



You’ve been taking photos and videos, downloading documents, and installing apps like there’s no tomorrow. All of a sudden you realize you’re running out of room on your phone. What do you do?

您一直在拍摄照片和视频,下载文档以及安装应用程序,就像没有明天一样。 突然之间,您意识到自己的手机空间不足。 你是做什么?

Sure, you could use cloud services like Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive to store files, but those require an internet connection to access your files. If you want to actually take files with you, there is a better solution.

当然,您可以使用DropboxGoogle DriveOneDrive之类的云服务来存储文件,但是这些服务需要Internet连接才能访问您的文件。 如果您想随身携带文件,则有更好的解决方案。

Just like you’ve been using USB flash drives with your PC or Mac all these years, there are also flash drive-esque devices that connect to phones and tablets. After testing a few, here are some that we recommend:

就像这些年来您一直在PC或Mac上使用USB闪存驱动器一样,也有类似闪存驱动器的设备可以连接到手机和平板电脑。 在测试了一些之后,我们推荐以下一些方法:

  • The SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick is the most versatile, being able to connect to iOS devices, Android devices, and computers (either wirelessly or over its USB connection like a traditional flash drive). Put any files on it from your PC, and you’ll be able to read them using an app on your phone. The SanDisk software can also back up your photos and contacts, and secure any sensitive files you have on the drive with the SecureAccess software (which can only be protected and unprotected on your PC or Mac). And, of course, wireless drives don’t have to be physically connected, which is nice—though you will have to charge it.

    SanDisk Connect无线棒功能最丰富,能够连接到iOS设备,Android设备和计算机(以无线方式或通过其USB连接(如传统闪存驱动器)连接)。 从您的PC上放所有文件,您就可以使用手机上的应用读取它们。 SanDisk软件还可以备份您的照片和联系人,并使用SecureAccess软件(仅在您的PC或Mac上受保护和不受保护的软件)保护驱动器上所有敏感文件的安全。 而且,当然,无线驱动器不必进行物理连接,这很好-尽管您必须对其充电。

  • The SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive is more like a traditional flash drive, but built for the iPhone and iPad. It plugs into the Lightning port on the bottom of your device so you can directly access files stored on it. Like the SanDisk Connect, it can back up photos and contacts, though it can also back up your calendar and social media. The iXpand drive can also protect individual files in the SanDiskSecureAccess vault directly on the drive using the iXpand Drive app.

    SanDisk iXpand闪存驱动器更像传统的闪存驱动器,但是是为iPhone和iPad构建的。 它插入设备底部的Lightning端口,因此您可以直接访问存储在设备上的文件。 与SanDisk Connect一样,它也可以备份照片和联系人,尽管它也可以备份日历和社交媒体。 iXpand驱动器还可以使用iXpand Drive应用程序直接在驱动器上保护SanDiskSecureAccess库中的单个文件。

  • The Leef iBridge 3 Mobile Memory Drive is similar to the iXpand drive, connecting directly to the Lightning port on your device. However, it has one unique feature: allows you to transfer files between the drive and a few of the more popular cloud services without having to copy the files on your mobile device first. The Leef iBridge 3 also allows you to protect your files, like the iXpand drive, but it protects the whole drive, not individual files.

    Leef iBridge 3移动存储驱动器类似于iXpand驱动器,直接连接到设备上的Lightning端口。 但是,它具有一个独特的功能:允许您在驱动器和一些更流行的云服务之间传输文件,而不必先在移动设备上复制文件。 Leef iBridge 3还允许您保护文件(如iXpand驱动器),但可以保护整个驱动器,而不是单个文件。

The iXpand and Leef iBridge 3 drives should both fit over most cases. We tested them on an iPhone 7 Plus with a Speck Presidio Grip case and it fit just fine. They may not fit as well with some of the thicker cases, such as OtterBox cases. The iXpand drive is a bit more flexible than the Leef iBridge 3 drive.

iXpand和Leef iBridge 3驱动器都应适合大多数情况。 我们在配备Speck Presidio Grip外壳的iPhone 7 Plus上对其进行了测试,它非常合适。 它们可能不适用于某些较厚的外壳,例如OtterBox外壳。 iXpand驱动器比Leef iBridge 3驱动器更具灵活性。

NOTE: We’re mostly focusing on iOS in this guide, since Android phones are much more versatile. If your Android device supports USB on-the-go (OTG), you can use any old flash drive just by plugging it in using a USB OTG cable. You can read more about that process in this article. You can also use a USB-A-plus-USB-C flash drive like this one. If your Android phone does not support physical USB connections, the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick should work well with Android too.

注意:由于Android手机的用途更为广泛,因此本指南主要关注iOS。 如果您的Android设备支持USB移动存储(OTG),则只需使用USB OTG电缆将其插入即可使用任何旧的闪存驱动器。 您可以在本文中了解有关该过程的更多信息 您也可以使用USB-A加USB-C闪存驱动器像这一个。 如果您的Android手机不支持物理USB连接,那么SanDisk Connect无线记忆棒也应该可以与Android一起正常使用。

In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of using all three of these devices to store and read files on your iPhone or iPad, as well as back up photos or other files if you want to free up space. There is more you can do with these drives than we discuss here, and we’ll provide links to help pages so you can learn all about using your new drive.

