如何使Verizon FIOS路由器更安全1000%

如何使Verizon FIOS路由器更安全1000%

If you’ve just switched to Verizon FIOS and they’ve installed the new router in your house, there’s just one problem: it’s set to use lousy WEP encryption by default, instead of the much more secure WPA2. Here’s how to fix it.

如果您刚刚切换到Verizon FIOS,并且他们已经在您的房屋中安装了新路由器,那么只会存在一个问题:默认情况下,它设置为使用糟糕的WEP加密,而不是更安全的WPA2。 解决方法如下。

The problem with WEP encryption is that it can be cracked really easily—a skilled hacker can do it in a few minutes, and even an unskilled geek can do it in just a little more time with the right tools. Once they’ve done that, they can leech off your internet connection and do anything they want—including illegal stuff coming from your network.

WEP加密的问题在于,它真的很容易被**-熟练的黑客可以在几分钟内完成加密,即使是不熟练的怪胎也可以使用正确的工具在短时间内完成加密。 一旦这样做,他们就可以窃取您的Internet连接,并做他们想要的任何事情,包括来自您网络的非法活动。

Note: if you are using an old Nintendo DS connected to the internet, they usually only support WEP encryption, so you may not want to do this.

注意:如果您正在使用连接到互联网的旧Nintendo DS,则它们通常仅支持WEP加密,因此您可能不想这样做。

如何在Verizon FIOS路由器上启用WPA2加密 (How to Enable WPA2 Encryption on a Verizon FIOS Router)

Once you’ve logged into your router—if you don’t know the password, see our article on how to reset it to the default—go to the Wireless Settings icon.

登录路由器后(如果您不知道密码,请参阅我们的文章,了解如何将其重置为默认密码), 然后转到“无线设置”图标。

如何使Verizon FIOS路由器更安全1000%

Next you’ll want to head to Advanced Security Settings, and then click on the WPA2 option.


如何使Verizon FIOS路由器更安全1000%

As soon as you click the WPA2 radio button, you’ll be taken to the screen where you can enter more details about the encryption—like the all-important shared key. Make sure it’s something long, like a full sentence, which is easy to remember, but much harder to be cracked with a brute force attack.

单击WPA2单选按钮后,将带您到屏幕,您可以在其中输入有关加密的更多详细信息,例如最重要的共享**。 确保它很长,像完整的句子一样,它容易记住,但是用蛮力攻击很难**。

如何使Verizon FIOS路由器更安全1000%

Note: if you were connected to the router over your Wi-Fi connection, it’s going to immediately disconnect you, and you’re going to have to connect to the network again using the new password.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/38858/how-to-make-your-verizon-fios-router-1000-more-secure/