attend a meeting, to take part in a training... ). 做任何事,守时是美德。(约会/幽会、出息会议、参加培训……)

Actual need is the greatest driving force for the development of science and technology. 实际需要是科技发展的最大驱动力。

The Second World War broke out in the 1940s, and it needed a powerful computational tool to compute the trajectory as fast as possible. (many factors: army, general, weapon [gun, cannon]...) 二战在二十世纪四十年代爆发,需要一种强大的计算工具尽可能快地计算弹道曲线。(很多因素:军队、将军、武器【枪、炮】)

单词学习(Word Study)

力量:power, strength, force

Newton's masterpiece: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy

Dynamics is the branch of applied mathematics (specifically classical mechanics) concerned with the study of forces and torques and their effect on motion, as opposed to kinematics, which studies the motion of objects without reference to its causes. Isaac Newton defined the fundamental physical laws which govern dynamics in physics, especially his second law of motion.

Newton's Second Law of Motion: f = ma

f: force 外力
m: mass 质量
a: acceleration 加速度


force sb. to do sth. 强迫某人做某事
My daddy forced me to get up at six in winter when I was a child. (it means that my daddy is very strict with me.)

a forced marriage (get married) --> a painful divorce (get divorced)


Bob married Alice. 鲍勃娶了爱丽丝。
Alice married Bob. 爱丽丝嫁给了鲍勃。
Bob and Alice got married. 鲍勃和爱丽丝喜结连理。

闪婚和闪离:a lightning marriage and a lightning divorce

Something happens in a hurry or in haste.

Part II Text Study (课文学习)

1. It is hard to say exactly when the modern computer was invented.

Question: When was the modern computer invented?
Answer: It is hard to to say exactly.

(1) 在英语里,一词多义的现象很普遍。
(1) 硬的、坚硬的;(2) 困难的;(3) 刻苦、努力

Everything has both sides: positive & negative
凡事都有两面:正面、积极 / 负面、消极

hard – soft 坚硬的——柔软的 (hardware ~ software
hard heart: 铁石心肠;soft heart: 慈悲心肠;a tender heart: 一颗温柔心

Let's appreciate King Cat (Elvis Presley)'s classical song Love Me Tender. I am deeply moved by its soulful lyrics and beautiful melody.

hard (difficult) – easy 困难的——容易的 (Easy case! 小菜一碟~ No problem.)
No problem! I can complete the task in a week.

hard ~ slack 刻苦的(头悬梁锥刺股)——懈怠的(三天打渔两天晒网)

古语有云:吃得苦中苦方为人上人。(No pains, no gains. No gains without pains.)

翻译练习(Translation Exercise)

Don't be too hard on me.
Attitude matters. (Attitude determines all.)
In the face of difficulties and hardships, we may have two different attitudes: go on or give up.

Motto: Never say never. (All things are possible. Nothing is impossible.) 

The theme song of the movie Titanic is My Heart Will Go On. 电影《泰坦尼克号》主题歌:我心永恒。

Stick it out no matter what happens in life. 无论生活中发生什么,一定坚持到底。

When you are depressed, you may listent to the inspiring song 'Never Say Never' to raise you up. 当你觉得沮丧,你可以听这首励志歌“永不言弃”,让自己振作起来。

(2) it 是形式主语(formal subject),而真正主语(real subject)是后面的动词不定式(indefinite)to say…,when引导一个宾语从句(object clause)。为什么要采用形式主语呢?主要是避免句子结构出现头重脚轻的情况。句子结构需要保持平衡(The sentence structure needs to keep the balance)。

短语学习(Phrase Study)
out of love 失恋
out of sight, out of mind 眼不见心不烦
out of balance 失衡
out of control 失控

人生杂谈(Random Talk on Life)

There are two different outlooks on values in the world. 世上有两种不同的价值观。

1. bread > love; material / realistic (物质的/现实主义的)
Some people think bread is more important than love. (bread outweighs love.) 有些人认为面包比爱情重要。

2. love > bread; spiritual / idealistic (精神的/理想主义的)
Some people think love is more important than bread. (love outweighs bread.) 有些人认为爱情比面包重要。

extreme -- extremity 极端情况
transitional region 过度区域

单词学习(Word Study)

outweigh, outnumber, outshine

Girls outnumber boys in our class.

