使用iso升级ubuntu_如何在不重新下载的情况下升级Ubuntu ISO

使用iso升级ubuntu_如何在不重新下载的情况下升级Ubuntu ISO


使用iso升级ubuntu_如何在不重新下载的情况下升级Ubuntu ISO

Ubuntu 11.04 is finally here and you can’t wait to download it, but as is typical on any Ubuntu release day, the mirrors are crawling. Luckily if you have an old Ubuntu .iso you can update it easily with zsync.

Ubuntu 11.04终于面世了,您迫不及待想下载它,但是就像在任何Ubuntu发布日一样,镜像正在爬网。 幸运的是,如果您有旧的Ubuntu .iso,则可以使用zsync轻松更新它。

Zsync is a Linux command that allows you to compare an existing .iso with an up-to-date zsync meta file to download only the missing or out of date parts. Combine those parts with your existing file and what you are left with is a completely up to date iso without spending the time to download the entire file.

Zsync是Linux命令,它允许您将现有.iso与最新的zsync元文件进行比较,以仅下载缺少或过时的部分。 将这些部分与现有文件结合在一起,剩下的就是一个完全最新的iso,而无需花费时间来下载整个文件。

Just how much bandwidth can this save? In our testing, upgrading an iso from Ubuntu 10.04.2 to 11.04 Beta 2 needed to download about 89% of the original file and 10.10 to 11.04 Beta 2 needed 84%. Obviously the more current the original file is, the less you will need to download.

这可以节省多少带宽? 在我们的测试中,将iso从Ubuntu 10.04.2升级到11.04 Beta 2需要下载大约89%的原始文件,而从10.10升级到11.04 Beta 2需要84%的下载。 显然,原始文件越新,下载的内容就越少。

安装zsync (Install zsync)

Although zsync is a native Linux command it still works just as well under Windows with the help of Cygwin. If you need help installing Cygwin in Windows, check out our walk through.

尽管zsync是本机Linux命令,但是在Cygwin的帮助下,zsync在Windows下仍然可以正常工作。 如果您需要在Windows中安装Cygwin的帮助,请查看我们的演练

While you are installing Cygwin you will want to make sure you search for zsync on the select packages step.


使用iso升级ubuntu_如何在不重新下载的情况下升级Ubuntu ISO

Zsync is available in the universe repo all the way back to Karmic Koala. So if you are currently using Ubuntu you can install zsync with the normal apt-get command.

Zsync一直存在于Karmic Koala的宇宙仓库中。 因此,如果您当前正在使用Ubuntu,则可以使用常规apt-get命令安装zsync。

sudo apt-get install zsync

须藤apt-get install zsync

更新ISO映像 (Update ISO image)

To update your old Ubuntu .iso image, open a command prompt and issue the following command with similar options.

要更新旧的Ubuntu .iso映像,请打开命令提示符,然后发出带有类似选项的以下命令。

zsync -i /path/to/old/ubuntu.iso http://Path-to-Ubuntu.iso.zsync

zsync -i /path/to/old/ubuntu.iso http://Path-to-Ubuntu.iso.zsync

This will compare your existing file with the new iso available online, download the missing parts from your current iso, and give you a fully up-to-date new file. Here is an example that lets us update our Ubuntu 10.04.2 image to the latest Ubuntu 11.04.

这会将您的现有文件与在线提供的新iso进行比较,从当前iso中下载缺少的部分,并为您提供最新的完整文件。 这是一个使我们将Ubuntu 10.04.2映像更新为最新的Ubuntu 11.04的示例。

Note: Using the below command will keep your original Ubuntu 10.04.2 .iso in tact and will create a new Ubuntu 11.04 .iso file.

注意:使用以下命令将保持原始的Ubuntu 10.04.2 .iso完整无缺,并将创建一个新的Ubuntu 11.04 .iso文件。

zsync -i ./ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.zsync

zsync -i ./ubuntu-10.04.2-desktop-i386.iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.zsync

使用iso升级ubuntu_如何在不重新下载的情况下升级Ubuntu ISO

As you can see from the screenshot below, the file we updated with zsync (left) is exactly the same as the original file we downloaded directly (right).


使用iso升级ubuntu_如何在不重新下载的情况下升级Ubuntu ISO

Use the links below for the different zsync files available.


Ubuntu live desktop (with installer) x86 and x86_64

Ubuntu Live Desktop(带有安装程序)x86和x86_64

http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync

http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso.zsync

Ubuntu alternate installer x86 and x86_64


http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso.zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-amd64.iso.zsync

http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso.zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-amd64.iso.zsync

Ubuntu server x86 and x86_64


http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-server-i386.iso.zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.zsync

http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-server-i386.iso.zsync http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/ubuntu-11.04-server-amd64.iso.zsync

You can also use zsync to change between Ubuntu distributions. Use any of these links for the popular downloads of different Ubuntu flavors.

您还可以使用zsync在Ubuntu发行版之间进行更改。 使用这些链接中的任何一个,即可下载各种不同Ubuntu风格的热门下载。

From our testing, changing from Ubuntu 10.10 to Xubuntu 10.10 required us to download less than half (42%) of the full Xubuntu file.

从我们的测试中,从Ubuntu 10.10更改为Xubuntu 10.10,要求我们下载完整Xubuntu文件的不到一半(42%)。

Kubuntu live desktop (with installer) x86


Note: Kubuntu is only available in DVD form so you will be downloading a significant portion of the DVD image.




Xubuntu live desktop (with installer) x86




Ubuntu Studio live desktop (with installer) x86

Ubuntu Studio实时桌面(带有安装程序)x86



翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/60406/how-to-upgrade-your-ubuntu-iso-without-re-downloading/
