python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

python 音乐库

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

Google Play Music offers an unlimited music streaming subscription paired with YouTube Red, but it’s more than that. Even if the music you want to listen to isn’t available in Google’s streaming library, you can add it to your own personal Google Play Music library and listen from any device.

Google Play音乐提供了与YouTube Red配对的无限制音乐流订阅,但不仅如此。 即使您想听的音乐在Google的流媒体库中不可用,您也可以将其添加到自己的个人Google Play音乐库中,并可以通过任何设备收听。

Better yet, this works even if you aren’t paying for Google Play Music at all. It’s a free feature that allows you to access your music collection from anywhere.

更好的是,即使您根本不用为Google Play音乐付费,也可以使用此功能。 这是一项免费功能,可让您从任何地方访问音乐收藏

If you’re considering buying an album that isn’t available for streaming in Google Play Music All Access, you may want to consider buying it on the Google Play Music Store. When you buy albums or songs on the Google Play Store, that music will be immediately added to your Google Play Music account as well as being available for download.

如果您正在考虑购买无法在Google Play音乐无限听中进行流式播放的专辑,则可以考虑在Google Play音乐商店中购买该专辑 。 当您在Google Play商店购买专辑或歌曲时,该音乐将立即添加到您的Google Play音乐帐户中,并可供下载。

RELATED: How to Download Movies and TV Shows to Watch Them on an Airplane (or Anywhere Else Offline)

相关文章: 如何下载电影和电视节目以在飞机上(或其他离线状态)观看它们

But you may want to buy music from other stores like Amazon, rip it from your own discs, or just download music that isn’t available in Google Play Music and get it in your library. You have two options for doing so.

但是您可能想从其他商店(如亚马逊)购买音乐, 从自己的光盘中翻录音乐,或者只是下载Google Play音乐中没有的音乐并将其保存在您的音乐库中。 您有两种选择。

Songs you try to upload will be “matched” if possible. This means Google will give you Google’s own copy, potentially getting you a higher quality version of the song than the one you uploaded. If Google doesn’t have its own version of a song on file, it will just upload and store the song file you provide.

如果可能,您尝试上传的歌曲将被“匹配”。 这意味着Google会给您Google自己的副本,这可能会为您提供比您上传的歌曲更高质量的歌曲。 如果Google上没有自己的歌曲版本,它将仅上传和存储您提供的歌曲文件。

选项一:使用Google Chrome上传歌曲 (Option One: Upload Songs With Google Chrome)

You can upload music right from your web browser, assuming that web browser is Google Chrome. This is ideal if you’re just uploading a few songs (rather than an entire library). On the Google Play Music website, click the menu button in the top left corner of the screen and click “Upload Music”.

假设网络浏览器是Google Chrome浏览器,则可以直接从网络浏览器上传音乐。 如果您仅上传几首歌曲(而不是整个音乐库),则这是理想的选择。 在Google Play音乐网站上 ,点击屏幕左上角的菜单按钮,然后点击“上传音乐”。

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

Drag and drop individual song files or folders containing song files from your computer’s local drive to this window. You can also click the “Select From Your Computer” button and browse to the individual song files. The music you upload will appear in your music library.

将单个歌曲文件或包含歌曲文件的文件夹从计算机的本地驱动器拖放到此窗口。 您也可以单击“从计算机中选择”按钮,然后浏览到各个歌曲文件。 您上传的音乐将出现在音乐库中。

If you use iTunes, you can drag and drop music right from your iTunes library onto the page.


python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

选项二:使用音乐管理器自动上传新音乐 (Option Two: Automatically Upload New Music With Music Manager)

Google also offers a downloadable “Google Play Music Manager” application for Windows and macOS, ideal for those with large libraries that they want constantly syncing to Google Music. You’ll also be prompted to use it if you click the “Upload Music” option in a browser that isn’t Chrome.