The Han Chinese – the world's largest single ethnic group – outnumber other ethnic groups in every provincial-level division except Tibet and *.

白居易《长恨歌(Endless Grief)》形容杨贵妃:回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。说杨贵妃太漂亮了,把后宫三千佳丽都盖过了。“盖过”怎么用英语表达呢?outshine:使黯然失色、使相形见绌;胜过;比…更亮

Her smiles outshine all the belles in the palace.

keep good shape 保持良好身材 —— keep fit
fit 正所谓增一分则太重,减一分则太轻。

If you want to keep fit, you should do exercise to make you strong and be on diet to lose weight (减肥).

weigh: 称重,斟酌(推敲)——weigh one's words

say的宾语(object)是一个特殊疑问句:When was the modern computer invented?

疑问词:why, what, who, when, where, how (how long, how much/many, how often)

know-how: 诀窍

(3) exact (adj.) – exactly (adv.) – exactness (n.)
Sorry, I don't know the exact meaning of this sentence, please explain it again. 抱歉,我不晓得这个句子的确切含义,请你再解释一次。

失之毫厘谬以千里。毫厘不爽(exact, fit)。

(4) 创造、发明、创新(注意三个词的区别 - difference)
You must pay attention to the word stress when you pronounce an English word. 当你读英文单词时,一定要注意重音。

创造:create – creation – creative (creative idea) – creativity – creator (创造者、造物主)
发明:invent – invention – inventive – inventor (发明者,发明家)
创新:innovate – innovation – innovative – innovator (创新者) 

人生杂谈(Random Talk on Life)


Science 科学(逻辑+实验 - logic + experiment)—— body
Philosophy 哲学(思辨 - speculation)—— mind
Religion 宗教(信仰 - belief, faith)—— soul
body: eyes (see, sight), ears (hear, hearing), nose (smell), tongue (taste), skin(touch)
mind: think, thought (idea, view, insight) -- sense (make no sense, nonsense)
heart: feel, feeling (emotion) -- sensibility
soul: -->in pursuit of ultimate truth of the universe and life


Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略同。

Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。
Chinese is our mother tongue. 汉语是我们的母语。

Money talks. 有钱能使鬼推磨。
Love makes the world run. 爱让整个世界运转。

The Christianity believes that God made(created) the whole world. 基督教认为上帝创造了整个世界。

Bible: 圣经, 第一章《创世纪(Creation)》

Darwin: The Theory of Evolution 进化论 (evolve)
He wrote a very famous book The Origin of Species (物种起源). Now more and more people believe in Darwin's theory of evolution. The core thought of this theory: the survival of the fittest and the elimination of the unfit.

We know that Edison is a great American inventor and he made a lot of inventions all his life. 我们知道,爱迪生是美国伟大的发明家,他一生中做出了大量的发明。

Now our government is greatly encouraging all the innovators in our country. 目前*正在大力支持鼓励全国所有的创新者。


语法学习(Grammar Study)

可数名词(countable noun)与不可数名词(uncountable noun)


1、类别(总称):furniture, luggage, equipment, homework, food, garbage, mail, money, vocabulary, grammar, hardware,  software, advice, clothing...
2、抽象名词:love, hate, information, news, peace, music, art... (a love/hate relationship 爱恨相杀)
3、微粒:rice, corn, salt, sugar, dust, sand... (a grain of sand)
4、学科名称:physics, mathematics, economics...
5、自然现象:rain, wind, snow, lightning, thunder, fire, air...


比如 glass,当不可数名词,是玻璃,当可数名词,是玻璃杯,比如 a glass of water, two glasses of water;glasses不仅可以理解为玻璃杯的复数(plural number),也可以指眼镜。

诗词欣赏(Poem Appreciation)


Peasants hoe at noonday;
Their sweat drips to the soil.
Who knows, food on a tray,
Each grain is from their toil.


To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
And eternity in an hour.


Money talks. / Money makes the world go round. 有钱能使鬼推磨。

Here is a couplet(对联): 

Good Luck 好运

Eat well sleep well have fun day and day, 
Study hard work hard make money more and more. 