在本指南中,我们将逐步介绍使用这三种设备在iPhone或iPad上存储和读取文件的过程,以及如果要释放空间来备份照片或其他文件的过程。 这些驱动器所能提供的功能比我们在这里讨论的更多。我们将提供帮助页面的链接,以便您可以学习有关使用新驱动器的全部信息。

如何使用SanDisk Connect无线记忆棒 (How to Use the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick)

The SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick is a flash drive that works not only with your computer, but with your phone and tablet as well. It runs its own wireless network, so you can connect to it wirelessly. That means it can be in your pocket, purse, backpack, or anywhere within about 150 feet with a clear line of sight while it’s connected to your device.

SanDisk Connect无线棒是一种闪存驱动器,不仅可与您的计算机一起使用,而且也可与您的手机和平板电脑一起使用。 它运行自己的无线网络,因此您可以无线连接到它。 这意味着它可以在连接到设备的情况下放在口袋,钱包,背包中,也可以在约150英尺范围内的任何地方看到清晰的视线。

The SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick provides up to 256GB of extra storage, and the prices range from about $25 for 16GB to about $200 for 256GB, as of this writing.

SanDisk Connect无线记忆棒最多可提供256GB的额外存储空间,价格从16GB的25美元到256GB的200美元不等。

给SanDisk Connect无线记忆棒充电并将其连接到PC (Charging the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick and Connecting It to Your PC)

Before we get started with the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick, plug the drive into your computer or a USB adapter and let it fully charge. This might take up to two hours.

在我们开始使用SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick之前,请将驱动器插入计算机或USB适配器,并使其充满电。 这可能需要最多两个小时。

While the drive is charging, download and install the appropriate app for your device: Connect Drive for iOS or for Connect Drive for Android. We’re going to show you how to use the drive and the app on iOS, but the process is the very similar on both. If you’re charging the drive in a USB port on your computer, you can also use the charging time to copy any photos, videos, or other files you want to access on your phone to the drive. Copy files just like you would any other flash drive.

在驱动器充电时,下载并安装适合您设备的应用:适用于iOSConnect Drive或适用于Android的Connect Drive 。 我们将向您展示如何在iOS上使用驱动器和应用程序,但是两者的过程非常相似。 如果要通过计算机的USB端口为驱动器充电,则还可以使用充电时间将要在手机*问的任何照片,视频或其他文件复制到驱动器中。 复制文件就像复制其他任何闪存驱动器一样。

Once the drive is fully charged, turn it on by pressing the power button on the side of the drive.



The LED on the top of the drive blinks white to indicate the drive is on.


将SanDisk连接到手机或平板电脑 (Connecting the SanDisk Connect to Your Phone or Tablet)

To connect to the drive on Android, open the Connect Drive app and select the Wi-Fi network that your drive creates.


If you’re connecting the drive wirelessly to a PC or Mac, connect to the drive’s Wi-Fi network just like you would connect to any other Wi-Fi network. Then, open a browser and go to You should see the files on your drive in the browser window and you can manage the files right in the browser.

如果要将驱动器无线连接到PC或Mac,请连接到驱动器的Wi-Fi网络,就像连接到任何其他Wi-Fi网络一样。 然后,打开浏览器并转到http:// 。 您应该在浏览器窗口中看到驱动器上的文件,并且可以直接在浏览器中管理文件。

iOS is a bit different. To connect to the drive, you have to go through the Wi-Fi settings for your iPhone or iPad, not in the Connect Drive app. To do so, tap “Settings” on the Home screen.

iOS有点不同。 要连接到驱动器,您必须通过iPhone或iPad的Wi​​-Fi设置,而不是在“连接驱动器”应用程序中。 为此,请在主屏幕上点击“设置”。


On the Settings screen, tap the “Wi-Fi” option.

在“设置”屏幕上,点击“ Wi-Fi”选项。


Under Choose a Network, you should see the SanDisk Connect drive listed with unique code of six numbers and letters after it, identifying your specific wireless stick. Tap on “SanDisk Connect” in the list.

在“选择网络”下,您应该看到列出了SanDisk Connect驱动器,并在其后带有六个数字和字母的唯一代码,以标识您的特定无线棒。 在列表中点击“ SanDisk Connect”。


The SanDisk Connect drive moves up to the top of the screen with a checkmark beside it.

SanDisk Connect驱动器将移动到屏幕顶部,并在其旁边带有复选标记。


You are now connected to your drive. Open the Connect Drive app and swipe left to go through the introductory screens. On the last screen, tap the “Get Started” button at the bottom.

现在,您已连接到驱动器。 打开Connect Drive应用程序,然后向左滑动以浏览介绍性屏幕。 在最后一个屏幕上,点击底部的“入门”按钮。


The initial screen of the Connect Drive app displays with some helpful hints to get you started.

将显示Connect Drive应用程序的初始屏幕,并提供一些有用的提示,以帮助您入门。


访问无线记忆棒上的文件 (Accessing Files on the Wireless Stick)

Files on the wireless stick can be accessed directly on the drive. Open the Connect Drive app and you’ll see all the files and folders on the drive. To open or view a file, simply tap on the file. If the file is in a folder on the drive, tap the folder to open it and then tap on the file. For example, to view a photo on our drive, we tap the Photos folder to open it…

可以直接在驱动器*问无线记忆棒上的文件。 打开“连接驱动器”应用程序,您将看到驱动器上的所有文件和文件夹。 要打开或查看文件,只需点击文件。 如果文件在驱动器上的文件夹中,请点击该文件夹以将其打开,然后点击该文件。 例如,要在驱动器上查看照片,请点击照片文件夹将其打开…


…then we tap on a photo in the folder.



