

Okay, speedy thumb tappers, you know how this works: you’re typing a super important text message at breakneck speed, when all of a sudden the keyboard detects your Flash-like tapping quickness as a swipe. Doh! Now instead of saying “Yeah, I’d love to go to the movies this weekend!” you just dropped a “Travis lobectomy govt movies this written!” on your unsuspecting fling.

好的,快速的拇指攻丝器,您知道它是如何工作的:您以极快的​​速度输入超重要的短信,突然之间,键盘会以滑动的方式检测到类似Flash的攻丝速度。 h! 现在不用说“是的,我很想这个周末去看电影!” 您刚放过一部“写的《特拉维斯肺叶切除术》电影!” 在你毫无戒心的猛攻中。

(Yes, that’s a real message I got using gesture typing.)


The good news is that disabling gesture typing in Google Keyboard on Android is super easy, so you can say words that actually make sense moving forward.


This should work on all of the most recent versions of Google Keyboard, but the menus may vary slightly depending on which version you’re running. In this tutorial, I’ll be using version 5. Let’s do this!

这应该适用于所有最新版本的Google键盘,但菜单可能会略有不同,具体取决于您所运行的版本。 在本教程中,我将使用版本5。

The first thing you’ll want to do is launch the keyboard in one way or another—if you have the keyboard shortcut enabled in the app drawer, just tap that.


If not, open any box with text input to launch the keyboard, then long-press the comma (it’s a backslash if you’re using Chrome). When you release the button, a dialog box will pop up with two options: Languages and Google Keyboard Settings. You want the latter.

如果不是,请打开任何带有文本输入的框以启动键盘,然后长按逗号(如果使用的是Chrome,则为反斜杠)。 释放按钮时,将弹出一个对话框,其中包含两个选项:“语言”和“ Google键盘设置”。 您想要后者。


You should appear at the Settings menu, tap the “Gesture Typing” option.



There are a few different options here that you can toy with to sort of “customize” how gestures work. If you just want to disable it completely, however, you’ll need to turn off the “Enable gesture typing,” “Enable gesture delete,” and “Enable gesture cursor control” options.

您可以在此处选择几个不同的选项,以“自定义”手势的工作方式。 但是,如果只想完全禁用它,则需要关闭“启用手势键入”,“启用手势删除”和“启用手势光标控制”选项。


Otherwise, you can disable Gesture Typing itself and leave “Gesture delete” and/or “Gesture cursor control” enabled. That’s pretty neat.

否则,您可以禁用“手势输入”本身,并保持“手势删除”和/或“手势光标控制”处于启用状态。 那很整齐。


Once you’ve found your perfect combination of settings, just back out of this menu. You’re finished.

找到理想的设置组合后,就退出此菜单。 大功告成

Gesture typing can be useful (and fast!), but if you don’t use it, then there’s really no reason to keep it enabled. That said, the “Gesture delete” and “cursor control” options are both pretty useful once you get used to them. Seriously—you should try them both out if you haven’t already. They’re neat.

手势输入可能非常有用(而且很快!),但是如果您不使用它,那么实际上没有理由保持它启用。 也就是说,一旦习惯了“手势删除”和“光标控制”选项,它们都将非常有用。 认真地说-如果还没有尝试,则应同时尝试它们。 他们很整洁。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/253822/how-to-disable-androids-swype-like-gesture-typing/