netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器


netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

Netgear’s Arlo Pro camera system saves all recorded video to the cloud, but if you want local copies of those same recordings, here’s how to connect an external USB drive to your Arlo Pro system.

Netgear的Arlo Pro摄像头系统将所有录制的视频保存到云中,但是,如果您想将这些相同记录的本地副本,则可以使用以下方法将外部USB驱动器连接到Arlo Pro系统。

Keep in mind, that this new method for recording videos won’t stop the videos from saving to the cloud. Instead, connecting an external drive for local storage is merely a backup method, as the videos will save to both formats. However, if your internet connection goes out, videos will continue to save to your local storage, since the cloud will be unavailable at that point. So it’s definitely something you should set up on your Arlo Pro system.

请记住,这种录制视频的新方法不会阻止视频保存到云中。 相反,连接外部驱动器进行本地存储只是一种备份方法,因为视频将保存为两种格式。 但是,如果您的Internet连接断开,视频将继续保存到您的本地存储中,因为此时云将不可用。 因此,绝对应该在Arlo Pro系统上进行设置。

To get started, you’ll first need a USB storage device, like a flash drive or an external hard drive. Since the Arlo Pro system relies on the FAT32 formatting system, the max storage size is 2TB. So if you have a 4TB external drive, it will only use 2TB of the space.

首先,您首先需要USB存储设备,例如闪存驱动器或外部硬盘驱动器。 由于Arlo Pro系统依赖FAT32格式系统,因此最大存储大小为2TB。 因此,如果您有4TB的外部驱动器,它将仅使用2TB的空间。

When ready, plug your USB storage device into one of the USB ports on the back of the Arlo Pro Base Station. There are two USB ports and it doesn’t matter which one you use.

准备就绪后,将USB存储设备插入Arlo Pro基站背面的USB端口之一。 有两个USB端口,使用哪个端口都没有关系。

netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

Next, open up the Arlo app on your smartphone and you may notice a small, red icon appear. This means that the USB storage device needs formatted before it can be used. Tap on it to do so.

接下来,在智能手机上打开Arlo应用程序,您可能会注意到出现一个红色的小图标。 这意味着USB存储设备需要先格式化才能使用。 点击它。

netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

Tap on “Format” to confirm.


netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

Once formatted, the device will automatically begin accepting recordings, and there’s nothing you have to do further to set it all up. However, there are some settings that you can mess with if you’d like. To access them, tap on the “Settings” tab in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

格式化后,设备将自动开始接受录音,您无需进行任何其他操作即可将其全部设置。 但是,您可以根据需要调整一些设置。 要访问它们,请点击屏幕右下角的“设置”标签。

netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

Select “My Devices” at the top.


netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

Select your Arlo Pro Base Station.

选择您的Arlo Pro基站。

netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

Tap on “Local Storage”.


netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

Toggling “USB Device Recording” will enable or disable the Arlo Pro system from saving recorded video to your USB storage device. “Automatic Overwrite” dictates whether or not new video recordings will overwrite old ones when the storage device gets full.

切换“ USB设备录制”将启用或禁用Arlo Pro系统将录制的视频保存到USB存储设备。 “自动覆盖”指示当存储设备已满时,新的视频记录是否会覆盖旧的视频记录。

netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

On this same screen, you can access the USB storage device and safely eject it if you ever want to remove it. Simply tap on the arrow to the right of the USB drive.

在同一屏幕上,如果您要删除USB存储设备,则可以访问它并安全地弹出它。 只需点击USB驱动器右侧的箭头。

netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

On the next screen, tap on “Safely Eject USB Device”.


netgear驱动_如何将Netgear Arlo Pro视频录制到USB驱动器