The photo displays directly in the app. You can also tap the right arrow icon at the bottom of the screen to start a slideshow using all the photos at the same level (the root of the drive or in the same folder). The Connect Drive app supports viewing .bmp, .tif, .tiff, .jpg, .png, .xbm, .ico, and .tga images.

照片直接显示在应用程序中。 您也可以点击屏幕底部的向右箭头图标,以使用同一级别(驱动器的根目录或同一文件夹中)的所有照片开始幻灯片播放。 Connect Drive应用程序支持查看.bmp,.tif,.tiff,.jpg,.png,.xbm,.ico和.tga图像。


You can stream videos to up to three devices from the drive the same way. Simply tap on a video file to play it directly in the Connect Drive app. The Connect Drive app can play .wmv, .avi, .mkv, .mp4, .mov, .flv, .mpg, .rmvb, .m4v, and .ts video files. (Note that some DRM-protected content cannot be played, however.)

您可以以相同的方式将视频从驱动器流式传输到最多三个设备。 只需点击视频文件,即可在Connect Drive应用程序中直接播放。 Connect Drive应用程序可以播放.wmv,.avi,.mkv,.mp4,.mov,.flv,.mpg,.rmvb,.m4v和.ts视频文件。 (请注意,某些受DRM保护的内容无法播放。)


You can also play music files in the form of .mp3, .wav, .m4a, .aac, and .ogg, as well as view Microsoft Office documents (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, and .pptx) and PDF files.

您还可以播放.mp3,.wav,.m4a,.aac和.ogg形式的音乐文件,以及查看Microsoft Office文档(.doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt和.pptx)和PDF文件。

将照片和视频从设备备份到Wireless Stick (Backing Up Photos and Videos from Your Device to the Wireless Stick)

To save room on your device, you may want to transfer some of your photos and videos from your camera roll to the wireless stick and access them directly on the drive.


NOTE: Photos and videos are the only types of files you can officially transfer from your device to the drive. However, the Connect Drive app is added to the iOS share sheet, so you might be able to transfer files from other apps to the drive using the share sheet if those apps support it. For example, we selected a video in VLC and then used the share sheet to copy the file to the Connect Drive app, which automatically copies the file to the wireless stick. You can also transfer photos and videos (up to 10 files at a time) in the camera roll using the share sheet instead of the Connect Drive app. Select them in the camera roll, tap the Share icon, and then tap the Connect Drive icon on the share sheet. Then, choose where on the drive you want to paste the files.

注意:照片和视频是可以从设备正式传输到驱动器的唯一文件类型。 但是,Connect Drive应用程序已添加到iOS共享表中,因此,如果这些应用程序支持的话,您也许可以使用共享表将文件从其他应用程序传输到驱动器。 例如,我们在VLC中选择了一个视频,然后使用共享表将文件复制到Connect Drive应用程序,后者会自动将文件复制到无线记忆棒。 您还可以使用共享表而不是Connect Drive应用程序在相机胶卷中传输照片和视频(一次最多10个文件)。 在相机胶卷中选择它们,单击“共享”图标,然后单击共享表上的“连接驱动器”图标。 然后,选择要在文件上粘贴文件的位置。

To use the Connect Drive app to back up photos and videos to the drive, open the app and tap the plus icon at the bottom of screen showing the contents of the drive.

要使用Connect Drive应用程序将照片和视频备份到驱动器,请打开该应用程序,然后点击显示驱动器内容的屏幕底部的加号图标。


The first time you copy files, the Connect Drive app will ask permission to access your photos. Tap “OK” on the dialog box that displays. You’ll then see the photos in your camera roll. You can also click the Albums button to access other albums.

首次复制文件时,Connect Drive应用程序将询问访问照片的权限。 在显示的对话框中点击“确定”。 然后,您会在相机胶卷中看到照片。 您也可以单击相册按钮来访问其他相册。


Once you’ve located the photos you want to back up to the wireless stick, tap on those photos. Then, tap the “Select Destination” button at the bottom of the screen.

找到要备份到无线棒的照片后,点击这些照片。 然后,点击屏幕底部的“选择目的地”按钮。


Now, you’re prompted to select a destination on the drive. You can select any existing folder by tapping on it, or you can tap “New Folder” to create a new folder to contain the copied photos. Once you have selected your destination, tap the “Copy Here” button at the bottom of the screen.

现在,系统提示您选择驱动器上的目标。 您可以通过点击任何现有文件夹来选择它,或者可以点击“新建文件夹”来创建一个包含已复制照片的新文件夹。 选择目的地后,点击屏幕底部的“此处复制”按钮。


The app displays the status of the copy process. You can pause the copying of a photo, cancel the process, or hide the progress screen.

该应用程序显示复制过程的状态。 您可以暂停照片的复制,取消过程或隐藏进度屏幕。


When the photos have been copied, the following dialog box displays. Click the “OK” button to close the dialog box.

