
Project management helps to reach goals faster, cheaper and avoid risks thereby contributing greatly to business strategy execution. More companies cannot imagine their performance success without project management as one of the key business competencies. Since this competence is actively developing, professional project management software is also evolving with it in the same way.
项目管理有助于更快,更便宜地实现目标并避免风险,从而极大地促进了业务战略的执行。 没有项目管理是关键业务能力之一,更多的公司将无法想象他们的绩效成功。 由于这种能力正在积极发展,因此专业项目管理软件也在以同样的方式发展。

The core destination of professional PM tools is to ensure the success of any project and make even the most challenging managing process easier and efficient.
In this post, you’ll find a brief but valid review of powerful features that make modern project management software unrivaled and unstoppable power in project managers’ arsenal.

新一代项目管理 (A new generation of project management)

Project management is changing and evolving like any business discipline. A new
项目管理正在像任何业务学科一样不断变化和发展。 新一代的millennial-generation requires the adaptation of innovations and the revision of well-established principles and concepts. Look, at least, on remote working. Was it so popular a decade ago?千禧一代需要对创新进行调整,并对既定的原则和概念进行修订。 至少要注意远程工作。 十年前如此受欢迎吗?
To keep up with generation Y, the software developers are also doing their best to be trendy and relevant.

专业PM软件的强大功能 (The power of professional PM software)

Business reality makes us admit that professional project management software adoption is gradually changing.
In the 2017-2018 period, the percentage of companies using spreadsheets for managing Agile projects
在2017-2018年期间,使用电子表格管理敏捷项目的公司比例从74% dropped from 74% to 67%. Instead, they successfully moved to specialized project management tools.下降到67%。 相反,他们成功地转向了专门的项目管理工具。
There is great
有大量research, demonstrating that the top 7 most used and requested features in project management software are file sharing, time tracking, email integration, Gantt Charts, budget management, custom reports, and cloud storage integration.研究表明,项目管理软件中最常用和要求最多的7个功能是文件共享,时间跟踪,电子邮件集成,甘特图,预算管理,自定义报告和云存储集成。
The role of a project manager as a professional is also becoming crucial for modern organizations. According to the latest
对于现代组织而言,项目经理作为专业人员的角色也变得至关重要。 根据最新statistics, 80% of high-performing projects are led by a certified project manager. That's why more and more new opportunities to get a 统计数据 ,80%的高性能项目由认证的项目经理领导。 这就是为什么越来越多的机会获得professional PM certificate is existing.专业的PM证书

选择什么项目管理软件? (What project management software to choose?)

Defining the best project management tool for your needs, it's worth to pay attention to the
根据您的需求定义最佳的项目管理工具,值得关注反映实际业务现实的latest project management trends that reflect actual business reality. Among all of them, let's outline 5 most important: 最新项目管理趋势 。 在所有这些中,让我们概述5个最重要的:
  1. The increasing complexity of projects. Project managers who may present complex processes to their customers in a simple way will be able to create great strategies for project promotion.

    项目日益复杂 。 可以以简单的方式向客户介绍复杂流程的项目经理将能够为项目推广制定出色的战略。

  2. Continuous popularity of Agile methods. Powerful Agile techniques are gaining stream and becoming standards for many companies in various areas.

    敏捷方法的持续普及 。 强大的敏捷技术正在流行,并已成为各个领域中许多公司的标准。

  3. Convenient Kanban boards as one of the most effective way to visualize and track projects. They are increasingly being integrated into more structured project management. Applying Kanban allows project managers to embrace innovations to manage their projects and offers a place to manage tasks, to-do lists, and files.

    方便的看板板是可视化和跟踪项目的最有效方法之一。 它们正越来越多地集成到结构化的项目管理中。 应用看板可以使项目经理接受创新来管理他们的项目,并提供一个管理任务,待办事项列表和文件的地方。

  4. The factor of integration of project management software. PM tools continue to become simpler to use and more integrated with other services and this trend is actively supported by PM platforms' developers.

    项目管理软件集成的因素。 PM工具的使用变得越来越简单,并且与其他服务更加集成,并且PM平台的开发人员积极支持这一趋势。

  5. The growth of remote teams and remote project management. Many employers have already recognized a higher degree of teams' satisfaction, reduced logistical and administrative overheads, reduction in sick time, and many more benefits.

