


How many times has the Outlook reminder popped up on your screen only for you to hit the Snooze button to be reminded again in 5 minutes. How can you possibly be productive while hitting the snooze button repeatedly throughout the day?

仅在您按下“贪睡”按钮后5分钟内再次提醒您,Outlook提醒在屏幕上弹出了多少次。 一整天反复按贪睡按钮,您可能会如何提高工作效率?

This isn’t exactly an earth-shattering geek tip, in fact most of you likely already know how to change the default reminder time. I’m just really tired of getting this popup dialog on my screen, telling me that I have a meeting in 15 minutes… so it occurred to me that I’d be a lot more productive without this nuisance. (of course, I’d be even more productive if I didn’t have to waste my time at the boring meeting)

这并不是惊天动地的极客技巧,实际上,大多数人可能已经知道如何更改默认提醒时间。 我真的很讨厌在屏幕上显示此弹出对话框,告诉我15分钟后会开会...因此,我想到如果没有这种麻烦,我的工作效率将大大提高。 (当然,如果我不必在无聊的会议上浪费时间,我的工作效率会更高)


If you are setting up the boring meeting, you can change the reminder time when setting up a new appointment by checking the Options section on the ribbon.



To change the default across all appointments, open up Tools \ Options and change the Default reminder drop-down:



Change it to 5 minutes, and you don’t have to use Snooze ever again. Just click Dismiss, and go to your meeting. Try not to fall asleep, or at least learn to doze with your eyes open.

将其更改为5分钟,您不必再使用Snooze。 只需单击“关闭”,然后参加会议。 尽量不要入睡,或者至少学会睁着眼睛打do睡。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/stop-hitting-snooze-change-the-default-reminder-time-for-outlook-appointments/