复制照片后,将显示以下对话框。 单击“确定”按钮关闭对话框。


If you’d rather back up your entire camera roll, you can tap the menu button in the upper-left corner of the main screen and head to “Camera Roll Backup”. You can set it to back up manually or automatically.

如果您要备份整个相机胶卷,可以点击主屏幕左上角的菜单按钮,然后转到“相机胶卷备份”。 您可以将其设置为手动或自动备份。


连接到Internet并同时使用Wireless Stick (Connecting to the Internet and Use the Wireless Stick at the Same Time)

When you connect your device to the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick, you give up your normal Wi-Fi connection, so you won’t be able to access the internet. You can get it back, though—you just have to re-connect to your normal Wi-Fi network through the Connect Drive app.

当您将设备连接到SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick时,您将放弃常规的Wi-Fi连接,因此将无法访问Internet。 不过,您可以找回它-只需通过Connect Drive应用程序重新连接到正常的Wi-Fi网络。

Tap the hamburger menu button in the upper-left corner of the screen.



Tap “Internet Connection” on the slide-out menu.

点击滑出菜单上的“ Internet连接”。


Click the “Next” button on the introductory screen.



Tap on the network you want to connect to under Unknown networks.



Enter the password on the popup dialog box and tap the “OK” button.



The following screen displays while the drive is connecting to the network.



Once the drive has connected to the network, the following screen displays and the LED on the drive will double blink indicating the device is connected to another Wi-Fi network. To access both the drive and the network on your iOS device, go back to the Wi-Fi Settings screen for your iOS device and select your network.

驱动器连接到网络后,将显示以下屏幕,并且驱动器上的LED指示灯将闪烁两次,表明设备已连接到另一个Wi-Fi网络。 要访问iOS设备上的驱动器和网络,请返回iOS设备的Wi-Fi设置屏幕,然后选择您的网络。


The next time you connect to the wireless drive in your device’s Settings, and you’re within range of a known network (one you’ve connected to before), simply connect to that network again in the Settings after connecting to the drive. You will then be connected to both the drive and the Wi-Fi network.

下次在设备的“设置”中连接到无线驱动器时,并且您处于已知网络(之前已连接的网络)的范围内,只需在连接到驱动器后在“设置”中再次连接到该网络。 然后,您将同时连接到驱动器和Wi-Fi网络。


You can also protect the Wi-Fi connection on your drive with a password just like you protect your Wi-Fi network, and we recommend you do so. This prevents others around you from connecting to your drive and accessing your content.

您也可以使用密码保护驱动器上的Wi-Fi连接,就​​像保护Wi-Fi网络一样,我们建议您这样做。 这样可以防止您周围的其他人连接到驱动器并访问您的内容。

Tap the menu button again and then tap the “Settings” option.



On the Settings screen, tap “Set Password to Drive” under Security.



Enable “Security” by tapping on the slider button to the right, so it turns green. Enter a password you want to use in the first edit box and then confirm the password by entering it again in the second edit box. Click the “OK” button when you’re done.

通过点击右侧的滑块按钮启用“安全性”,使其变为绿色。 在第一个编辑框中输入要使用的密码,然后在第二个编辑框中再次输入该密码以进行确认。 完成后,单击“确定”按钮。

Now, any time you connect to this wireless stick, you will have to enter the password to access its content.


NOTE: Even if the wireless stick is connected to a known Wi-Fi network, you still have to enter the password to access the wireless stick.



In the Settings for the drive, you can also change the drive name, set a time period for the power save timer, and backup and restore contacts. In the Android version of the app, you can also select a different drive in the Settings. For more information about using the SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick, see their Support Information Page.

在驱动器的设置中,您还可以更改驱动器名称,设置节电计时器的时间段以及备份和还原联系人。 在该应用的Android版本中,您还可以在“设置”中选择其他驱动器。 有关使用SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick的更多信息,请参见其支持信息页面

如何使用SanDisk iXpand闪存驱动器 (How to Use the SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive)

If you don’t want to have to charge your USB flash drive, the SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive is a good alternative. The drive has a lightning connector to connect to your iPhone or iPad and a USB 3.0 connector to connect to your PC or Mac. This allows you to transfer content from your computer to your mobile device without an internet connection. You can also access files directly on the drive and stream music and video. The iXpand drive should fit over most cases. We tested it with a Speck Presidio Grip case and it fit just fine.

如果您不想为USB闪存驱动器充电,那么SanDisk iXpand闪存驱动器是一个不错的选择。 该驱动器具有用于连接到iPhone或iPad的闪电接口和用于连接到PC或Mac的USB 3.0接口。 这使您可以在没有Internet连接的情况下将内容从计算机传输到移动设备。 您还可以直接在驱动器*问文件并流式传输音乐和视频。 iXpand驱动器应适合大多数情况。 我们使用Speck Presidio Grip外壳对其进行了测试,它非常合适。

The SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive provides up to 256GB of extra storage, and the prices range from about $30 for 16GB to$250 for 256GB, as of this writing.

SanDisk iXpand闪存驱动器最多可提供256GB的额外存储空间,价格从16GB的30美元到256GB的250美元不等。

连接SanDisk iXpand闪存驱动器 (Connecting the SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive)

The SanDisk iXpand flash drive connects to your PC using the USB connector on the back. You can transfer files to it just like you would any other flash drive.

