

The last few years have seen an influx of new UX designers entering the field. There are countless University UX classes out there, and online courses – often very expensive. They all promise you’ll be building the next Uber, Airbnb or Netflix.

在过去的几年中,涌现了许多新的UX设计师进入该领域。 那里有无数的大学UX课程和在线课程-通常非常昂贵。 他们都承诺您将建立下一个Uber,Airbnb或Netflix。

Product Design came to the spotlight as being „easier than coding”, requiring mostly soft-skills and bringing in high salaries. Sounds like a great life path! So people buy the (often very expensive) courses and attend the university classes.

产品设计“比编码更容易”而成为人们关注的焦点,它主要需要软技能并带来高薪。 听起来像一条伟大的人生道路! 因此,人们购买了(通常非常昂贵的)课程并参加了大学课程。

下雨的初级设计师 (It’s raining junior designers)

Each year a new group of eager „junior-designers” starts looking for the dream job. Based on our experience and asking some companies around we created a short list of what most companies are looking for, so you’ll be more prepared to get that job.

每年都有一群热切的“初级设计师”开始寻找理想的工作。 根据我们的经验并询问周围的一些公司,我们为大多数公司寻找了一份简短的清单,因此您将为获得这份工作做好更多的准备。

检查您要申请的工作类型。 (Check the type of job you’re applying for.)

There’s nothing as frustrating as seeing a designer role getting queries from researchers who have not done almost any design. In general smaller companies are looking for a UX+UI combination (which should be the goal for most designers anyway) with just a tiny bit of research knowledge. It’s just the way the world works, so if you want to be a researcher that won’t really touch a design tool in your career it may be better to look at bigger brands.

没有什么比看到设计师角色从几乎没有做过任何设计的研究人员那里得到询问更令人沮丧的了。 通常,较小的公司正在寻求仅具有少量研究知识的UX + UI组合(无论如何,这应该是大多数设计师的目标)。 这就是世界运作的方式,因此,如果您想成为一个不会真正触及您职业生涯中的设计工具的研究人员,那么最好去看看更大的品牌。

What we’ve been getting quite a lot is portfolios with no UI designs at all for a role that required UI design skills. Template-based wireframes won’t really convince anyone you know how to do UI – sorry.

我们获得的很多东西是完全没有UI设计的作品集,而这个职位需要UI设计技能。 基于模板的线框并不能真正说服您知道如何做UI的任何人-抱歉。

On the other hand, almost no companies are looking for just a UI designer, so it’s good to back that Dribbble portfolio up with at least a couple of written thought processes behind the work. Employers want to see you simply know what you’re doing if they’re to give you creative control over their product or service.

另一方面,几乎没有公司正在寻找仅UI设计器,因此最好在Dribbble项目组合中至少包含两个书面思考过程以支持该工作。 雇主想要让您对他们的产品或服务具有创造性的控制权,他们只是希望您知道自己在做什么。

Design by https://dribbble.com/hype4

人们用眼睛购买–使用它。 (People buy with their eyes – use that.)

Humans were drawn to pretty, shiny things since the beginning of time. After all jewelry doesn’t really serve any purpose except looking shiny and nice, yet most people wear it.

自从一开始,人类就被吸引到漂亮,闪亮的事物上。 毕竟,除了看起来光泽和漂亮之外,珠宝并没有真正的作用,但是大多数人都佩戴它。

Maybe in some other, perfect world people would take the time to properly analyse your portfolio, read it in depth and asses it with high accuracy. But that is almost never the case.

也许在其他一些世界上,完美的人会花一些时间来正确分析您的投资组合,对其进行深入阅读并以高精度进行评估。 但这几乎从来都不是。

We scan until something catches our attention.


If you’re good at UI design be sure to present your work the right way. A set of rectangular screenshots is boring and uninspiring. Sure – the shots can be eye-catching, but you’re losing part of the effect already.

如果您擅长UI设计,请确保以正确的方式展示您的作品。 一组矩形屏幕截图既无聊又令人鼓舞。 当然,这些镜头可能会吸引眼球,但是您已经失去了部分效果。

Remember: you can only make a first impression once.


The way you present your work matters a lot. It can be the difference between someone dismissing you without properly familiarising themselves with your work, or you getting the job right away.