    远程团队和远程项目管理的增长 。 许多雇主已经意识到团队的更高满意度,减少了后勤和行政管理费用,减少了病假时间,并获得了更多好处。

Does an ideal PM software exist? It depends on your requirements. You may identify the best tool for your needs only comparison plenty of them. Here I gather the most useful and powerful set of features that should be useful in modern project management. You will also find some relevant examples of popular platforms. So, these powerful functions are Kanban boards, to-do lists, milestones, prioritization, collaboration, and time tracking feature.
是否存在理想的PM软件? 这取决于您的要求。 您可以仅通过比较大量的工具来找到满足您需求的最佳工具。 在这里,我收集了在现代项目管理中应该有用的最有用和最强大的功能集。 您还将找到流行平台的一些相关示例。 因此,这些强大的功能包括看板,任务列表,里程碑,优先级,协作和时间跟踪功能。

看板板 (Kanban boards)

Project workflow describes all procedures that are involved in completing tasks. It's about the defined sequence of project steps required to produce results.
项目工作流描述了完成任务所涉及的所有过程。 这与产生结果所需的已定义项目步骤顺序有关。
Applying the defined workflow, we can structure projects and get a well-visualized system. The workflow includes actors, activities, results, and state. All these are perfectly managed with the help of smart project management software.
应用定义的工作流程,我们可以构建项目并获得一个可视化的系统。 工作流程包括参与者,活动,结果和状态。 所有这些都可以通过智能项目管理软件进行完美管理。
Workflow tools are helpful in tracking tasks and projects as they move through all processes stages. Kanban boards and cards are often used for these aims and
工作流程工具有助于跟踪任务和项目在所有流程阶段中的移动。 看板板和卡片经常用于这些目的,而Hygger is one of the best Kanban board tools for project managers. Hygger是项目经理最好的看板板工具之一。
In Hygger, users may easily create and manage convenient boards for any kind of process. The platform proposes a great set of functionality at the card level (commenting, file attachments, assigning collaborators, etc.). The most typical columns that users apply are To do, In Progress and Done. However, you are free to name them as you wish.
在Hygger中,用户可以轻松地为任何类型的过程创建和管理方便的板。 该平台在卡级别提出了一套强大的功能(注释,文件附件,分配协作者等)。 用户应用的最典型的列是“待办事项”,“进行中”和“完成”。 但是,您可以随意命名。

If you need to limit the number of current tasks, you may use Work in progress limits option available in Hygger and also apply horizontal columns, Swimlanes. It seems appropriate for Millenials as, being always in multitasks reality, they may clearly maintain a product backlog and use one of the built-in prioritization frameworks that help to prioritize and order ideas and tasks easily.
如果需要限制当前任务的数量,则可以使用Hygger中可用的“进行中的工作限制”选项,也可以应用水平列Swimlanes。 对于千禧一代来说,这似乎是适当的,因为它们始终处于多任务状态,他们可以清楚地维护产品积压并使用内置的优先排序框架之一,该框架有助于轻松地对想法和任务进行优先排序和排序。
These and other great feature make the platform really competitive and helpful.

待办事项清单 (To-do lists)

The value of to do lists should not be depreciated even if today we have many substitutions and innovative alternative options. To do lists is an extremely powerful feature that many project management tools offer.
即使今天我们有很多替代品和创新的替代选择,待办事项清单的价值也不应贬值。 待办事项列表是许多项目管理工具提供的一项非常强大的功能。
They are one of the oldest and easiest ways of organizing the day or the project ahead. Project managers know how to do lists can do wonders and influence on productivity. They are helpful in setting goals, planning project deliverables, project steps scheduling, etc.
它们是组织一天或未来项目的最古老,最简单的方法之一。 项目经理知道如何做清单可以创造奇迹并影响生产力。 他们有助于设定目标,计划项目可交付成果,项目步骤计划等。
The function of listing and organizing information is well presented in
列表和组织信息的功能在Asana. The platform allows creating and managing tasks as well as sharing to-do lists with your team members.Asana中得到了很好的体现。 该平台允许创建和管理任务以及与团队成员共享待办事项列表。
Every to-do list looks like a separate project with tasks listed underneath the project hierarchy. It's possible to create sub-tasks here and define each task with a category tag for easy searching. Attaching files is also available. Moreover, the tool allows quick switching between to do lists, Kanban boards, and calendars for the same projects.
每个待办事项列表看起来都像一个单独的项目,在项目层次结构下列出了任务。 可以在此处创建子任务,并使用类别标签定义每个任务,以便于搜索。 也可以附加文件。 此外,该工具允许在同一项目的工作清单,看板和日历之间快速切换。

路线图和里程碑 (Roadmap and milestones)

Project milestones are used to delineate important points in a project schedule. These points visualize the start and finish of projects and mark the completion of a major phase of work.
项目里程碑用于描述项目进度表中的重要点。 这些点可视化了项目的开始和完成,并标志着主要工作阶段的完成。
Actually, milestones can be used to note anything that has started or finished. They primarily used as a scheduling tool.
实际上,里程碑可用于记录已开始或已完成的所有内容。 它们主要用作计划工具。
For managing project milestones, you need a powerful roadmap that is often visualized with the help of convenient Gantt diagrams.
These horizontal bars illustrate project completion dates, progress, milestones, and dependencies. While Kanban boards are best used at the task level, Gantt diagrams are better suited for managing at a zoomed-out level.
这些水平条显示了项目完成日期,进度,里程碑和依赖性。 虽然看板板最适合在任务级别使用,但甘特图更适合在缩小级别进行管理。 Wrike has powerful Gantt functionality and balances advanced project management features with an easy-to-use user interface. The tool allows project teams to assign work and collaborate over their projects, tracking time and project assets. Wrike具有强大的Gantt功能,并通过易于使用的用户界面平衡了高级项目管理功能。 该工具使项目团队可以分配工作并在其项目上进行协作,跟踪时间和项目资产。
This platform is built with software development teams in mind and lets them extend the tool’s capabilities in custom ways.

