js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中

js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中


Do you ever wish you could add cool effects to images in your Office document pictures, but don’t have access to a graphics editor? Today we take a look at the Artistic Effects featire which is a new feature in Office 2010.

您是否曾经想过可以向Office文档图片中的图片添加酷炫的效果,但是没有访问图形编辑器的权限? 今天,我们来看一下Office 2010中的一项新功能“艺术效果”功能。

Note: We will show you examples in Excel, but the Artistic Effect are available in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


To insert a picture into your Office document, click the Picture button on the Insert tab.


js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中

Once you import your picture, the Picture Tools format ribbon should be active. If not, click on the image.

导入图片后,“图片工具”格式功能区应该处于活动状态。 如果没有,请单击图像。

js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中

In the Adjust group, click on Artistic Effects. You will see a selection of effects previews images in the dropdown list.

在“调整”组中,单击“艺术效果”。 您会在下拉列表中看到一系列效果预览图像。

js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中

Hover your cursor over the effects to use Live Preview to see what your picture will look like if that effect is applied.


js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中

When you find an effect you like, just click to apply it to the image.


js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中

There are also some additional Artistic Effect Options.


js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中

Each effect will have a it’s own set of available options that can be adjusted by moving the sliders left or right.


js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中

If you find you want to undo an effect after it has been applied, simply select the None option from the previews under Artistic Effects.


js中将图片数据存到硬盘_在Office 2010中将艺术效果添加到图片中



Artistic Effects provides a really easy way to add professional looking effects to images in Office 2010 without the need to access graphics editing software.

艺术效果提供了一种非常简单的方法,无需访问图形编辑软件即可向Office 2010中的图像添加专业外观效果。

Check out some of our other Office 2010 articles like how to use advanced font ligatures, add video from the web to PowerPoint 2010, and preview before you paste in Office 2010.

在粘贴到Office 2010中之前 ,请查看其他一些Office 2010文章,例如如何使用高级字体连字将网络视频添加到PowerPoint 2010中以及进行预览

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/18051/add-artistic-effects-to-your-pictures-in-office-2010/
