wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus


If you have been waiting for the official WOT extension for Google Chrome, Iron Browser, & ChromePlus then your wait is over. Now you can enjoy the full power of WOT in your Chromium-Code based browser.

如果您一直在等待Google Chrome,Iron Browser和ChromePlus的官方WOT扩展程序,那么您的等待已经结束。 现在,您可以在基于Chromium代码的浏览器中享受WOT的全部功能。

Update: Web of Trust has been found to track and sell users’ browsing history to third parties. This is a serious breach of…well, trust, so we no longer recommend using the Web of Trust extension, under any circumstances.

更新 :已找到Web of Trust来跟踪用户的浏览历史记录并将其出售给第三方。 这是对……信任的严重违反,因此,在任何情况下,我们都不建议使用Web of Trust扩展。



Installing WOT in Chrome is quick and simple but you will have to click on “Install” when the confirmation message windows appears in order to finish adding the extension to your browser.


wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

As soon as you have finished installing the extension a new tab will open up that allows you to choose the level of protection that you desire. The “Basic” level is selected by default… Once you have made your selection click “Next”.

扩展程序安装完成后,将打开一个新选项卡,使您可以选择所需的保护级别。 默认情况下,“基本”级别处于选中状态。选择之后,单击“下一步”。

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

The second and final setup window will check to see if you would like to register for a WOT account (not mandatory for using the extension). Registering for an account will allow you to “rate” websites and add to the WOT database. If you only want to use the extension click on the “Red X” in the upper right corner to finish up.

第二个也是最后一个设置窗口将检查您是否要注册WOT帐户(使用该扩展名不是必需的)。 注册帐户将使您能够“评估”网站并添加到WOT数据库。 如果您只想使用扩展名,请单击右上角的“ Red X”完成操作。

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

To access the options for WOT you can use either the drop-down window or go through the “Chrome Extensions Page”.

要访问WOT的选项,您可以使用下拉窗口或浏览“ Chrome扩展程序页面”。

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

The options for WOT are simple…select or deselect the rating components that you would like to have active. It is a good idea to leave all active though…

WOT的选项很简单……选择或取消选择您希望**的等级组件。 最好让所有人保持活跃……

Note: You will notice that the options page in Chrome is “linked up” to the WOT website (see address bar).


wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

WOT in Action


To start off we visited one of the pages here at the site. All nice and green…

首先,我们在站点*问了其中的页面之一。 都不错,绿色...

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

A closer look at the ratings for the How-To Geek website…

详细了解How-To Geek网站的评分…

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

This website displayed with a “yellow color” rating, so something is definitely not too good here.


wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

Looking at the ratings for this website two of the categories are “caution level” but the other two are definitely trouble. Probably better to leave this website than stay…

从该网站的评级来看,其中两个类别是“谨慎级别”,但另外两个类别肯定是麻烦。 离开这个网站可能比留下来更好……

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

Not good! As with WOT for other browsers the extension will “shade out” the website and display a warning when a “problem website” is encountered.

不好! 与其他浏览器的WOT一样,扩展程序将“遮蔽”网站并在遇到“问题网站”时显示警告。

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

The drop-down window shows nothing but trouble here…definitely time to close that tab and look elsewhere.


wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

As always there will be some websites that display a “white color” so it does become a matter of how comfortable (or daring) you feel with those websites.


wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus

This website seems to have had very little submitted for it. Sometimes a website with a “white color” rating will have some information available in the drop-down window that is helpful as guidance, but not this one.

该网站似乎提交的很少。 有时,具有“白色”等级的网站会在下拉窗口中提供一些有用的信息,这些信息可以作为指导,但不能提供帮助。

wot的游戏引擎很牛吧_将WOT(信任的网络)添加到Google Chrome,Iron和ChromePlus



If you have been looking forward to adding WOT to your Chromium-Code based browser then your wait is over. This is definitely an extension that you should add to all of your browsers (Chromium-Based or not). See our previous post for more information about WOT for other browsers.

如果您一直期待将WOT添加到基于Chromium-Code的浏览器中,那么您的等待已经结束。 这绝对是您应该添加到所有浏览器(无论是否基于Chromium)的扩展。 有关其他浏览器的WOT的更多信息,请参见我们的一篇文章。



Download the WOT extension (Google Chrome Extensions)

下载WOT扩展程序(Google Chrome扩展程序)

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/8528/add-wot-web-of-trust-to-google-chrome-iron-chromeplus/
