android q刷机套件_我们如何与世界分享Android测试套件

android q刷机套件_我们如何与世界分享Android测试套件

android q刷机套件

In my last blog post I introduced you to our Runtime Test Framework and how it allows us to test the Unity Runtime API on a wide range of platforms. In this post I will tell you more about the test suite that we share with Google and others so they can integration test Unity with Android devices and the Android OS.

上一篇博客文章中,我向您介绍了我们的Runtime Test Framework,以及它如何使我们能够在各种平台上测试Unity Runtime API。 在本文中,我将向您详细介绍我们与Google和其他人共享的测试套件,以便他们可以将Unity与Android设备和Android OS集成在一起。

“What is our motivation for sharing this suite?” you might ask. It makes a lot of sense for us to push our test suites upstream and catch eventual problems as early as possible. We mitigate risk, in this case the risk that a certain device or a specific version of Android does not work with Unity. Also, the earlier we become aware of a problem the more time we will have to react and find a solution.

“我们共享此套件的动机是什么?” 你可能会问。 对于我们来说,将测试套件推向上游并尽早发现最终问题非常有意义。 我们降低了风险,在这种情况下,某些设备或特定版本的Android无法与Unity一起使用的风险有所降低。 同样,我们越早意识到问题,我们将不得不花更多的时间做出React并找到解决方案。

Android Suite和Runner (The Android Suite and Runner)

The Unity Runtime Test Framework can generate a Unity project containing all tests, and then build an Android suite from it. We remove tests with external dependencies, e.g. WWW tests that require a running web server, but this is limited to a very small set of tests.

Unity Runtime Test Framework可以生成一个包含所有测试的Unity项目,然后从中构建一个Android套件。 我们删除具有外部依赖性的测试,例如需要运行Web服务器的WWW测试,但这仅限于极少数的测试。

The external Android test runner is different from the one we use internally at Unity, which is based on C#/Mono. Our test frameworks and runners are very modular so replacing one test runner with another is very easy. The Android runner is based on the Android testing framework, and it starts a test suite by launching it as an activity on the device. As all runtime assertions are done player-side, on the Android device, the result of a test can be determined by the runner by using logcat and a simple parser.

外部Android测试运行程序与我们在Unity内部使用的基于C#/ Mono的运行程序不同。 我们的测试框架和运行器是非常模块化的,因此很容易用一个测试运行器替换另一个。 Android运行器基于Android测试框架 ,并且通过将其作为设备上的活动启动来启动测试套件。 由于所有运行时断言都是在播放器端完成的,因此在Android设备上,测试结果可以由运行程序通过使用logcat和简单的解析器确定。

The Runtime Test Framework can build an Android test suite in a few minutes, and running a pre-built suite takes 5-10 minutes on most devices (currently more than 700 tests covering all major areas of Unity as shown in the figure below).

Runtime Test Framework可以在几分钟内构建一个Android测试套件,而在大多数设备上运行一个预先构建的套件需要5-10分钟的时间(目前有700多个测试涵盖Unity的所有主要领域,如下图所示)。

更新和发布测试套件 (Updating and releasing test suites)

We typically update and ship a new version of the Android runtime test suite before we ship a new version of Unity. We like our bugs to be found and fixed as early as possible, and the results achieved so far are very promising. We have found bugs and we have fixed them before they did much harm. We are currently looking into finding more potential players who can benefit from this suite.

我们通常会在发布新版本的Unity之前更新并发布新版本的Android运行时测试套件。 我们希望尽早发现并修复我们的错误,到目前为止取得的结果是非常有希望的。 我们已发现错误,并在对其造成重大伤害之前已将其修复。 我们目前正在寻找更多可以从该套件中受益的潜在玩家。

In my next blog post, which I will publish in a few weeks, I will tell you about our Graphics Testing Framework. Stay clear of bugs until then.

在我将在几周后发布的下一篇博客文章中,我将向您介绍我们的图形测试框架。 在此之前,请避免任何错误。


android q刷机套件