

Figure 1.10 illustrates the problem.


图1.10 (a)图1.9中接收机的I通道只测量相位θ(t) 的余弦值;(b)Q通道只测量相位θ(t) 的正弦值。(a) The Ichannel of the receiver in Fig. 1.9 measures only the cosine of the phasorθ(t). (b) The Q channel measures only the sine of the phasor


Consider the case shown in Fig. 1.10a.


The signal phase θ(t) is represented as asolid black phasor in the complex plane.


If only the I channel is implemented in thereceiver, only the cosine of θ(t) will be measured.


In this case, the true phasor will beindistinguishable from the gray phasor –θ(t).

类似地,如果接收机中只有Q通道,那么只能测量出θ(t)的正弦值,也就无法区分真实向量与灰色向量π – θ(t)。

Similarly, if only the Q channel isimplemented so that only the sine of θ(t) is measured, then the true phasorwill be indistinguishable from the gray phasor of Fig. 1.10b, which correspondsto π – θ(t).


When both the I and Q channels areimplemented, the phasor quadrant is determined unambiguously.


In fact, the signal processor will normallyassign the I signal to be the real part of a complex signal and the Q signal tobe the imaginary part, forming a single complex signal



Equation (1.20) implies a more convenientway of representing the effect of an ideal coherent receiver on a transmittedsignal.


Instead of representing the transmittedsignal by a sine function, an equivalent complex exponential function is usedinstead.


The echo signal of (1.17) is thus replacedby


图1.9的接收机结构则替换为图1.11中的简化模型,其中回波信号通过与参考本振exp(– jΩt)进行复乘解调。

The receiver structure of Fig. 1.9 is thenreplaced with the simplified model of Fig. 1.11, where the echo is demodulatedby multiplication with a complex reference oscillator exp(– jΩt).


Figure 1.11. 使用复指数信号的简化接收机模型Simplified transmission and receiver model using complex exponentialsignals.


This technique of assuming a complextransmitted signal and corresponding complex demodulator produces exactly thesame result obtained in Eq. (1.20) by explicitly modeling the real-valuedsignals and the I and Q channels, but is much simpler and more compact.


This complex exponential analysis approachis used throughout the remainder of the book.


It is important to remember that this is ananalysis technique; actual analog hardware must still operate with real-valuedsignals only.


However, once signals are digitized, theymay be treated explicitly as complex signals in the digital processor.

——本文译自Mark A. Richards所著的《Fundamentals of Radar Signal Processing(Second edition)》