Everything goes wrong to a destitute (poor) couple.
Nothing goes well to a poor couple. (husband and wife)

History of Computing Hardware(计算设备的历史)
Abacus is a great invention of our ancestors. 算盘是我们祖先的一项伟大发明。


Chinese: 六十三亿二百七十一万五千四百零八
English: six billion three hundred and two million seven hundred and fifteen thousand four hundred and eight


John Napier is the inventor of logarithm which greatly simplifies the multiplication and division operations.

lg(ab) = lga + lgb
lg(a/b) = lga - lgb
Pascal Triangle (帕斯卡三角形)

1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1

Ada Lovelace, Lord Byron's daughter, translated and added notes to the "Sketch of the Analytical Engine" by Luigi Federico Menabrea. This appears to be the first published description of programming, so Ada Lovelace is widely regarded as the first computer programmer.

2. Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940sa number of machines were developed that were like computers.在二十世纪三四十年代,大量计算机似的机器被研制出来。
Actually we can compare a sentence to a tree with several parts such as root, stem, branches and leaves. 其实我们可以把句子比作一棵树,拥有几部分:根、茎、枝、叶。
First let's analyze the sentence structure so as to correctly understand the sentence meaning. 首先分析句子结构,这样便于我们正确理解句子含义。

语法学习(Grammar Study)

subject 主语(动作施行者)
predicate  谓语(动作)
object 宾语(动作承受者)
attributive 定语(修饰主语或宾语)
adverbial 状语(修饰谓语)
complement 补语(对宾语补充说明)
predicative 表语 (用于描述主语状态)

I love music.
I am gloomy.
I am a teacher.
I am at home.
I love pop music very much. 主-谓-定-宾-状
You have made my life complete. 主-谓-定-宾-宾补

句子结构分析:现在分词短语Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s,充当时间状语,主语是a number of machines,a number of相当于a lot of, a good many,谓语是were developed,被动语态一般过去式,that were like computers是that引导的定语从句,修饰machines,这个定语从句被谓语隔开,主要是为了避免句子结构出现头重脚轻(unstable structure --> uncomfortable or unsafe)的情况。

head: [a number of machines that were like computers]
foot: [were developed].

We can write the sentence in another way: From the 1930s to the 1940s, numerous computer-like machines were developed. 


Starting in the 1930s and through the 1940s --> From the 1930s to the 1940s

a number of --> numerous (number, numeric)

that were like computers --> computer-like (compound adjective)

The original sentence becomes more concise through modification.

Principle: Simplicity is beauty; beauty is truth.

GPS: Global Positioning System 全球定位系统
LBS: Location-Based Service 基于位置的服务

The whole globe is just like a small village since the advent of Internet especially mobile Internet.

短语学习(Phrase Study)
from...to... 从……到……
1) from position1 to position2 (displacement 位移, distance travelled 路程)
average speed = displacement / time interval (speed is a vector 速度是矢量或向量--大小和方向--magnitude and direction)
average velocity = distance travelled / time interval (velocity is a scalar 速率是一个标量--只有大小没有方向--only magnitude without direction)
2) from time1 to time2 (interval 间隔)
3) from state1 to state2 (change 变化)

It will take me about four hours to go from Luzhou to Chengdu by bus. 乘大巴从泸州到成都会花费我大约四个小时。

This is a choice of going from Luzhou to Chengdu, but it is not the best one. You may have another choice, say, first taking bus from Luzhou to the Longchang Bus Station for about 45 minutes, then taking bus from the Longchang Bus Station to the Lochang High-Speed Rail Station for about 15 minutes, finally taking high-speed train from the Lochang High-Speed Rail Station to the Chengdu Railway Station for about 55 minutes. Now let's calculate the total time spent in the second choice.

45 + 15 + 55 = 115 minutes = one hour and fifty-five minutes < two hours

The second choice will take me less than two hours to go from Luzhou to Chengdu. Of course it's a better choice because it can save me about two hours.


Here we use "&lt;" to represent "<" and "&gt;" to represent ">" in the html document.

lt: less than <
gt: greater than >

Now let's take a look at its effect:
In Linux shell script, we use "-ge" to represent "greater than or equal to"

read -p "Enter your age: " age
if [ $age -ge 18 ]
echo "Welcome to our system."
echo "No permission to acces our system"

乘坐交通工具:by bike [train, bus, ship, air, maglev]

最环保的是步行:go from one place to another on foot

We have classes from Monday to Friday. 周一到周五我们都有课。


Matter Classification (物质分类)


物理学习(Physics Study)

Matter has three states: solid state, liquid state and gaseous state. 物质有三态:固态、液态和气态

