android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Your photos and videos are precious memories, and you don’t want to lose them. Here are four mostly-free services you can use to automatically backup your photos and videos and access them from anywhere.

您的照片和视频是珍贵的回忆,您不想丢失它们。 这是四个免费的服务,您可以使用这些服务自动备份照片和视频并从任何地方访问它们。

If you’re like most people, your phone is your primary camera. As such, it contains highlights of your life or your children’s lives, and you don’t want to lose those memories. If your phone gets lost, stolen, or broken, all of your photos and videos may go with it. But there are a few services out there, most of which are free, where you can safely store your photos and videos in the cloud. One of the best parts about cloud storage is you can pull up those photos or easily share them from anywhere.

如果您像大多数人一样,您的手机就是您的主要摄像头。 这样,它包含了您或您孩子生活中的亮点,并且您不想失去这些记忆。 如果您的手机丢失,被盗或损坏,则所有照片和视频都可能随之丢失。 但是,这里有一些服务,其中大多数是免费的,您可以在其中安全地将照片和视频存储在云中。 关于云存储的最佳部分之一是您可以拉出这些照片或轻松地从任何地方共享它们。

Google相簿 (Google Photos)

Google Photos is one of the best and easiest ways to keep your Android photos safe. Most devices get unlimited storage of photos and videos, with a small caveat: your photos and videos will be saved at a “high resolution,” instead of the original resolution. Google uses machine learning to decrease the size of these photos and videos while still retaining a high level of detail and clarity—most users won’t even notice the difference. The one exception here is for Pixel phones (minus the 3a), which get free, unlimited storage at the original resolution.

Google相册是确保Android照片安全的最佳,最简便的方法之一。 大多数设备可以无限制地存储照片和视频,但需要注意的是:您的照片和视频将以“高分辨率”而不是原始分辨率进行保存。 Google使用机器学习来缩小这些照片和视频的大小,同时仍保持较高的细节和清晰度-大多数用户甚至不会注意到它们之间的差异。 Pixel手机(减去3a)是一个例外,它以原始分辨率免费提供无限制的存储空间。

If you don’t have a Pixel phone and aren’t happy with the “high quality” option, Google allows you to store photos and videos at their original quality using the available storage space on your Google Drive account. The free plan offers 15 GB, which seems like a lot, but if you’re a shutterbug, you could suck up that space quickly. You can, however, purchase more Drive storage.

如果您没有Pixel手机,并且对“高质量”选项不满意,则Google允许您使用Google云端硬盘帐户中的可用存储空间以原始质量存储照片和视频。 免费计划提供了15 GB的空间,这似乎很多,但是如果您是快门虫,则可以Swift占用该空间。 但是,您可以购买更多的云端硬盘存储空间

Aside from the benefit of offering free, unlimited storage, Google Photos also comes with an Assistant that can help you get more out of your photos. It can automatically suggest filters for your photos—but note the original photo is not affected. It can show you memories like “On this day two years ago” kinds of stuff. Plus, Google Photos allow you to search for faces it recognizes are close to you (if you don’t find that too creepy). It can also search for places or things like “New York” or “statues.”

除了提供免费,无限制存储空间的好处外,Google相册还附带了一个助手,可以帮助您从照片中获取更多信息。 它可以自动为您的照片建议过滤器,但请注意原始照片不会受到影响。 它可以向您显示诸如“两年前的今天”之类的回忆。 另外,Google相册可让您搜索它认为最接近您的面Kong(如果您觉得不太令人毛骨悚然)。 它还可以搜索“纽约”或“雕像”之类的地方或事物。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云
android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Your phone should have Google Photos pre-installed, but if not, you can download the app from the Google Play store. Open the app, and you’ll be asked to sign in to your Google account. By default, it will use the main Google account on the phone. You’ll also see the upload and storage settings. By default, it uses the “High quality” option (again, save for Pixel phones, which get unlimited storage at the original quality) and will use Wi-Fi data only. To change those settings, tap “Change Settings.”

