使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

So you’ve got yourself a new computer with Windows 7 and you’re itching to take advantage of it’s ability to stream media across your home network. But, the rest of the family is still on Windows XP and you’re not quite ready to shell out the cash for the upgrades. Well, today we’ll show you how to easily stream media from Windows 7 to Windows XP with VLC Media Player.

因此,您已经拥有了一台装有Windows 7的新计算机,并且渴望利用它在整个家庭网络中流式传输媒体的功能。 但是,该家族的其余成员仍在Windows XP上,您还没有准备好花钱进行升级。 好了,今天我们将向您展示如何使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7轻松流式传输到Windows XP。

On the host computer running Windows 7, you’ll need to have an account set up with both a username and password. A blank password will not work. The media files will need to be located in a shared folder.

在运行Windows 7的主机上,您需要设置一个使用用户名和密码的帐户。 空白密码将不起作用。 媒体文件将需要位于共享文件夹中。

Note: If the media files are located within the Public directory, or within the profile of the user account you use to log into the Windows 7 computer, they will be shared automatically.

注意:如果媒体文件位于“公共”目录中,或用于登录Windows 7计算机的用户帐户的配置文件中,它们将被自动共享。

Sharing your Media Folders


On your Windows 7 computer, right-click on the folder containing the files you’d like to stream and choose Properties.

在Windows 7计算机上,右键单击包含要传输的文件的文件夹,然后选择“ 属性”。

使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

On the Sharing Tab of the folder properties, click the Share button. Click OK.

在文件夹属性的共享选项卡上,单击共享按钮 单击确定

使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

Type or select from the drop down the user account you’ll use to log in, or select “Everyone” to share with all users. Then click Add.

输入或从下拉菜单中选择用于登录的用户帐户,或选择“所有人”与所有用户共享。 然后单击添加。

使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

You may change the permission level, but only Read permission is required to play the media. Repeat this process for any additional folders you wish to share.

您可以更改权限级别,但只需要“ 读取”权限即可播放媒体。 对您要共享的任何其他文件夹重复此过程。

使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

 The Windows XP Client Computer

Windows XP客户端计算机

Now that we’ve shared our media folders from the Windows 7 computer, we’re ready to play our files on the Windows XP computer.

现在,我们已经从Windows 7计算机共享了媒体文件夹,现在可以在Windows XP计算机上播放文件了。

Download and install the VLC Media Player. (See link below) Then open VLC.

下载并安装VLC Media Player。 (请参阅下面的链接)然后打开VLC。

使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

Click on Media from the and select Open File…


使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

Browse your network for the shared folder that contains your media.


使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

You’ll be prompted to log in to the host computer. Provide the credentials for a user on the Windows 7 computer. Click OK.

系统将提示您登录到主机。 为Windows 7计算机上的用户提供凭据。 单击确定

使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

Select your media file and click Open

选择您的媒体文件,然后单击“ 打开”

使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

Your media playback will begin momentarily.


使用VLC Media Player将媒体从Windows 7流传输到XP

This is a nice and easy way to stream media across your home network without upgrading multiple computers to Windows 7.  Plus, VLC is certainly no slouch as a Media Player. It’ll play virtually any video or audio file you can throw at it.

这是一种在您的家庭网络中流式传输媒体而又无需将多台计算机升级到Windows 7的好方法。此外,VLC作为Media Player绝对不会拖延。 它几乎可以播放您可以扔给它的任何视频或音频文件。

Have you already upgraded all your home PCs to Windows 7? Check out our previous article on streaming media between Windows 7 computers on your home network.

您是否已将所有家用PC都升级到Windows 7? 查阅我们以前的文章, 介绍家庭网络中Windows 7计算机之间的流媒体

Download VLC Media Player


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14643/stream-media-from-windows-7-to-xp-with-vlc-media-player/