  • Matter has volume and shape in solid state. 物质在固态时既有体积又有形状
  • Matter doesn't have shape but volume in liquid state. 物质在液态时只有体积没有形状
  • Matter has neither volume nor shape in gaseous state. 物质在气态时既没有体积又没有形状

  • Melting means that matter changes from solid state to liquid state. 熔化意味着物质从固态变到液态
  • Vaporizing means that matter changes from liquid state to gaseous state. 汽化意味着物质从液态变到气态
  • Liquidizing means that matter changes from gaseous state to liquid state. 液化意味着物质从气态变到液态
  • Freezing means that matter changes from liquid state to solid state. 凝固意味着物质从液态变到固态

SSD: Solid State Disk 固态盘
If you want to make your computer run faster, you'd better add a solid state disk as the system disk. You will find that the computer will finish the boot process in less than 8 seconds. 如果你想要让你的电脑跑得更快,你最好添加一块固态盘作为系统盘。你会发现电脑完成启动过程少于8秒。

Task: Change the original sentence from passive voice into active voice.

The scientists and engineers deveopled a number of machines that were like computers.
Subject: The scientists and engineers
Predicate: developed
Object: a number of machines
Attributive Clause: that were like computers.

Go on: active attitude 坚持:积极的态度
Give up: passive attitude 放弃:消极的态度

Grammar: person, number(singular, plural), tense, voice, mood.

ideas and thoughts --> ariticle --> paragraph --> sentence --> words and phrases

(1) start ~ begin
start n. vt. 开始、起点
Let's get started. 让我们开始吧!
I plan to start my own business after graduation from college. 大学毕业后我打算自己创业。
We are going to start/launch our project in two weeks. 两周之后我们准备启动我们的项目。
Attending college means you have a brand-new start. 读大学对你来说意味着一个崭新的起点。
The hill-start is a rather difficult item in the driving test. 半坡起步是驾考里相当难的一个项目。

The modern society requires us to have one profession with mutiple skills. For example, we major in computer application technology, but it is not enough for us to compete with others in the future society. We should try to master other skills such as driving, swimming and communicating.
from beginning to end 从头到尾

In a Spring-based application, your application objects will live within the Spring Container. As illustrated in figure 1.4, the container will create the objects, wire them together, configure them, and manage their complete lifecycle from cradle to grave.

Life is a long journey full of joys and sorrows from cradle to grave. 人生是一段漫长的旅程,充满着欢乐与悲伤,从摇篮到坟墓。(from birth to death 从生到死)

Nobody can avoid the process from brith to death. 没有谁可以避免从生到死的过程。

BOF: Beginning Of File 文件头
EOF: End Of File 文件尾

from head to toe 从头到脚

(2) a number of ~ numerous 大量的,修饰可数名词

They have retrained a number of young technicians for our factory. 他们为我厂再培训了一些年轻的技术员。

(3) develop v. 发展,开发,研制,冲印
其它形式,n. developmentd, adj. developmental

We should try to develop the economy and ensure the supply. 我们应当尽力发展经济,保障供给。

China's economy has developed rapidly during the past several decades. Of course, we can feel the great progress of our country. 在过去几十年中国经济发展迅速。当然,我们都能感受我们国家的巨大进步。

I have got a new job in the R & D of a big company and many new things are waiting for me to learn. It's a big challenge but I don't fear. 我在一家大公司的研发部找到一份新工作,很多新东西等着我去学习。这是一个巨大的挑战,但是我不怕。

R & D —— Research and Development 研发部

Law of Value: The price always flunctuates around the value. When supply exceeds demand, prices will fall (go down). When demand exceeds supply, prices will rise (go up). 价值规律:价格总是围绕价值波动。供过于求,价格下跌。供不应求,价格上涨。

Now the rocketing prices result in the decrease of our standards of living. 目前物价飞涨,导致我们生活水平下降。

Low oil prices combined with less demand around the world have weakened American stock prices. 低油价以及全球范围内需求减少,消弱了美国股价。

The national policy of reform and opening-up has changed China greatly during the past decades. 改革开发的国策在过去几十年让中国发生了翻天地覆的变化。

At the beginning of each semester, teachers will always tell us to study hard for better grades. Alas, it's so boring. Yet anyway we should understand that they have a good will for us. 
