

As I wrote in the article “5 Skills to Look For When Hiring Remote Talent,” remote work is a fast emerging segment of the labor market. Today roughly eight million Americans work remotely full-time. And among the most commonly held jobs include many that leverage skills honed on freeCodeCamp. These jobs include web design, software engineering, product management, and writing.

正如我在文章“ 雇用远程人才的五种技巧 ”中所写的那样,远程工作是劳动力市场中快速兴起的部分。 如今,大约有800万美国人全职远程工作。 在最常担任的职位中,包括许多利用freeCodeCamp磨练的技能。 这些工作包括网页设计,软件工程,产品管理和写作。

Firms are embracing the shift to hiring and empowering remote staff for many reasons. Some of the reasons frequently referenced include increased workforce productivity and access to new pools of talent.

由于许多原因,公司正在拥抱向雇用和授权远程员工的转变。 经常提到的一些原因包括劳动力生产率的提高和对新人才的使用。

One reason that is cited less frequently (but is seemingly as important) is that shifting to a remote labor force will significantly reduce a firm’s costs. Ultimately these cost savings will benefit shareholders.

被引用的频率降低(但似乎很重要)的原因之一是转移到偏远的劳动力将大大降低公司的成本。 最终,这些成本节省将使股东受益。

I want to explain the cost structure that firms, and in particular technology companies, must manage. I absorbed these lessons by studying the financial documents and annual reports of companies that perhaps you aspire to work for or whose products you may use and enjoy.

我想解释一下公司,尤其是科技公司必须管理的成本结构。 我通过研究可能渴望向其工作或可能会使用和享受其产品的公司的财务文件和年度报告来吸收这些教训。

I want to share these lessons with you.


First, some relevant financial context. All firms have essentially three large costs that they must manage: Property Plant and Equipment (PP&E), operating expenses, and Selling, General and Administrative (SG&A) expenses.

首先,一些相关的财务背景。 所有公司基本上都必须管理三大费用:不动产和设备(PP&E),运营费用以及销售,一般和行政(SG&A)费用。

When a firm maintains an office (or famous large headquarters in the case of Google, Facebook, and Apple), it obviously must pay for the furniture, land, buildings, and machinery that help power its business. These fixed assets are expected to be used for at least one year and are classified as PP&E on a firm’s balance sheet.

当一家公司维持办公室(或Google,Facebook和Apple的著名大型总部)时,显然必须支付有助于其业务发展的家具,土地,建筑物和机械的费用。 这些固定资产预计将使用至少一年,并在公司的资产负债表上归类为PP&E。

Operating expenses are a second category of cost that firms must manage. These costs include the utilities, insurance, taxes, and payroll that a firm pays to remain open.

运营支出是企业必须管理的第二类成本。 这些成本包括公司为保持开放状态而支付的水电,保险,税金和工资单。

Lastly, a company needs to budget for SG&A expenses which are the sum of all direct or indirect selling expenses and general administrative expenses a firm accrues.


With this context in mind, we can view remote work - and the advocacy of remote work by CEOs - through a new financial light.


By placing workers in home offices (or remote co-working spaces) a firm can succeed in achieving two things in a single action: the firm can reduce its fixed and variable costs and move part of its cost structure from its balance sheet to that of its staff.


In short, companies won’t need to invest as much in buildings and equipment (i.e. lower CAPEX), which will lead directly to higher cash flow. This will lead to higher expected growth and higher stock prices over time.

简而言之,公司将不需要在建筑物和设备上投入太多(即较低的CAPEX),这将直接导致更高的现金流。 随着时间的推移,这将导致更高的预期增长和更高的股价。

Additionally, companies can decrease salaries and decrease corporate administrative costs, (i.e. lower SG&A), which will lead to higher net income to equity holders.


Facebook provides evidence of this trend.


Recently Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said that as much as 50% of Facebook’s workforce could be working remotely in the next five to ten years.


What data supports this policy?



Firstly, look at the explosion of Facebook’s SG&A costs in the last three years.


  • In 2019 Facebook's annual SG&A increased 80% from 2018.

  • In 2018 Facebook's annual SG&A increased 56% from 2017.

  • In 2017 Facebook's annual SG&A increased 32% from 2016.


Next, look at Facebook’s increase in operating expenses.


  • Facebook's annual operating expenses for 2019 increased 51.05% from 2018.

    Facebook 2019年的年度运营支出比2018年增长了51.05%。
  • Facebook's annual operating expenses for 2018 increased 51.22% from 2017.

    Facebook 2018年的年度运营支出比2017年增长了51.22%。
  • Facebook's annual operating expenses for 2017 increased 34% from 2016.

    Facebook 2017年的年度运营支出比2016年增长了34%。

Lastly, note that even as Facebook’s revenue has increased, the rate of growth is slowing.


  • Facebook's annual revenue for 2019 increased by 27% from 2018.

    Facebook 2019年的年收入比2018年增长了27%。
  • Facebook's annual revenue for 2018 increased 37% from 2017.

    Facebook 2018年的年收入比2017年增长了37%。
  • Facebook's annual revenue for 2017 increased 47% from 2016.