SanDisk iXpand闪存驱动器使用背面的USB连接器连接到您的PC。 您可以像向其他任何闪存驱动器一样向其传输文件。

Once you have files on there, you can connect the drive to your iPhone or iPad. First, download and install the iXpand Drive app from the App Store. Then plug the drive into the lightning connector on the device. The iXpand Drive dialog box displays, asking you to allow the drive to communicate with the iXpand app. Tap “Allow” to open the app.

将文件保存在那里后,就可以将驱动器连接到iPhone或iPad。 首先,从App Store下载并安装iXpand Drive应用程序。 然后将驱动器插入设备上的闪电接口。 此时将显示“ iXpand驱动器”对话框,要求您允许驱动器与iXpand应用程序通信。 点击“允许”以打开应用程序。


Another dialog box displays giving you the option of taking a tour of the app or setting up the iXpand Drive app. You can take the tour at any time by tapping on the gear menu and going to Help > Opening Walkthrough. We’ll set up the drive now, so tap on “Set up my iXpand Drive” to get started.

显示另一个对话框,您可以选择浏览该应用程序或设置iXpand Drive应用程序。 您可以随时通过点击齿轮菜单并转到帮助>打开演练来游览。 我们现在将设置驱动器,因此点击“设置我的iXpand驱动器”开始使用。


You can choose to turn on Auto Backup to automatically backup your photo library every time you connect the drive to your device. You can also turn on Auto Backup from within the app, so we’re going to tap “Skip for now”.

您可以选择打开自动备份,以在每次将驱动器连接到设备时自动备份照片库。 您也可以从应用程序中启用“自动备份”,因此我们将点击“立即跳过”。


You’ll see a couple of “What’s New” screens. Tap “Okay! I Got It.” at the bottom of the second screen to continue.

您会看到几个“新功能”屏幕。 点按“好! 我知道了。” 在第二个屏幕的底部继续。


The iXpand Drive app allows you to save photos and videos directly to the Camera folder on the iXpand Drive when you use the in-app camera. Tap anywhere on the screen outside the callout at the top to access the main app screen.

使用iXpand Drive应用程序时,使用应用程序内相机时,可以将照片和视频直接保存到iXpand Drive上的Camera文件夹中。 点按顶部标注之外的屏幕上的任意位置,以访问应用程序主屏幕。


访问iXpand驱动器上的文件 (Accessing Files on the iXpand Drive)

To access and view the files on the iXpand Drive, tap “View Files” on the main screen in the iXpand Drive app.

要访问和查看iXpand Drive中的文件,请在iXpand Drive应用程序的主屏幕上点击“查看文件”。


To open a folder or file, just tap on it. For example, to view a photo on our drive, we tap the Photos folder to open it…

要打开文件夹或文件,只需点击它。 例如,要在驱动器上查看照片,请点击照片文件夹将其打开…


…then we tap on a photo in the folder.



The photo displays directly in the app. You can also tap the right arrow icon at the bottom of the screen to start a slideshow using all the photos at the same level (the root of the drive or in the same folder). The iXpand Drive supports viewing .bmp, .tif, .tiff, .jpg, .png, .xbm, .ico, and .tga images.

照片直接显示在应用程序中。 您也可以点击屏幕底部的向右箭头图标,以使用同一级别(驱动器的根目录或同一文件夹中)的所有照片开始幻灯片播放。 iXpand驱动器支持查看.bmp,.tif,.tiff,.jpg,.png,.xbm,.ico和.tga图像。


You can stream videos to up to three devices from the drive the same way. Simply tap on a video file to play it directly in the iXpand Drive app. The iXpand Drive app can play .wmv, .avi, .mkv, .mp4, .mov, .flv, .mpg, .rmvb, .m4v, and .ts video files.  (Note that some DRM-protected content cannot be played, however.)

您可以以相同的方式将视频从驱动器流式传输到最多三个设备。 只需点击视频文件,即可在iXpand Drive应用程序中直接播放。 iXpand Drive应用程序可以播放.wmv,.avi,.mkv,.mp4,.mov,.flv,.mpg,.rmvb,.m4v和.ts视频文件。 (请注意,某些受DRM保护的内容无法播放。)


You can also play music files in the form of .mp3, .aif, .aiff, .wav, .m4a, .wma, .aac, .ogg, and .flac, as well as view Microsoft Office documents (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, and .pptx) and PDF files.

您还可以播放.mp3,.aif,.aiff,.wav,.m4a,.wma,.aac,.ogg和.flac形式的音乐文件,以及查看Microsoft Office文档(.doc 、. docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt和.pptx)和PDF文件。

将照片和视频从设备备份到iXpand驱动器 (Backing Up Photos and Videos from Your Device to the iXpand Drive)


To copy photos from your device to the iXpand Drive, tap on the “Copy Photos From Phone” box. (The “Copy Files From iXpand Drive” box at the bottom allows you to copy files from the drive to your device.)

要将照片从设备复制到iXpand驱动器,请点击“从手机复制照片”框。 (底部的“从iXpand驱动器复制文件”框允许您将文件从驱动器复制到设备。)


The first time you copy files, the iXpand Drive app will ask permission to access your photos. Tap “OK” on the dialog box that displays.