您的手机应该预先安装了Google相册,否则,您可以从Google Play商店下载该应用 。 打开应用程序,系统将要求您登录您的Google帐户。 默认情况下,它将使用手机上的主要Google帐户。 您还将看到上传和存储设置。 默认情况下,它使用“高质量”选项(再次,保存为Pixel手机,以原始质量获得无限存储),并且仅使用Wi-Fi数据。 要更改这些设置,请点击“更改设置”。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Select the options you want and tap the back arrow in the upper left corner.


android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Tap “Confirm.”


android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

That’s it! Your phone will start uploading any photos on your device automatically and in the background. In the future, if you make a new on-device folder (e.g., Instagram, screenshots, etc.), you’ll be prompted to upload those photos as well. Going forward, any time you log into Google Photos on any phone, or at, you’ll see all of your photos.

而已! 您的手机将开始自动在后台上传设备上的所有照片。 将来,如果您创建了一个新的设备上文件夹(例如,Instagram,屏幕截图等),系统也会提示您上传这些照片。 今后,无论何时使用手机或在上登录Google相册,您都会看到所有照片。

一个驱动器 (OneDrive)

OneDrive is Microsoft’s personal cloud storage space, and it can automatically upload and store your photos for you as well. Unlike Google Photos, OneDrive doesn’t offer free photo storage, so anything you upload counts against your quota. Search functionality in the app is pretty limited, though the service allows you to tag photos, which can help with organization if you’re so inclined. On the plus side, for $9.99 per month, the 1TB plan comes bundled with Office 365 which gives you access to the Microsoft Suite of Office software–Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. That’s a pretty solid deal.

OneDrive是Microsoft的个人云存储空间,它也可以自动为您上传和存储您的照片。 与Google相簿不同,OneDrive不提供免费的照片存储,因此您上传的任何内容都将计入您的配额。 尽管该服务允许您标记照片,但该应用程序中的搜索功能非常有限,如果您愿意,可以帮助组织照片。 从正面来看,Office 365捆绑了1TB计划,每月收费9.99美元,使您可以访问Microsoft Office软件套件– Word,Excel,Powerpoint等。这是一笔不小的交易。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

To get started, download the OneDrive app and tap “Sign In.”


android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Log in with your Microsoft account.


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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Assuming this is the first time you’ve opened the app, right after you sign in, you’ll be asked to upload your photos. Tap “Start Camera Upload.” Then tap “Allow” on the permission screen that opens.

假设这是您首次打开该应用程序,则在登录后立即要求您上传照片。 点击“开始上传相机”。 然后在打开的权限屏幕上点击“允许”。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云
android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

If you have logged in previously, but aren’t using the photo backup feature, starting that process is also very easy. Open the app and tap the “Photos” button at the bottom. Then, tap “Turn On” at the top of that screen.

如果您以前登录过但未使用照片备份功能,则开始该过程也非常容易。 打开应用程序,然后点击底部的“照片”按钮。 然后,点击该屏幕顶部的“打开”。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云
android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Confirm you want to backup your photos to OneDrive. Then confirm again, to ease Microsoft’s insecurity.

确认您要将照片备份到OneDrive。 然后再次确认,以减轻Microsoft的不安全感。

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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

And you’re done! Your photos will sync to OneDrive > Pictures > Camera Roll automatically and in the background, do you don’t even have to think about it. The easiest way to see them is by tapping the “Photos” button in the app.

大功告成! 您的照片将自动在后台同步到OneDrive>图片>相机胶卷,您甚至不必考虑它。 要查看它们,最简单的方法是点击应用程序中的“照片”按钮。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

If you want to adjust photo sync settings in the app, tap the “Me” button in the bottom left corner of the app. Then tap “Settings.”

如果要在应用程序中调整照片同步设置,请点击应用程序左下角的“我”按钮。 然后点击“设置”。

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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Then tap “Camera Upload.”


android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Adjust the settings, and you’re good to go.


投寄箱 (Dropbox)

Dropbox is one of the oldest names in cloud storage, for a good reason—it’s quite fast and easy to use. When you first download the app, log in with your account. On the next screen, tap “Allow.”

由于充分的原因,Dropbox是云存储中最古老的名称之一-它非常快速且易于使用。 首次下载该应用程序时 ,请使用您的帐户登录。 在下一个屏幕上,点击“允许”。

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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

During setup, Dropbox will offer to back up photos. Tap “Backup Photos.” (Yes, it should read “back up” instead of “backup,” but what can you do?) Then tap “Allow” in the permissions box that opens.

