日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日_在Windows日历中显示您的Google日历

日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日_在Windows日历中显示您的Google日历

日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日

Windows Vista includes a built-in calendar application that’s pretty slick, but as an addict to Google Calendar, I’d like to just view my Google calendar in a desktop client. This is where Vista’s “Subscribe” to calendar feature works out pretty well.

Windows Vista包含一个非常漂亮的内置日历应用程序,但是作为Google Calendar的迷,我只想在桌面客户端中查看我的Google Calendar。 这就是Vista的“订阅”日历功能运行良好的地方。

To subscribe to your Google Calendar, you’ll first need to get the iCal link to your calendar. In Google Calendar, go to Settings \ Calendars and then click on your calendar in the list.

要订阅您的Google日历,您首先需要获取日历的iCal链接。 在Google日历中,转到“设置” \“日历”,然后在列表中单击您的日历。

You should see a “Private Address” section:


日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日_在Windows日历中显示您的Google日历

Right click on the ICAL link, and choose Copy Shortcut to copy the link to the clipboard.


Now open Windows Calendar, and click the Subscribe buttton on the toolbar:


日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日_在Windows日历中显示您的Google日历

Paste the URL into the textbox, and hit the Next button:


日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日_在Windows日历中显示您的Google日历

After what seems like far too long, you’ll see the next screen:


日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日_在Windows日历中显示您的Google日历

The key thing that you’ll want to choose on this screen is the Update interval, which will keep the calendar automatically sync’d up. I also chose a friendlier name.

您要在此屏幕上选择的关键是更新间隔,它将使日历自动同步。 我还选择了一个更友好的名称。

That’s all there is to it. Notice the blue appointments are the ones that came from Google Calendar:

这里的所有都是它的。 请注意,蓝色约会是来自Google日历的约会:

日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日_在Windows日历中显示您的Google日历

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/display-your-google-calendar-in-windows-calendar/

日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日