

本文为土耳其比尔肯大学(作者:Hamza So˘gancı)的硕士论文,共77页。



Pulse Doppler radar systems are one of themost common types of radar systems, especially in military applications. Theseradars are mainly designed to estimate two basic parameters of the targets,range and Doppler frequency. A common procedure of estimating those parametersis matched filtering, followed by pulse Doppler processing, and finally one ofthe several constant false alarm rate (CFAR) algorithms. However, because ofthe structure of the waveform obtained after pulse Doppler processing, CFARalgorithms cannot always find the Doppler frequency of a target accurately. Inthis thesis, two different algorithms, maximum selection and successivecancelation, are proposed and their performances are compared with the optimalmaximum likelihood (ML) solution. These proposed algorithms both utilize theadvantage of knowing the waveform structure of a point target obtained afterpulse Doppler processing in the Doppler frequency domain. Maximum selectionbasically chooses the Doppler frequency cells with the largest amplitudes to bethe ones where there is a target. On the other hand, successive cancelation isan iterative algorithm. In each iteration, it finds a target that minimizes aspecific cost function, until there are no more targets. The performances ofthese algorithms are investigated for several different point target scenarios.Moreover, the performances of the algorithms are tested on some realistictarget models. Based on all those observations, it is concluded that maximumselection is a good choice for high SNR values when a low-complexity algorithmis needed, on the other hand, successive cancelation performs almost as well asthe optimal solution at all SNR values.

1 引言
1.1 本项目研究目标与贡献
1.2 本文组织结构
2 脉冲多普勒雷达系统目标检测基础
2.1 雷达波形
2.2 匹配滤波与脉冲多普勒处理
2.3 目标检测与CFAR算法
3 目标多普勒频率估计
3.1 多普勒域点目标的信号模型
3.2 目标多普勒频率的最优估计
3.3 次最优求解方法
4 算法性能评估
4.1 系统参数定义
4.2 仿真场景
5 基于实际目标模型的算法性能
5.1 实际目标模型
5.2 最优解与实际目标的连续对消算法
6 结论与未来研究工作展望