首次复制文件时,iXpand Drive应用程序将询问访问照片的权限。 在显示的对话框中点击“确定”。

The photos in your camera roll display. You can also click the Albums button to access other albums.

相机胶卷显示中的照片。 您也可以单击相册按钮来访问其他相册。


Once you’ve located the photos you want to back up to the wireless stick, tap on those photos. Then, tap the “Copy to iXpand Drive” button at the bottom of the screen.

找到要备份到无线棒的照片后,点击这些照片。 然后,点击屏幕底部的“复制到iXpand驱动器”按钮。


Now, you’re prompted to select a destination on the drive. You can select any existing folder by tapping on it, or you can tap “Create New Folder” to create a new folder to contain the copied photos. Once you have selected your destination, tap the “Copy Here” button at the bottom of the screen.

现在,系统提示您选择驱动器上的目标。 您可以通过点击任何现有文件夹来选择它,或者可以点击“创建新文件夹”来创建一个新文件夹以包含复制的照片。 选择目的地后,点击屏幕底部的“此处复制”按钮。


Once the selected photos have been copied to the drive, you’ll be asked if you want to delete the items from your device. The dialog box informs you how much space will be freed up if you delete these items. Tap the “Delete” button to remove the items from your device, if that’s what you decide to do.

将选定的照片复制到驱动器后,系统会询问您是否要从设备中删除这些项目。 对话框通知您删除这些项目将释放多少空间。 如果您决定这样做,请点按“删除”按钮以从设备中删除项目。


You can easily back up the entire camera roll to the drive, either manually or automatically, by tapping “Back Up and Restore” at the bottom of the main screen in the iXpand Drive app.

您可以通过点击iXpand Drive应用程序主屏幕底部的“备份和还原”,轻松地将整个相机胶卷手动或自动备份到驱动器。


For more information about using the SanDisk iXpand Flash Drive, see their support information page.

有关使用SanDisk iXpand闪存驱动器的更多信息,请参阅其支持信息页面

如何使用Leef iBridge 3移动存储驱动器 (How to Use the Leef iBridge 3 Mobile Memory Drive)

The Leef iBridge 3 Mobile Memory Drive is a USB flash drive that connects to iOS devices, providing extra storage. The drive has a lightning connector and a USB 3.1 connector, just like the SanDisk iXpand. You can copy files to it, connect it to your iPhone or iPad, then view or stream that content on your device. The Leef iBridge 3 drive should fit over most cases. We tested it with a Speck Presidio Grip case and it fit just fine. You can also back up content from your device to the drive and protect the entire drive using the iBridge 3 app.

Leef iBridge 3移动存储驱动器是USB闪存驱动器,可连接到iOS设备,从而提供额外的存储空间。 该驱动器具有一个闪电连接器和一个USB 3.1连接器,就像SanDisk iXpand一样。 您可以将文件复制到其中,将其连接到iPhone或iPad,然后在设备上查看或流式传输该内容。 Leef iBridge 3驱动器应适合大多数情况。 我们使用Speck Presidio Grip外壳对其进行了测试,它非常合适。 您还可以使用iBridge 3应用将内容从设备备份到驱动器,并保护整个驱动器。

The Leef iBridge 3 claims to provide up to 256GB of extra storage, but the 256GB version doesn’t seem to be available. The prices range approximately from about $42 for the 16GB model on Amazon to about $100 for the 128GB model on Amazon, as of the writing of this article.

Leef iBridge 3声称可提供多达256GB的额外存储空间,但256GB版本似乎不可用。 在撰写本文时,价格范围从Amazon的16GB型号42美元到Amazon的128GB型号100美元

Leef iBridge 3移动存储驱动器入门 (Getting Started with the Leef iBridge 3 Mobile Memory Drive)

The Leef iBridge connects to your PC using the USB connector on the back. You can transfer files to it just like you would any other flash drive.

Leef iBridge使用背面的USB连接器连接到您的PC。 您可以像向其他任何闪存驱动器一样向其传输文件。

Then, you can connect it to your iPhone or iPad to view those files. First, download and install the iBridge 3 app from the App Store. Simply plug the drive into the lightning connector on the device. The iBridge 3 dialog box displays asking you to allow the drive to communicate with the iBridge 3 app. Tap “Allow” to open the app.

然后,您可以将其连接到iPhone或iPad来查看这些文件。 首先,从App Store下载并安装iBridge 3应用程序。 只需将驱动器插入设备上的闪电接口即可。 显示iBridge 3对话框,询问您是否允许驱动器与iBridge 3应用程序通信。 点击“允许”以打开应用程序。


The main screen of the iBridge 3 app displays. Here you can transfer photos and videos to and from the iBridge 3 drive, take photos and videos and save them directly to the drive using the Leef Camera, view photos and stream videos stored on the drive and locally within the app, and access and manage the files on the drive.

显示iBridge 3应用程序的主屏幕。 在这里,您可以在iBridge 3驱动器上来回传送照片和视频,使用Leef相机将照片和视频直接保存到驱动器中,查看照片和流存储在驱动器上以及应用程序本地的视频,以及访问和管理驱动器上的文件。

The lock icon at the top of the screen provides a way to secure the files on your iBridge drive using their LeefLock feature. Note that once you’ve enabled LeefLock on the drive, you will not be able to access or edit your files on a PC or Mac until you unlock the files on the drive by tapping the lock icon in the iBridge 3 app again.