Google还提供了适用于Windows和macOS的可下载“ Google Play音乐管理器”应用程序 ,非常适合那些希望将其库不断与Google音乐保持同步的用户。 如果您在非Chrome浏览器中单击“上传音乐”选项,也会提示您使用它。

The Google Play Music Manager tool is particularly convenient because it runs in the background on your PC, monitoring your music folder. When you add more music to your music folder—by downloading, ripping, or purchasing it—Google Play Music Manager will automatically upload it to your Google Play Music account. It’ll be available in the Google Play Music app and website on all your devices.

Google Play音乐管理器工具特别方便,因为它在PC上的后台运行,可监视您的音乐文件夹。 通过下载,翻录或购买将更多音乐添加到音乐文件夹后,Google Play音乐管理器会自动将其上传到您的Google Play音乐帐户。 它将在您所有设备上的Google Play音乐应用和网站中提供。

Download and install the application. You’ll be asked what you want to do—select “Upload songs to Google Play”. This application also allows you to download copies of music you’ve uploaded or purchased.

下载并安装该应用程序。 系统将询问您要做什么-选择“将歌曲上传到Google Play”。 此应用程序还允许您下载已上传或购买的音乐的副本。

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

Select the location where your music is stored on your PC. If you have it stored in your iTunes or Windows Media Player library, select that option. If it’s stored in your My Music folder at C:\Users\Name\Music, select that option. If it’s anywhere else, select the “Other Folders” option and add the folders containing music files.

选择您的音乐在PC上存储的位置。 如果将其存储在iTunes或Windows Media Player库中,请选择该选项。 如果它存储在C:\ Users \ Name \ Music的“我的音乐”文件夹中,请选择该选项。 如果在其他任何地方,请选择“其他文件夹”选项,然后添加包含音乐文件的文件夹。

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

The Music Manager application will offer to monitor the locations you selected for new music. Click “Yes” and the application will run in your notification area, automatically monitoring and uploading music files you add to the selected location on your PC.

音乐管理器应用程序将提供监视您为新音乐选择的位置的信息。 单击“是”,该应用程序将在您的通知区域中运行,自动监视并上传您添加到PC上所选位置的音乐文件。

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

To monitor the upload process and adjust which folders the tool is watching, click the Google Play Music Manager icon in your system tray.

要监视上传过程并调整工具正在查看的文件夹,请单击系统任务栏中的Google Play音乐管理器图标。

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

查找和管理您上传的歌曲 (Finding and Managing Your Uploaded Songs)

To see only the songs you’ve uploaded, click your “Library” in Google Play Music and select “Purchased & Uploaded” from the dropdown menu.

要仅查看已上传的歌曲,请在Google Play音乐中单击“库”,然后从下拉菜单中选择“已购买并上传”。

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

If a song you uploaded doesn’t have any tag information associated with it, you can add it yourself. Right-click the song in Google Play Music, select “Edit Info”, and enter the artist, song title, album name, and whatever other information you want associated with the song. You can even add album art from here.

如果您上传的歌曲没有任何标签信息,则可以自己添加。 右键单击Google Play音乐中的歌曲,选择“编辑信息”,然后输入艺术家,歌曲标题,专辑名称以及您想要与该歌曲关联的任何其他信息。 您甚至可以从此处添加专辑封面。

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

You can upload up to 50,000 songs of your own. To check how many you’ve uploaded, click the menu in Google Play Music and select “Settings”. Under Account, look at the “Uploaded Songs” counter.

您最多可以上传50,000首歌曲。 要检查您上传了多少,请点击Google Play音乐中的菜单,然后选择“设置”。 在“帐户”下,查看“上载的歌曲”计数器。

python 音乐库_如何将您的音乐库上传到Google Play音乐

Songs you’ve added to Google Play Music can be played, added to playlists, and downloaded for offline playback in the mobile app like any other songs in Google Play Music.

与Google Play音乐中的任何其他歌曲一样,您可以在移动应用中播放,添加到Google Play音乐中的歌曲,将其添加到播放列表并下载以供离线播放。


python 音乐库