优先次序 (Prioritization)

Prioritizing project work may be a real challenge for project teams from various industries. When you do not prioritize work, you can damage all your team’s efforts and initiatives, and even drain team motivation.
对于来自各个行业的项目团队而言,确定项目工作的优先级可能是一个真正的挑战。 如果您不优先考虑工作,则可能会损害团队的所有努力和计划,甚至耗尽团队的动力。
Effective prioritization is like an art that's why more PM software pays attention to this crucial function.
If your product backlog needs global «cleaning» and optimization, you’ll definitely need powerful prioritization methodologies and frameworks to get things done quickly.
One of the tools that propose a functional prioritization matrix is
提出功能优先排序矩阵的工具之一是ProductBoard. ProductBoard
This matrix lets users visualize the value/effort (value/complexity) tradeoff across all features.

You may also find a great set of prioritization techniques in Hygger.io (Eisenhower matrix, Value vs Risk, Value vs Effort, ICE and RICE frameworks and the Weighted scoring model).

合作 (Collaboration)

Team collaboration has always been an important part of any business and now it is becoming more critical as we continue to be more interconnected via online technologies. Improving team collaboration is a permanent goal for all types of companies.
团队协作一直是任何业务的重要组成部分,现在,随着我们通过在线技术不断相互联系,这一点变得越来越重要。 改善团队协作是所有类型公司的永久目标。
Project management tools care about making their collaborating functionality throughout the world an easy process. Some of the famous project management tools have initially focused on team collaboration.
项目管理工具关心使它们在全世界的协作功能变得容易。 一些著名的项目管理工具最初集中于团队协作。 Basecamp is a vivid example. Basecamp message boards, native chats, and file sharing make the platform an excellent solution for collaboration with team members and customers. 大本营就是一个生动的例子。 Basecamp留言板,本地聊天和文件共享使该平台成为与团队成员和客户进行协作的绝佳解决方案。
The system combines communication, project management, digital asset management and basic payment options all in one place.

时间跟踪 (Time tracking)

During a project course, various modifications to the activities and resources may happen. Tracking of time spent on different activities is crucial in many ways.
在项目过程中,可能会对活动和资源进行各种修改。 在许多方面,跟踪在不同活动上花费的时间至关重要。
For project managers, it is important to understand and track the hours the resource is putting on different activities. The proper time entry allows project managers to see that the time is not exceeding the estimated time, and mitigate potential risks in advance. That's why this feature seems like the obvious one when choosing an appropriate PM software.
对于项目经理来说,重要的是了解并跟踪资源用于不同活动的时间。 正确的时间输入使项目经理可以看到时间没有超过估计的时间,并提前减轻了潜在的风险。 这就是为什么在选择合适的PM软件时此功能看起来很明显的原因。 Mavenlink can be considered as a good example. it helps project managers to get the best out of their team. The system allows gaining an in-depth insight into the workings of the teams and the progress of their projects. Here you'll find complex, but informative reports and data outputs.Mavenlink可以被视为一个很好的例子。 它可以帮助项目经理从团队中获得最大的收益。 该系统可以深入了解团队的运作及其项目的进度。 在这里,您会发现复杂但内容丰富的报告和数据输出。
The time tracking feature helps to track team productivity, increase efficiency and minimize time waste. The platform also includes accounting features that allow tracking employee expenses, set budgets, and receive payments.
时间跟踪功能有助于跟踪团队的生产力,提高效率并最大程度地减少时间浪费。 该平台还包括会计功能,可以跟踪员工费用,设定预算并接收付款。

外卖 (Takeaways)

Well, all we see that project management world is becoming more and more complicated. The good news is that the evolution of popular PM tools is starting to be more interesting and exciting.
好吧,我们所看到的,项目管理世界正在变得越来越复杂。 好消息是,流行的PM工具的发展开始变得更加有趣和令人兴奋。
Choosing the best software, you have to take into consideration a lot of details and functional abilities. Just try many of them, compare and make sure you use the right tools.
选择最好的软件,您必须考虑很多细节和功能。 只需尝试其中的许多功能,进行比较并确保您使用了正确的工具。

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/hygger/blog/455686/