解决方法:git clone http://**** fatal:unable to access ‘http://****‘ :Could not resolve proxy : http

入职新公司,git clone 遇到的问题
解决方法:git clone http://**** fatal:unable to access ‘http://****‘ :Could not resolve proxy : http
解决方法:git clone http://**** fatal:unable to access ‘http://****‘ :Could not resolve proxy : http
解决方法:git clone http://**** fatal:unable to access ‘http://****‘ :Could not resolve proxy : http
$ git config --list查看配置是否生效
解决方法:git clone http://**** fatal:unable to access ‘http://****‘ :Could not resolve proxy : http
再次执行git clone 可执行克隆
解决方法:git clone http://**** fatal:unable to access ‘http://****‘ :Could not resolve proxy : http