您介绍工作的方式非常重要。 可能是有人在不适当地熟悉您的工作的情况下解雇您,或者您立即获得工作。

Dribbble with all its flaws is still the best source of inspiration on how to show off your projects. Consider a grid of screens at an angle – which is a great way to show a larger scope and context of what you designed.

带有所有缺陷的Dribbble仍然是如何炫耀项目的最佳灵感来源。 考虑以一定角度排列的屏幕网格,这是显示更大范围和设计背景的好方法。

Or make an animated prototype showing some creative interactions – some of these are pretty easy to make, yet they always appear as if they were super hard to make. You can use that to your advantage by also showing you know how to animate and prototype.

或制作一个动画原型来显示一些创造性的交互作用-其中一些交互作用很容易制作,但始终看起来好像很难制作。 通过向您展示如何制作动画和制作原型,您可以利用它来发挥自己的优势。

Photo by Amélie Mourichon on Unsplash
AmélieMourichonUnsplash上的 照片

没有UI技能? 没问题! (No UI skills? No problem!)

If you’re good at planning and the process, show the entire process with proper visuals. You can also „present” non-visual UX projects with no shiny dribbble shots in them. Just take photos of your desk showing your sketches, interviews, flow diagrams and more.

如果您擅长计划和过程,请以适当的视觉效果展示整个过程。 您也可以“呈现”不包含闪闪发亮的非可视UX项目的非可视UX项目。 只需在办公桌上拍照即可显示草图,访谈,流程图等。

Make it a story on how you came up with the idea. What were your initial questions and identified problems. Then explore how you tried solving them, including the ideas you left behind in the process.

讲述您如何提出这个想法。 您最初提出的问题是什么? 然后探索您如何尝试解决这些问题,包括在此过程中留下的想法。

You can write it as a blog post, with photos of paper sketches outlining every project. In some cases it may require you to do a couple of extra sketches after the fact, to fill in the blanks in the thought process.

您可以将其写为博客文章,其中概述了每个项目的草图草图照片。 在某些情况下,可能需要您在事后做一些额外的草图,以填补思考过程中的空白。

The general rule of engaging content is to have an image every few paragraphs. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy – even a simple outline on how you came up with better button copy for your call to action.

吸引内容的一般规则是每隔几段就有一个图像。 不必花哨,甚至可以简单地概述一下如何为号召性用语设计更好的按钮。

你甚至喜欢你的工作吗? (Do you even like what you do?)

But most of all show that you’re really into design. Having a single, class project as your entire portfolio shows, that you didn’t put any time outside of class to work on your craft. Companies are looking for ambitious people who are really into design.

但最重要的是,这表明您确实喜欢设计。 整个项目组合显示只有一个班级项目,因此您没有在班级以外的任何时间从事手工工作。 公司正在寻找有志于设计的雄心勃勃的人。

And maybe if you only did that one class project, you don’t really want to become a designer? It may be the best time to ask yourself that, before you start sending out your one-piece-portfolio to others.

也许如果您只完成了一个班级项目,您是否真的不想成为一名设计师? 在开始将整体投资组合发送给他人之前,最好是问问自己的最佳时间。

On the other hand, if you’re truly dedicated and ideas on how to fix things are flowing through your head every waking minute, do everything you can to show it.


I think the lack of ambition is the major factor of companies not hiring junior designers. You can be lacking skill (obviously) but if you show even that little junior portfolio with creativity and thorough approach people will notice.

我认为缺乏野心是公司不雇用初级设计师的主要因素。 您可能会(显然)缺乏技能,但是即使您展示了很少的具有创造力和全面方法的初级投资组合,人们也会注意到。

To get that dream job, you just need to want to be a designer.


Good luck!


Check out my book: Designing User Interfaces????. You can ???? download 50 pages for free today. Learn the basics of design watching my ✅ Design Basics Videos.

查看我的书:《 设计用户界面》 。 您可以立即免费下载50页 观看我的“ 设计基础知识”视频,了解设计基础知识

Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海湾地区黑人设计师 :一个专业的黑人开发社区,他们是旧金山湾区的数字设计师和研究人员。 通过在社区中团结起来,成员可以共享灵感,联系,同伴指导,专业发展,资源,反馈,支持和韧性。 对系统性种族主义保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的设计社区。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/3-tips-for-junior-designers-looking-for-their-first-job-acfbffea64b