屏幕顶部的锁定图标提供了一种使用LeefLock功能保护iBridge驱动器上文件的方法。 请注意,一旦在驱动器上启用LeefLock,您将无法在PC或Mac*问或编辑文件,除非再次通过点按iBridge 3应用程序中的锁定图标来解锁驱动器上的文件。

The circular arrows icon next to the lock icon allows you to back up the entire camera roll manually or automatically.



访问iBridge 3驱动器上的文件 (Accessing Files on the iBridge 3 Drive)

To access your files on the iBridge 3 drive, tap “Manage Files” on the main screen, as shown above. To open or view a file, simply tap on the file. For example, to view a photo on our drive, we tap the Photos folder to open it…

要访问iBridge 3驱动器上的文件,请在主屏幕上点击“管理文件”,如上所示。 要打开或查看文件,只需点击文件。 例如,要在驱动器上查看照片,请点击照片文件夹将其打开…


…then we tap on a photo in the folder.



The photo displays directly in the app. You can also share the photo using the share icon at the lower-left corner of the screen, copy the photo to another location on the drive, or copy it to a cloud service (see the “Setting up Cloud Services on the Leef iBridge 3 Mobile Memory Drive” section below). Tapping on the three horizontal dots brings up a menu that allows you to delete, rename, duplicate, or move the photo.

照片直接显示在应用程序中。 您也可以使用屏幕左下角的共享图标共享照片,将照片复制到驱动器上的其他位置或将其复制到云服务(请参阅“在Leef iBridge 3上设置云服务”移动存储驱动器”部分)。 点击三个水平点将弹出一个菜单,您可以使用该菜单删除,重命名,复制或移动照片。

You can also copy it to the app’s “local storage”. This puts the file on your iPhone or iPad’s storage instead of the flash drive’s storage, which allows you to view it without the drive connected.

您也可以将其复制到应用程序的“本地存储”。 这样会将文件放在iPhone或iPad的存储设备中,而不是闪存驱动器的存储设备中,这样您就可以在未连接驱动器的情况下查看文件。

The iBridge 3 Drive app supports viewing .jpg, .tiff, .gif, and .png images.

iBridge 3 Drive应用程序支持查看.jpg,.tiff,.gif和.png图像。


You can stream videos from the drive the same way. Simply tap on a video file to play it directly in the iBridge 3 app.

您可以以相同的方式从驱动器流式传输视频。 只需点击视频文件,即可在iBridge 3应用程序中直接播放。

The iBridge 3 Drive app can play .mp4, .m4v, .mpv, .mov, .mpg, .mkv, .wmv, .flv, .3gp, .gif, and .avi video files. (Note that some DRM-protected content cannot be played, however.)

iBridge 3 Drive应用程序可以播放.mp4,.m4v,.mpv,.mov,.mpg,.mkv,.wmv,.flv,.3gp,.gif和.avi视频文件。 (请注意,某些受DRM保护的内容无法播放。)


You can also play music files in the form of .wav, .aac, .aif, .aiff, .caf, .m4a, and .mp3, as well as view Microsoft Office documents (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, and .pptx), PDF files, web pages (.htm and .html), Pages documents (.pages), Numbers documents (.numbers), Keynote documents (.key), text files (.txt), rich text format files (.rtf), contact information (.vcf), and calendar inforamtion (.ics).

您还可以播放.wav,.aac,.aif,.aiff,.caf,.m4a和.mp3形式的音乐文件,以及查看Microsoft Office文档(.doc,.docx,.xls 、. xlsx,.ppt和.pptx),PDF文件,网页(.htm和.html),页面文件(.pages),数字文件(.numbers),主题文件(.key),文本文件(.txt) ,富文本格式文件(.rtf),联系信息(.vcf)和日历信息(.ics)。

将照片和视频备份到iBridge 3驱动器 (Backing Up Photos and Videos to the iBridge 3 Drive)

If you want to back up photos and videos from your camera roll to the iBridge 3 drive, make sure you’re on the main screen in the iBridge 3 app and then tap on the “Transfer Photos” icon.

如果要将照片和视频从相机胶卷备份到iBridge 3驱动器,请确保您位于iBridge 3应用程序的主屏幕上,然后点击“传输照片”图标。


To copy photos from your device to the iBridge 3 drive, tap on the “From Camera Roll to iBridge” box. (The “From iBridge to Camera Roll” box at the bottom allows you to copy files from the drive to your device.)

要将照片从设备复制到iBridge 3驱动器,请点击“从相机胶卷到iBridge”框。 (底部的“从iBridge到相机胶卷”框允许您将文件从驱动器复制到设备。)


The first time you copy files, the iBridge 3 app will ask permission to access your photos. Tap “OK” on the dialog box that displays to allow the app to access your photos.

首次复制文件时,iBridge 3应用程序将询问访问照片的权限。 在显示的对话框中点击“确定”,以允许该应用访问您的照片。

The photos in your camera roll display. You can also click the Albums button to access other albums.

