mac 重新启动redis_如何重新启动Mac

mac 重新启动redis_如何重新启动Mac

mac 重新启动redis

mac 重新启动redis_如何重新启动Mac
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

If your Mac is acting a bit unresponsive, running slowly, programs aren’t running properly, or is displaying any other sort of abnormal behavior, sometimes all it needs is a reboot. Here are a few different ways to do that.

如果您的Mac表现得有些迟钝,运行缓慢,程序无法正常运行或显示任何其他异常行为,则有时只需要重新启动即可。 这里有几种不同的方法。

使用Apple菜单重新启动Mac (Restart Your Mac Using the Apple Menu)

The quickest (and easiest) way to restart your Mac is by using the power options from the Apple menu on the desktop. First, select the “Apple” icon at the top-left corner of the computer’s interface.

重新启动Mac的最快(也是最简单)的方法是使用台式机上Apple菜单中的电源选项。 首先,选择计算机界面左上角的“ Apple”图标。

mac 重新启动redis_如何重新启动Mac

In the menu that appears, select the “Restart” button.


mac 重新启动redis_如何重新启动Mac

Your Mac will now restart. Give your computer a minute to come back up and most of your lag or small issues should (hopefully) be fixed.

Mac现在将重新启动。 请花一分钟时间重新启动计算机,并且应该(希望)解决大部分滞后或小问题。

从终端重启Mac (Restart Your Mac from Terminal)

If you’re a bit more technical, you can restart your Apple computer using the Terminal. Go ahead and open the Terminal. You can do this by pressing the Command + Space keys simultaneously to open the Spotlight Search, typing “Terminal” in the search bar, and then selecting the “Terminal” app from the results.

如果您的技术水平更高,则可以使用终端重新启动Apple计算机。 继续并打开终端。 为此,您可以同时按Command +空格键以打开Spotlight搜索,在搜索栏中键入“ Terminal”,然后从结果中选择“ Terminal”应用。

mac 重新启动redis_如何重新启动Mac

Now you’re ready to reboot your Mac. Keep in mind that you’ll need to use the “sudo” command here. Otherwise, you’ll be greeted by the error message shown below.

现在您可以重启Mac了。 请记住,您将需要在此处使用“ sudo”命令。 否则,您会受到以下显示的错误消息的欢迎。

mac 重新启动redis_如何重新启动Mac

The sudo (superuser do) command gives you superuser security privileges.


To restart your Mac, enter the following command:


Sudo shutdown -r <time>

Sudo shutdown -r <time>

Replace <time> with the specific time you’d like to reboot your Mac. If you want to do it immediately, type now. If you want it to reboot in an hour, type +60.

<time>替换为您要重新启动Mac的特定时间。 如果你想马上行动吧,键入now 。 如果要在一小时内重新启动,请输入+60

Press Enter and then type your Mac’s password when prompted.


mac 重新启动redis_如何重新启动Mac

Your Mac will now restart at the specified time.


强制重新启动Mac (Force Restart Your Mac)

If your cursor is frozen and your Mac won’t respond, you can do a force restart. Keep in mind that if you force a restart, you will likely lose any unsaved work in documents you’re working on.

如果光标被冻结并且Mac无法响应,则可以强制重启。 请记住,如果您强制重新启动,则可能会丢失正在处理的文档中所有未保存的工作。

To force a restart, press and hold the Control + Command + Power keys simultaneously until your computer’s screen goes blank. Your Mac will reboot after several seconds.

要强制重新启动,请同时按住Control + Command + Power键,直到计算机屏幕变黑。 几秒钟后,您的Mac将重新启动。

Alternatively, if you use an iMac or other Mac tower with a physical Power button, you can long-press the button until your display goes black.



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