ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04

ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04


Does the hardware on your Ubuntu system need proprietary drivers work at peak performance?  Today we take a look how easy version 10.04 makes it to install them.

Ubuntu系统上的硬件是否需要专有驱动程序才能达到最佳性能? 今天,我们来看看10.04版如何轻松安装它们。

Ubuntu 10.04 finally automatically recognizes and installs drivers for most hardware today, it even recognized and configured Wi-Fi drivers correctly every time in our tests.  This is in contrast to the past, when it was often difficult to get hardware to work in Linux.  However, most video cards still need proprietary drivers from their manufacturer to get full hardware video acceleration.

最终,Ubuntu 10.04最终会自动识别并安装当今大多数硬件的驱动程序,甚至在我们的测试中每次都能正确识别并配置Wi-Fi驱动程序。 这与过去相反,过去通常很难使硬件在Linux中工作。 但是,大多数视频卡仍需要其制造商提供的专有驱动程序才能获得完整的硬件视频加速。

Even though Ubuntu doesn’t include any non-open source components, it still makes it easy to install proprietary drivers if you wish.  When you first install and boot into Ubuntu, you may see a popup informing you that “restricted” drivers are available.

即使Ubuntu不包含任何非开放源代码组件,但如果您愿意,它仍然可以很容易地安装专有驱动程序。 首次安装并启动到Ubuntu时,您可能会看到一个弹出窗口,通知您“受限制的”驱动程序可用。

ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04

You may see a notification asking you if you’d like to install optional drivers from your graphics card manufacturer when you try to enable advanced desktop effects.  Click Enable to directly install the drivers right there.

尝试启用高级桌面效果时,您可能会看到一条通知,询问您是否要从图形卡制造商安装可选驱动程序。 单击启用直接在此处直接安装驱动程序。

ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04

Or, you can select the tray icon from the first popup, and click Install drivers.


ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04

Alternately, if the tray icon has disappeared, click System, then Administration, and select Hardware Drivers.

或者,如果托盘图标消失后,单击系统 ,然后管理 ,并选择硬件驱动程序

ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04

This will open a dialog showing all the proprietary drivers available for your system, which may include drivers for your video card and other hardware depending on your computer.  Select the driver you wish to install, and click Activate.

这将打开一个对话框,显示可用于系统的所有专有驱动程序,其中可能包括视频卡和其他硬件的驱动程序,具体取决于您的计算机。 选择您要安装的驱动程序,然后单击**

ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04

Enter your password, and then Ubuntu will download and install the driver without any more input.  After installation you may be prompted to reboot your system.

输入您的密码,然后Ubuntu将无需进一步输入即可下载并安装驱动程序。 安装后,系统可能会提示您重新引导系统。

ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04

Now, you should be able to take full advantage of your hardware, including fancy desktop effects with hardware acceleration.


If you ever wish to remove these drivers, simply re-open the drivers dialog as above, select the driver, and click Remove.  Once again, a reboot may be required to finish the process.

如果您希望删除这些驱动程序,只需如上所述重新打开驱动程序对话框,选择驱动程序,然后单击“删除”。 再一次,可能需要重新启动才能完成该过程。

ubuntu专有驱动源_如何将专有驱动程序添加到Ubuntu 10.04



Ubuntu has definitely made it easier to use Linux on your desktop computer, no matter what hardware you have.  If your video card or other hardware require proprietary drivers, it makes them available and simple to install.  And, best of all, all of your drivers stay updated with your software updates, so you can be sure you’re always running the latest.

不管您拥有什么硬件,Ubuntu无疑使在台式计算机上使用Linux变得更加容易。 如果您的视频卡或其他硬件需要专有驱动程序,则可以使它们可用并且易于安装。 而且,最重要的是,所有驱动程序都会随着软件更新保持更新,因此您可以确保始终运行最新的驱动程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17495/how-to-add-proprietary-drivers-to-ubuntu-10.04/