相机胶卷显示中的照片。 您也可以单击相册按钮来访问其他相册。


Once you’ve located the photos you want to back up to the iBridge 3 drive, tap on those photos. Then, tap the “Copy X Items to iBridge” button at the bottom of the screen.

找到要备份到iBridge 3驱动器的照片后,点击这些照片。 然后,点击屏幕底部的“将X项复制到iBridge”按钮。


A dialog box displays asking if you want to delete the copied items from the camera roll. If you need the space and want to delete the items, tap the “Delete” button. Otherwise, tap the “Keep” button to leave the items in the camera roll.

出现一个对话框,询问您是否要从相机胶卷中删除复制的项目。 如果需要空间并想要删除项目,请点击“删除”按钮。 否则,请点按“保留”按钮以将项目保留在相机胶卷中。


A message displays at the top of the screen when the copy process is complete, and you’ll see checkmarks to the left of each file name. Tap “Done” at the bottom of the screen to close this screen and return to the main screen.

复制过程完成后,屏幕顶部会显示一条消息,您将在每个文件名的左侧看到复选标记。 点击屏幕底部的“完成”以关闭该屏幕并返回主屏幕。

NOTE: The iBridge 3 app does not give you a choice where to copy the photos on the drive. They are automatically copied to the “iBridge Photos” folder. You can select them and move them if you want them in a different location.

注意:iBridge 3应用程序无法选择将照片复制到驱动器上的位置。 它们会自动复制到“ iBridge Photos”文件夹。 如果您希望将它们放置在其他位置,则可以选择并移动它们。


If you want to back up the entire camera roll to the drive, tap the backup icon at the top of the main screen in the app. From there, you can automatically or manually back up your full camera roll.

如果要将整个相机胶卷备份到驱动器,请点击应用程序主屏幕顶部的备份图标。 从那里,您可以自动或手动备份整个相机胶卷。


在Leef iBridge 3移动存储驱动器上设置云服务 (Setting up Cloud Services on the Leef iBridge 3 Mobile Memory Drive)

One cool feature of the iBridge drive is the ability to copy and move files between the drive and cloud storage services, without having to put the file on your device first.


To connect a cloud service to your drive, tap “Manage Files” on the main screen in the iBridge 3 app.

要将云服务连接到驱动器,请在iBridge 3应用程序的主屏幕上点击“管理文件”。


On the file manager screen, tap the “Cloud” icon at the bottom.



If you’re logged into your iCloud account on your device, it’s available by default in the iBridge 3 app, and you cannot disable it. To add another cloud service, tap “Edit” at the top of the screen.

如果您在设备上登录了iCloud帐户,则默认情况下该帐户在iBridge 3应用中可用,并且您无法将其禁用。 要添加其他云服务,请点击屏幕顶部的“编辑”。


Currently, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Box are available in the app. We’ll add our Google Drive account, so we tap the “Google Drive” slider button.

目前,该应用中提供了Dropbox,Google云端硬盘和Box。 我们将添加我们的Google云端硬盘帐户,因此点击“ Google云端硬盘”滑块按钮。


Log in to your cloud account.



Then, tap “Allow” to allow the iBridge 3 app to communicate with your cloud account.

然后,点击“允许”以允许iBridge 3应用程序与您的云帐户进行通信。


You are returned to the Manage Clouds screen and the cloud service is now enabled. Tap “Done” to return to the Clouds Selection screen.

您将返回到“管理云”屏幕,并且现已启用云服务。 点击“完成”以返回到“云选择”屏幕。


Now, you can open any of those cloud storage services, select a file, and copy it to your device file from our cloud account to the iBridge 3 drive, so we tap the “Google Drive” option.

现在,您可以打开这些云存储服务中的任何一个,选择一个文件,然后将其从我们的云帐户复制到您的设备文件中,再复制到iBridge 3驱动器,因此我们点击“ Google驱动器”选项。


Navigate to the folder on your cloud account containing the file you want to copy, and then tap “Select” at the top of the screen.



A selection circle displays to the right of each file. Tap the circle for the file you want to copy and then tap the copy icon at the bottom of the screen.

每个文件的右侧都会显示一个选择圈。 点击您要复制的文件的圆圈,然后点击屏幕底部的复制图标。


Tap the destination where you want to copy the file. You can copy files to the drive, to a local folder within the app, or to another cloud service (or another location on the same cloud service). We’re going to copy the file to the drive, so we tap on the “iBridge” option.

点击您要复制文件的目的地。 您可以将文件复制到驱动器,应用程序中的本地文件夹或其他云服务(或同一云服务上的其他位置)。 我们将文件复制到驱动器,因此点击“ iBridge”选项。


You can select any folder or subfolder on the destination and the path you’ve selected displays at the top of the screen. Then, tap “Copy X File Here” at the bottom of the screen.

您可以选择目标位置上的任何文件夹或子文件夹,并且所选的路径将显示在屏幕顶部。 然后,点击屏幕底部的“在此处复制X文件”。


The file is copied and the status displays above the file list. Tap “Done” to return to the selected folder.

文件被复制,状态显示在文件列表上方。 点击“完成”返回到所选文件夹。


The file has been copied from our cloud account to the drive.



For more information about using the Leef iBridge 3 Mobile Memory drive, see their help center.

有关使用Leef iBridge 3移动存储驱动器的详细信息,请参阅其帮助中心

