AsyncSocket EXC_BAD_ACCESS unrecognized selector sent to instance:0x6000001908e0


IOS使用AsyncSocket 会在下面代码处  报 EXC_BAD_ACCESS unrecognized selector sent to instance:0x6000001908e0

- (void)closeWithError:(NSError *)err


theFlags |=kClosingWithError;

if (theFlags &kDidStartDelegate)


// Try to salvage what data we can.


// Let the delegate know, so it can try to recover if it likes.

if ([theDelegaterespondsToSelector:@selector(onSocket:willDisconnectWithError:)])








1.  使用快捷键  command+I  打开 Xcode调试工具Instruments

2.  双击打开下图Zombies 。

AsyncSocket EXC_BAD_ACCESS unrecognized selector sent to instance:0x6000001908e0
AsyncSocket EXC_BAD_ACCESS unrecognized selector sent to instance:0x6000001908e0

3. 点击红色按钮,开始诊断(然后操作模拟器,复现dump 问题),会弹出如下消息提示框。  点击绿色部分看到详细代码位置

AsyncSocket EXC_BAD_ACCESS unrecognized selector sent to instance:0x6000001908e0
AsyncSocket EXC_BAD_ACCESS unrecognized selector sent to instance:0x6000001908e0


从debug 发现 封装的  MySocket 是僵尸对象。   故改为单例模式:


@interface MySocket : NSObject


AsyncSocket *socket;



@property (nonatomic,strong) AsyncSocket  *socket;

+ (MySocket *)sharedSocket;

-(void)connectHost:(NSString *)host;



@implementation MySocket

@synthesize socket=_socket;

+(MySocket *)sharedSocket


    staticMySocket *sharedInstace = nil;

    staticdispatch_once_t onceToken;

    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{


        sharedInstace = [[selfalloc] init];



    return sharedInstace;


-(void)connectHost:(NSString *)host{


    if (!self.socket) {


        self.socket = [[AsyncSocketalloc] initWithDelegate:self];

        NSError *err =nil;

        if(![self.socketconnectToHost:host onPort:SOCKET_PORTerror:&err])


            NSLog(@"Connect Error: %@", err);


            NSLog(@"Connect success!");



