apple更新签名无效_如何更新您的Apple AirPods

apple更新签名无效_如何更新您的Apple AirPods


apple更新签名无效_如何更新您的Apple AirPods
Justin Duino
贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)

As with the iPhone, Apple pushes out firmware updates to your AirPods (first- and second-gen) and AirPods Pro. The update process takes place behind the scenes automatically, but you can manually check which firmware version you’re running. Here’s how.

与iPhone一样,Apple将固件更新推送到您的AirPods(第一代和第二代)和AirPods Pro。 更新过程自动在后台进行,但是您可以手动检查正在运行的固件版本。 这是如何做。

如何更新您的Apple AirPods和AirPods Pro (How to Update Your Apple AirPods and AirPods Pro)

Before we jump into checking your AirPods’ firmware version, let’s take a second to discuss what’s required before your Apple earbuds will update themselves. First, your AirPods need to be in the charging case. Second, the charging case needs to be attached to power. This can be done with the included Lightning cable or on a Qi charger (where applicable).

在我们检查一下AirPods的固件版本之前,让我们花点时间讨论一下Apple耳塞自我更新之前需要做什么。 首先,您的AirPods需要放在充电盒中。 其次,充电盒需要连接电源。 可以使用随附的Lightning电缆或Qi充电器(如果适用)完成此操作。

Lastly, your AirPods need to be near your paired iPhone or iPad. As long as your phone or tablet is connected to the internet, it will transfer and install any firmware upgrades to your headphones.

最后,您的AirPods需要靠近配对的iPhone或iPad。 只要您的手机或平板电脑已连接到互联网,它就会转移并安装任何固件升级到您的耳机。

如何找到您的固件版本 (How to Find Your Firmware Version)

To check your AirPods’ firmware version, you’re first going to need to connect them to your iPhone or iPad. You can do this by simply flipping the charging case’s lid up. But as you won’t want to hold the top open for this entire process, we recommend taking a bud out and putting it in your ear.

要检查AirPods的固件版本,首先需要将它们连接到iPhone或iPad。 您只需将充电箱的盖子向上盖即可。 但是,由于您不想在整个过程中都保持打开状态,因此建议您将芽取出并放在耳边。

With your paired AirPods connected to your phone or tablet, open the “Settings” app on your iPhone or iPad. Use Apple’s built-in Spotlight Search feature to find the app if you can’t locate it on your homescreen.

将配对的AirPods连接到手机或平板电脑后,在iPhone或iPad上打开“设置”应用程序。 如果您无法在主屏幕上找到它,请使用Apple内置的Spotlight搜索功能查找该应用。

apple更新签名无效_如何更新您的Apple AirPods

Next, scroll down the list and tap on the “General” option.


apple更新签名无效_如何更新您的Apple AirPods

From the next submenu, select the “About” button.


apple更新签名无效_如何更新您的Apple AirPods

As long as your AirPods or AirPods Pro are connected to your device, you should see them listed as an option. Select it from the list.

只要将AirPods或AirPods Pro连接到设备,您就应该将它们列为一个选项。 从列表中选择它。

apple更新签名无效_如何更新您的Apple AirPods

You can find all of your AirPods’ identifying information in this menu, such as its serial number. Near the button of the list is your current firmware version. You will need to check online to see what the latest version available is as Apple doesn’t currently supply that information.

您可以在此菜单中找到所有AirPods的识别信息,例如其***。 列表按钮旁边是您当前的固件版本。 您将需要在线检查以查看可用的最新版本,因为Apple当前不提供该信息。

apple更新签名无效_如何更新您的Apple AirPods

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