



The Amazon Echo can perform tons of tasks with just your voice, like turning on lights, setting alarms, and even playing music. But when it comes time for game night in your household, Alexa can also be a huge help. Here are some great ways that the Amazon Echo can be of assistance the next time you bust out the board games.

Amazon Echo只需您的声音就可以执行许多任务,例如打开灯设置警报甚至播放音乐 。 但是,当需要在家中度过游戏之夜时,Alexa也可以提供巨大的帮助。 下次您关闭棋盘游戏时,以下一些出色的方法可为Amazon Echo提供帮助。

RELATED: How to Set Up and Configure Your Amazon Echo

相关: 如何设置和配置您的Amazon Echo

选一张卡 (Pick a Card)


Whether you’re performing a magic trick or just need a random card for a game, you can ask Alexa to pick a card from a standard 52-card deck.


All you have to say is “Alexa, pick a card” and she’ll randomly pick out a card and tell you what it is. Unfortunately, that’s the extent of her skills when it comes to playing cards, as she doesn’t understand something like “Alexa, pick a five-card hand”, which would make a skill like this much more useful.

您只需要说“ Alexa,选择一张卡片”,她就会随机挑选一张卡片,并告诉您它是什么。 不幸的是,这就是她在玩纸牌方面的技能范围,因为她不了解“ Alexa,挑五张牌”之类的东西,这会使这种技能更加有用。

抛硬币 (Flip a Coin)


Need to make a decision and don’t want to put the responsibility on yourself? Ask Alexa to make the decision for you by having her flip a coin.

需要做出决定,不想将责任推给自己吗? 让Alexa掷硬币,为您做出决定。

Simply say “Alexa, flip a coin” and she’ll give you either heads or tails. Something like this can be great if there’s a disagreement while you’re playing a game and need a deciding factor. If there’s no coin nearby, you can easily use your Amazon Echo as one.

只需说“ Alexa,掷硬币”,她就会给您正面或反面。 如果您在玩游戏时有分歧并需要决定因素,那么类似的事情可能会很棒。 如果附近没有硬币,您可以轻松使用Amazon Echo。

掷骰子 (Roll Dice)


Opening up a board game and discovering you lost the dice is one the worst feelings, but the Amazon Echo can save the day.

打开棋盘游戏并发现自己丢了骰子是最糟糕的感觉之一,但是Amazon Echo可以节省一天的时间。

The Echo is actually really diverse when it comes to rolling dice. You can have Alexa roll a single die by saying “Alexa, roll a die”, or have her roll multiple dice by saying “Alexa, roll two/three/four dice”.

当涉及掷骰子时,回声实际上实际上是多种多样的。 您可以说“ Alexa,掷骰子”让Alexa投掷单个骰子,或者说“ Alexa,掷二/三/四骰子”让她掷出多个骰子。

You can also use your Amazon Echo during a game of Dungeons & Dragons by telling Alexa to “roll a 20-sided die”. You can also go more complex and say “Alexa, roll three 20-sided dice”.

您还可以通过告诉Alexa“滚动20面骰子”,在龙与地下城游戏中使用Amazon Echo。 您也可以更复杂一些,说“ Alexa,掷出三个20面骰子”。

选择一个号码 (Pick a Number)


We’ve all probably played the “pick a number between 1 and 100” game in order to pick who gets the last donut, and in order to get rid of all human bias, Alexa can be the deciding factor.


Just say “Alexa, pick a number between 1and 100” and she’ll give you a completely random number that’s between those two numbers. You can even go higher than that, though, and have her pick a number between 1 and one million if you want.

只需说“ Alexa,选择一个介于1到100之间的数字”,她就会为您提供一个介于这两个数字之间的完全随机的数字。 不过,您甚至可以更高,并根据需要让她选择一个介于1到1百万之间的数字。

玩宾果游戏 (Play Bingo)


Bingo is really fun game to play, and it’s no surprise that there are establishments dedicated to playing just Bingo. You can easily play it at home and Bingo cards are easy to find online and print out, but what if you don’t have a Bingo ball set?

宾果游戏是一款非常有趣的游戏,不足为奇的是,有专门从事宾果游戏的机构。 您可以轻松地在家里玩它,并且可以在网上轻松找到并打印出 Bingo卡,但是如果您没有Bingo球套装怎么办?

Alexa can easily act as one, thanks to a third-party skill called Bingo. With this skill, you can open it up and begin playing. Then, just say “Next” to have Alexa call the next number. When someone has Bingo, they simply shout “Bingo!” to end the game.

得益于名为Bingo的第三方技能,Alexa可以轻松地扮演一个角色。 有了这项技能,您就可以打开它并开始演奏。 然后,只需说“下一个”,让Alexa拨打下一个号码。 当某人有宾果游戏时,他们只是喊“宾果!” 结束游戏。

玩Twister (Play Twister)


Twister is always a fun party game. It not only invokes a lot of laughter, but it’s a good way to become quickly acquainted with other players. However, if you can’t find that dang spinner, the Amazon Echo can help you out.

Twister始终是一个有趣的派对游戏。 它不仅引起了很多笑声,而且还是Swift结识其他玩家的好方法。 但是,如果您找不到那个当当的微调器,那么Amazon Echo可以为您提供帮助。

A third-party skill called Twister Spinner can act as virtual spinner and call out the moves for you. Simply just say “Alexa, run Twister Spinner” whenever you want it to call out a move. It’s not quite as convenient as having the physical spinner in front of you, but it works in a pinch.

称为Twister Spinner的第三方技能可以充当虚拟Spinner并为您指出动作。 只要您要说出一招,只要说“ Alexa,运行Twister Spinner”即可。 它不像将物理微调器摆在您面前那样方便,但可以在紧要关头工作。

Image Credits: Eugene Kim/Flickr, Michael Coté/Flickr, morebyless/Flickr

图片来源: 尤金·金 / Flickr后, 迈克尔·科特 / Flickr后, morebyless / Flickr的