在安装过程中,Dropbox将提供备份照片的功能。 点击“备份照片”。 (是的,它应该显示为“ backup”而不是“ backup”,但是您该怎么办?)然后在打开的权限框中点按“允许”。

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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

If you’re already a Dropbox user and want to start using it to back up photos, tap the hamburger button in the upper left corner. Then tap “Photos.”

如果您已经是Dropbox的用户,并且想开始使用它来备份照片,请点击左上角的“汉堡包”按钮。 然后点击“照片”。

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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

At the top, tap the button that reads “Turn on Camera Uploads.”


android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

If your device is on Wi-Fi and the battery is not low, Dropbox will automatically start syncing your photos.


To adjust sync settings, tap the Hamburger Button > Settings.


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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Tap “Camera Uploads.”


android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

That’s all there is to that. Dropbox doesn’t offer any free storage for photos, so anything you upload will count against your quota. You get a meager 2 GB for free, after which you’ll need to shell out the money for one of the paid tiers.

仅此而已。 Dropbox不提供照片的免费存储空间,因此您上传的任何内容都将计入您的配额。 您可以免费获得2 GB的微薄内存,之后您需要掏钱购买其中一个付费层

亚马逊Prime (Amazon Prime)

This is an oft-overlooked option that really shouldn’t be. If you’re an Amazon Prime subscriber, Amazon offers unlimited photo storage and 5 GB of video storage to all Prime Members. Non-prime members get 5 GB of photos and videos combined. Even better, the unlimited storage includes full resolution photos, not the “high quality” photos that Google touts. But there are caveats here too: you’ll have to deal with ads, offers, and promotions. Nothing in life is free, indeed.

这是一个经常不应该被忽略的选项。 如果您是Amazon Prime订户,则Amazon为所有Prime会员提供无限的照片存储空间和5 GB的视频存储空间。 非高级会员可获得5 GB的照片和视频组合。 更好的是,无限存储包括全分辨率照片,而不是Google吹捧的“高质量”照片。 但是这里也有一些警告:您将不得不处理广告,优惠和促销。 的确,生活中没有什么是*的。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云
android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

To get started with Amazon Photos, download the app. When you first open it, you’ll need to sign in (or create an account). If you already use another Amazon app, you’ll just need to confirm your account—tap “Continue.”

要开始使用Amazon Photos,请下载该应用程序 。 首次打开时,您需要登录(或创建一个帐户)。 如果您已经在使用另一个Amazon应用程序,则只需确认您的帐户-点击“继续”。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

On the next screen, tap “OK.” Then accept the permission to allow Amazon Photos to access your device’s media by tapping “Allow.”

在下一个屏幕上,点击“确定”。 然后通过点击“允许”接受允许Amazon Photos访问设备媒体的权限。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云
android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

Right away, you’ll be able to configure options such as automatic backups (which is enabled by default) and allowing uploads while using mobile data. Tap “Done,” and your photos will start to sync.

立即,您将能够配置选项,例如自动备份(默认情况下已启用)以及在使用移动数据时允许上传。 点按“完成”,您的照片将开始同步。

android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

To adjust settings in the app, tap “More” in the bottom right corner. Scroll down and tap “Settings.”

要在应用程序中调整设置,请点击右下角的“更多”。 向下滚动并点击“设置”。

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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

One setting we recommend turning on is “Image Recognition.” This allows Amazon Photos to search for people, places, and things, making the search function much more useful. This setting is off by default, so to turn it on, tap “Image Recognition,” and then slide the toggle to “On.”

我们建议启用的一项设置是“图像识别”。 这使Amazon Photos可以搜索人物,地点和事物,从而使搜索功能更加有用。 此设置默认情况下是关闭的,因此要打开它,请点击“图像识别”,然后将切换开关滑动到“开”。

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android 备份_如何将Android照片和视频备份到云

结论 (Conclusion)

Overall, we highly recommend photo and video backup. You just never know what might happen to your phone, and it would be a shame to lose all those memories. Plus, if you ever switch phones, this makes photo transfer a breeze. If you are not using one of these solutions, we recommend you start today, if not sooner.

总体而言,我们强烈建议您备份照片和视频。 您只是永远不知道手机会发生什么,失去所有这些记忆将是可耻的。 另外,如果您要切换电话,这将使照片传输变得轻而易举。 如果您不使用这些解决方案之一,我们建议您从今天开始,如果不早一点。


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