    Facebook 2017年的年收入比2016年增长了47%。

Facebook’s SG&A and operating expenses are increasing faster than Facebook’s rate of revenue.


To increase profitability, Facebook will need to find ways to decrease its costs. It has a few obvious buckets to target and expanding its remote workforce can reduce PP&E, SG&A, and other operating costs in one fell swoop.

为了提高盈利能力,Facebook将需要找到降低成本的方法。 它有几个明显的目标市场,而扩大远程员工队伍可以一口气降低PP&E,SG&A和其他运营成本。

Let me explain how.


Remote workers will reduce Facebook’s dependency on furniture, land, and buildings. The decreased utilization of these fixed assets will lower Facebook's PP&E. Secondly, remote workers will decrease Facebook’s payroll. Why? Because Facebook can pay lower wages to workers outside of dense regions where the majority of their workers are today. Hiring talent outside of metropolitan areas will enable Facebook to pay wages indexed to local costs.

远程工作人员将减少Facebook对家具,土地和建筑物的依赖。 这些固定资产的利用率下降将降低Facebook的PP&E。 其次,远程工作人员将减少Facebook的工资。 为什么? 因为Facebook可以向人口稠密地区以外的工人支付较低的工资,而这些地区如今是大多数工人所在的地区。 在大城市以外地区雇用人才将使Facebook能够支付与当地成本挂钩的工资。

A software engineer in New Hampshire or Montana will cost Facebook less to employ than that same engineer located in New York City or the Bay Area. Zuckerberg explained that Facebook “will adjust salaries to your location...that means if you live in a location where the cost of living is dramatically lower, or the cost of labor is lower, then salaries do tend to be somewhat lower in those places.”

与位于纽约市或湾区的同一位工程师相比,在新罕布什尔州或蒙大纳州的软件工程师在Facebook上的聘用成本将更低。 扎克伯格解释说,Facebook“将根据您所在的位置调整薪资……这意味着,如果您居住在生活成本显着降低或劳动力成本较低的位置,那么这些地方的薪水确实会略低一些。”

The reduction of costs can be extrapolated to SG&A. Rent, utilities, and office supplies are three examples where Facebook can move costs from its balance sheet to that of its staff who will likely be expected, among other things, to heat and cool their home work environments, make their own coffee and food, or clean their home workspaces -  at their own expense.

成本的降低可以推断为SG&A。 租金,水电和办公用品是Facebook可以将成本从资产负债表转移到员工成本的三个示例,这些员工可能会期望在其他方面加热和冷却家庭工作环境,自己制作咖啡和食物,或清理自己的家庭工作区-自费。

This shift in cost structure will likely yield disproportionate benefits to shareholders because the earnings of a firm increase when, holding all else constant, costs decrease.


What do these changes mean for you? I have a few ideas.

这些变化对您意味着什么? 我有一些想法。

Remote workers would be wise to ask for and negotiate new benefits packages. Subsidized wifi or utilities seem like reasonable things to ask for if you no longer have an office to work from. Discounted home office products - a chair, desk, light, keyboard, monitor  - should be included as non-taxed items when joining in a remote role. Access to virtual mentoring or mental health tools can be requested as core perks to ensure that you are growing and healthy while performing remote work.

远程工作者最好要求并谈判新的福利方案。 补贴的wifi或公用事业似乎是要问的问题,如果您再也没有办公室可上班。 加入远程职位时,应将打折的家庭办公室产品 (椅子,书桌,电灯,键盘,显示器)作为非税品包括在内。 可以要求使用虚拟辅导或心理健康工具作为核心特权,以确保您在进行远程工作时不断成长和健康。

As remote work becomes more prevalent - for full time remote workers and employees who blend their time between workplaces - new paradigms of work will arise. With this fundamental shift in the labor markets, firms will have a unique opportunity to reduce costs. How and where their expenses are cut will dictate the rate at which earnings can increase.

随着远程工作变得越来越普遍-对于全职的远程工作者和在工作场所之间混合时间的雇员-将会出现新的工作范式。 随着劳动力市场的这种根本性转变,公司将有独特的机会来降低成本。 如何削减开支以及削减开支的地方将决定收益的增长速度。

It seems to reason that shareholders will benefit from enhanced profitability coming from these changes. But remote engineers, designers, product managers, and sales professionals can benefit too. By asking for new and specific perks that empower remote work, these workers might see more of the upside derived from this shift in the labor market.

似乎有理由认为,股东将从这些变化中受益于更高的盈利能力。 但是远程工程师,设计师,产品经理和销售专业人员也可以从中受益。 通过要求新的和特殊的津贴来实现远程工作,这些工人可能会看到劳动力市场变化带来的更多好处。

Thanks for reading. I am following the key learnings here to launch a Work From Home venture that makes working from home more enjoyable and productive for all: Work From Home Adviser. If you’re interested in connecting you can reach me there.

谢谢阅读。 我正在这里学习一些重要的知识,从而开展了“在家工作”企业,这使所有人的在家工作都变得更加愉快和高效: “在家工作顾问” 如果您有兴趣连接,可以在那里与我联系。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/the-real-work-from-home-winner-is-the-shareholder/
